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Using the checklist below, put a star ( ) to indicate that the item is a prescriptive norms (Dos) and
cross mark ( X ) for proscriptive norms (Don’ts) appropriately on which column it falls under in view of
the period where each is likely to happen during the community immersion.

Dos & Don’ts Before During After

1. Act properly and discreetly. You are representing
your school and your fellow students. Be responsible
with the words you say.

2. Avoid bringing of original copies of signed X

documents in the community. It is better to carry
around original and certified true copies of document
to prevent loss and smudging the paper.

3. Familiarize yourself with the basic information and

theories regarding community life.

4. Never forget to inform and get the consent of your X

parents/guardians about the activities lined up.

5. Be courteous to everyone-whether to a vendor or a

community official. Remember that you are there to
work with the community.

6. Do not go directly to the community without X

determining the background information about it.

7. Depending on the type of entry you use, (please

see page 50 on phases of Community immersion)
wear proper uniforms and identification card.

8. Bring your own personal provision like water,

snacks, and extra shirt. These will be helpful to fill in
those hunger pangs while conducting the immersion.

V 9. Do not show off in terms of dressing up. You X

are there in the community to help. Just bring an
extra white shirt if you have to change your soiled
uniforms after your activities.

10. Validate and evaluate if the programs and

activities were conducted appropriately and as

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