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- 17th Century
WHAT IS AN ATOM? - PIERRE GASSENDI (1592-1655) - Rejected the view
- Atoms are the smallest unit of matter and make up that matter is infinitely divisible.
everything around us. - Suggested objects have subrata made up of basic,
- All matter whether in the form of water, carbon, air, or indivisible principles.
minerals consists of atoms, which are in turn made up of - ROBERT BOYLE (1627-1691) - Boyle’s Law
simple particles. - Claimed to transmute gold into mercury by means of
ANCIENT IDEAS OF ATOMS - All matter consists of corpuscles.
- THALES OF MILETUS (640-546 B.C) - synthesis - Element is a substance that cannot be broken into two
during life and the decomposition after death, water was or more substances.
the primary component of all matter - Father of Chemistry
- ANAXIMENES (526 B.C) - air - ISAAC NEWTON (1642-1726) - Opticks
- HERACLITUS (537-507 B.C) - fire - Corpuscular nature of light.
- PYTHAGORAS OF SAMOS (582-507 B.C) - All matter - Matter and light are made up of corpuscles.
is a combination of water, air, fire, and earth.
- EMPEDOCLES (450 B.C) - All matter is composed of THE STRUCTURE OF THE ATOM
various combinations and proportions of four elements. ❖ DALTON’S “BILLIARD BALL” MODEL
Example: The shinier a metal, the more fire it contains. - Proposed by John Dalton (1766 - 1844)
- ARISTOTLE (384-322 B.C) - All atoms of an element have the same size and weight
- Agreed with Pythagoras and that the atoms of an element bond chemically in
- All matters are infinitely divisible. simple ratios to form compounds.
- Gravity = elements going home - Deduced Law of Multiple Proportion
- LEUCIPPUS OF MILET (500-420 B.C) - First to believe HIS ATOMIC THEORY:
atoms. Atom for the Greek word “atomos” meaning 1. All matter is made of indestructible atoms.
indivisible. 2. Atoms of the same element are identical in their
- DEMOCRITUS OF ABDERE (460-370 B.C) physical and chemical properties.
CHARACTERISTICS OF ATOM: 3. Atoms of different elements have different physical
1. INVISIBLE because it is extremely small. and chemical properties.
2, INDIVISIBLE because it cannot be broken down into a 4. Atoms of different elements combine in simple
tinier unit whole-number ratios to form chemical compounds.
3. SOLID, SPHERICAL, not empty. 5. In chemical reactions, atoms cannot be subdivided,
4. Surrounded by an EMPTY SPACE created, or destroyed. They are only combined,
5. ETERNAL because atoms are seamless. separated, or rearranged.
- EPICURUS (341-270 B.C) - Supported Democritus' THOMSON’S PLUM-PUDDING MODEL
theory. - WILLIAM CROOKES (1860s) - Invented Crookes’
Tube to observe cathode rays.
- Aristotle refuted Democritus’s theory of atomism. rays = Electron from “Electric Ion”
- CHEMISTRY -is the study of properties and behavior of - EUGEN GOLDSTEIN (1886) - Observe “canal rays”
matter. Central science. - WILHELM WIEN (1889) - Coined “proton”
- ALCHEMY - A mixture of black magic, and scientific - JOSEPH JOHN THOMSON (1856-1940)
knowledge with many superstitions. - Dalton’s atomic model was not accurate.
- Alchemist developed a test tube, closed crucible, and - Atoms are uniform spheres of positively charged matter
retort. embedded with negatively charged electrons.
- Alchemy laid the foundation of medicine. - 1987, he proposed the plum-pudding model or raisin
- PHILIPPUS AUREOLUS PARACELSUS - “Father of bread atomic model because he visualized that electrons
Toxicology” are stuffed like raisins in the positively charged mass or
1. Find the ‘elixir of life” which can bring wealth, power, ❖ RUTHERFORD’S NUCLEAR MODEL OF THE
and immortality. ATOM
2. Find the so-called “philosopher’s stone” which can turn - ERNEST RUTHERFORD (1871-1937)
base metals into gold (believed to be the purest form of - Tested Thomson’s idea by striking alpha particles
matter). through a thin gold foil and identified them as flashes of
3. Discover to be the cosmological relationships of light or scintillations on a screen.
humans. - Nucleus is composed of nucleons: protons and
- Unstable motion of electron
1. Gold atoms must be mostly empty space.
2. Atom is composed of a positive, central core called ISOTOPES
nucleus. - Elements with the same atomic number but different
3. Electrons circulate the nucleus from a distance. mass.
- JAMES CHADWICK (1932) - Discovered neutrons. - HALF-LIFE is the amount of time it takes for half of the
- HENRY MOSELEY (1887-1915) atoms to decay into a more stable form.
