Sports Betting

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One type of gambling that became more and more popular is sports betting.


sports gambling has risen in popularity, I do not find betting on collegiate sport as a good thing.

According to an NCAA article, written by Jeffery Derevensky and Tom Paskus, gambling on

college games can cause “deviant anti-social behaviors, decreased academic performance,

impaired athletics performance, and criminal and legal problems.” After watching the films, my

view on collegiate sports gambling has not changed.

For players like Steve Smith, Benny Sillman, Ernie Cobb, and Jim Sweeney, I would

advise them to focus on their education and stray away from gambling. I would let them know

the consequences of collegiate gambling can be very severe. An example of this can be found

with Benny Sillman. According to an article, by Richie Whitt, Sillman “Turned what should

have been a $20 million job into a $20,000 bribe. Traded multi-year contracts for a one-year

prison sentence.”

The NCAA should be monitoring March Madness pools. March Madness is one of the

biggest events in the sports world. The NCAA Division I men’s basketball games draws a huge

crowd with many placing bets for every games. The NCAA should be monitoring these pools

because many people are making illegal bets. According to courtneyannway, “March Madness

brackets including office pools are illegal … $8.9 billion wagered last year was all done

illegally.” Keeping an eye on the pools can reduce the number of illegal bets.

I think the biggest threat to the integrity of intercollegiate sports is use of drugs.

Players use drugs to enhance their performance but get caught after, which results in suspension.

Enhancement drugs can also cause nervousness, insomnia, dehydration, heatstroke and addiction,

according to Mayo Clinic Staff.

Whitt, R., Whitt, W. by R., Whitt, R., Henry, J., Barnhouse, W., & DFW, P. B. (2019, May 13).

The Lifetime 'headake' of Stevin Smith. Press Box DFW. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from

Courtneyannway. (2020, March 15). A question we wish we were asking today: Are March

madness brackets legal? Retrieved November 17, 2022, from


Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2020, December 4). Understanding the

risks of performance-enhancing drugs. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from



Mind, body and sport: Gambling among student-athletes. (n.d.). Retrieved

November 17, 2022, from


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