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Rizal in London (1888-1889)

First Slide

Three Reasons:

1. To improve his knowledge of the English language,

2. To study and annotate Morga's Sucesos de las Islas

Filipinas, a rare copy of which he heard to be available in
the British Museum and

3. London was a safe place for him to carry on his fight

against Spanish tyranny.

Second Slide

What happened in London?

 completed annotating Morga's book

 wrote many articles for La Solidaridad in defense of his people against Spanish
 penned a famous letter to the young women of Malolos
 carried on his voluminous correspondence with Blumentritt and relatives and
 had a romance with Gertrude Beckett.

Third Slide

Trip Across the Atlantic

New York to Liverpool

Fourth Slide

Adelphi Hotel (Liverpool) May 24, 1888

Fifth Slide

Life in London

 May 25, 1888 Rizal arrived at London

Stayed as guest at the home of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, an exile of 1872 and a practising
lawyer in London

No. 37
Crescent, Primrose Hill

 Owned by Beckett Family

Sixth Slide

Dr. Reinhold Rost

He called Rizal "a pearl of a man" (una perla de hombre).

Seventh Slide

News from home (Good and Bad)


1. Persecution of the Filipino patriots who signed "Anti-Friar Petition of 1888"

2. The Calamba Agrarian Conflict of 1888 in which the tenants, including Rizal's family were
being persecuted by the Dominicans.

3. Furious attacks on Rizal by Senators Salamanca and Vida in the Spanish Cortes and
by Desengaños (Wenceslao E. Retana) and Quioquiap (Pablo Feced) in Spanish news

4. MANUEL T. HIDALGO (husband of Saturnina) was exiled to Bohol

5. LAUREANO VIADO, a medical student at UST and friend of Rizal was imprisoned because of owing a
copy of Noli Me Tangere


REV. VICENTE GARCIA defended the Noli Me Tangere against the attack of friars.

Eight Slide

Short Visit to Paris and Spain

On December 11, 1888 he went to Madrid and Barcelona in spain to meet with MARCELO H. DEL PILAR

Nine Slide


 Rizal returned to London on December 24 and spent Christmas and New Year's
Day with the Becketts.
 He gave gifts to Bluementritt, Dr. Carlos Crepelak (Polish scholar) and to his landlady,
Mrs. Beckett.

Tenth Slide

 Rizal Becomes leader of Filipinos in Europe.

 By unanimous vote of all the members, Rizal was chosen honorary president.
This was a recognition of his leadership among all Filipino patriots in Europe

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