- Atoms have a unique positive charge in their nucleus. - Most isotopes have short half-lives and must be produced
- Identity of atoms comes from the number of protons. in the laboratory to study or use.
- Atomic number is the number of protons and electrons in - URANIUM-238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years so it can
an atom. occur naturally.
- Mass of an atom is concentrated on its massive center. -Co-60 has only a half-life of 5.3 years half-life and is made
- Mass is equal to the number of protons and electrons in a nuclear reactor, also being used for radiation therapy of
combined. cancer patients.
- Unit “amu” (atomic mass unit) is used for atomic mass.
- Nuclear symbol = Element symbol + mass + atomic RADIOACTIVITY AND THE NUCLEAR REACTION
number - ERNEST RUTHERFORD discovered the three types of
EFFECT - alpha (α) - positively charged particle
- MAX KARL LUDWIG PLANCK (1858-1947) - beta (β) - negatively charged particle
- Quantum Hypothesis - gamma (y) - unchanged ray.
- A physical system cannot have random quantities of ALPHA EMISSION
energy but only discontinuous quantities assuming that the - The radioactive nuclide is changed into an element with an
energy comes in little bundles called quanta (plural of atomic number and mass number lower than 2 and 4,
quantum). respectively. In the equation of nuclear reactions, the alpha
- ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879-1955) particle is written as α or stable helium.
- Light also delivers its energy in bundles called photons. - Two protons and two neutrons are lost
- Light can dislodge an electron. - Protons and neutrons leave as an alpha particle
- Photoelectric effect. BETA EMISSION
❖ BOHR’S PLANETARY MODEL OF THE ATOM - Some radioactive nuclides have a neutron-to-proton ratio
- NIELS BOHR (1885-1962) - Proposed his quantized that is so high that they become unstable. To be stable,
planetary model of the atom to elucidate how electrons can they undergo beta emission (β or 0 (mass), -1(atomic) e),
have stable orbits around the nucleus. where the neutron becomes a proton, which stays inside
- Correctly assumed that electrons exist in certain energy the nucleus, and an electron, which is ejected from the
states. atom as a beta particle. The radioactive nuclide in beta
BOHR HYPOTHESIZED THE FOLLOWING: emission changes into a different element with an atomic
1. Electrons in atoms are permissible to be in certain number greater than one but with the same mass.
motionless states. Each stationary state is associated with a - An electron is ejected
certain energy. POSITION EMISSION
2.No energy emission occurs while an electron is in a - That has a neutron-to-proton ratio that is too low and
stationary state. When it moves from a high-energy therefore below the band of stability, can attain stability in
stationary state to a low-energy stationary state (a two different ways: positron emission or electron capture.
transition), an emission of energy takes place. The amount -(β or 0(mass), 1(atomic) e) occurs when a proton becomes
of energy is equal to the energy difference between the two a neutron and an antimatter electron.
stationary states. -the neutron stays in the nucleus and the positron speeds
3. In any stationary state, the electron moves in a circular out of the nucleus at a very high velocity, resulting in the
orbit around the nucleus. radioactive nuclide becoming a different element with an
4. An electron is allowed to move with angular momentum. atomic number that is lower by one but with the same mass.
-Bohr’s model correctly assumed that electrons exist in ELECTRON CAPTURE
certain energy states. But his model failed to explain how - The electron combines with a proton to form a neutron.
the electrons move about the orbits. -Iodine-25 which is used to determine blood hormone levels
- LOUIS DE BROGLIE (1892-1987) undergoes electron capture.
- Dual nature of electrons - Has the same conditions as position emission.
- Every particle has wavelike properties and its wavelength GAMMA RADIATION
is related to its mass. - More stable products, it always releases energy.
- WERNER HEISENBERG (1901-1976) - Gamma rays-steams of high-energy photons-are released
- Uncertain Principle when a radioactive nuclide leaves a nucleus in an excited
- Position and momentum of all small moving particles could state.
not be measured or known accurately at the same time. - When the product element descends to its ground state, it
- ERWIN SCHRODINGER (1887-1961) gives off photons in the gamma-ray region.
- Developed an atomic model based on wave -excited state, beta emission, gamma photon
function,which is based on the assumption that an electron
is a wave.
- Quantum Mechanical Model
- Atomic orbital - function of an electron
- Allowed electrons to occupy three-dimensional space.

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