Boom-Block Gambit: Redemption'S Rise

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Lysle Kapp Adventure � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 3
DEVELOPMENT LEAD Appendix 1: Level 5–6 Encounters� � � � � � 23
Jessica Catalan

ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT Appendix 2: Level 7–8 Encounters� � � � � � 27

Linda Zayas-Palmer
Appendix 3: Game Aids � � � � � � � � � � � � 31
Solomon St. John Organized Play � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 41
Shay Snow GM ResouRces
Campaign Home Page: starfindersociety. club
Books: Starfinder Core Rulebook, Starfinder Alien Archive (AA), Starfinder Alien Archive 3 (AA3),
Jason Smith
and Starfinder Armory (AR)
INTERIOR ARTISTS Maps: Starfinder Flip-Tiles: Space Station Starter Set, Starfinder Flip-Tiles: Space Station Docking
Michele Giorgi, Mark Molnar, Mary Jane Pajaron, Bay Expansion, and Starfinder Flip-Tiles: Space Station Emergency Expansion (optional)
Beatrice Pelagatti, and Jason Smith
Online Resource: Starfinder Reference Document at
Jason Engle and Jason Juta
scenaRio TaGs
ART DIRECTION AND GRAPHIC DESIGN Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more information
Emily Crowell and Justin Lucas on scenario tags see Chapter 1 of the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society.
Linda Zayas-Palmer FacTion (exo-GuaRdians)
Alex Speidel FacTion (second seekeRs [ehu hadiF])
Tonya Woldridge MeTaploT (YeaR oF RedeMpTion’s Rise)
Adam Daigle suMMaRY
The PCs are assigned to patrol B-block in the Adamantine Bastille when they’re caught up in an
escape attempt. While acting to stop the fugitive inmates, the PCs uncover a wider plot involving
Erik Mona
assassins entering the prison to eliminate targeted prisoners and kidnap another. Investigation
reveals a surprise enemy, who has connections to an old foe of the Starfinders.





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Beneath the Lorespire Complex lies the private Starfinder- Where in the Universe?
operated prison known as the Adamantine Bastille. Having
housed a variety of criminals and threats, the prison has This adventure takes place in the Adamantine Bastille, a
also long been a source of consternation and discomfort for prison maintained by the Starfinder Society that lays beneath
many Starfinder agents. The closure and repurposing of the the Lorespire Complex, headquarters of the Starfinder Society
Adamantine Bastille is chief among the agent-driven reforms located on Absalom Station.
that First Seeker Ehu Hadif has been implementing in the
aftermath of the Data Scourge. Although the First Seeker
is happy to see to the prison’s closure, it has neither been a
quick nor simple task. Working in partnership with Absalom
Station’s courts and other legal professionals over several
months, the Dataphiles and Cognates factions have undertaken
the process of determining which prisoners should be released,
which should have their cases reexamined, which should be
transferred to support or rehabilitation facilities, and which
should to be extradited to their home planets, among a variety
of other outcomes. Most of the prisoners have already been
processed and are no longer in Starfinder custody. ABSALOM STATION
The prisoners remaining within the Adamantine Bastille are The Nexus
the ones the Society has deemed to be a significant threat Diameter: 5 miles; Mass: less than ×1/100; Gravity: ×1 (artificial)
due to the violence of the crimes of which they have been Atmosphere: Normal; Day: 1 day (artificial); Year: 1 year
found guilty. These prisoners await transfer to the care of the Absalom Station orbits the sun where the missing planet
Stewards, where they’ll remain incarcerated. Among these of Golarion once was. It’s a major trade center and seat of
prisoners is Datch, a cunning criminal who attempted to government for the Pact Worlds, hosting representatives
destroy the Starfinder Society’s reputation and violently seize of various cultures and backgrounds from throughout the
control of AbadarCorp. known universe. For more information about Absalom
Yet, not all the prisoners are as dangerous or guilty as they Station, see page 400 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook and
appear. A secretive criminal group with a centuries-old connection page 38 of Starfinder Pact Worlds.
to the Starfinder Society has long used the Adamantine Bastille
as its own personal prison. Utilizing falsified documentation,
cover identities, and thorough knowledge of Starfinder Society (LN agender augmented elf), who was killed by Starfinders a
procedures, the clandestine group (referred to in this adventure few years ago. Iroiveth was tasked by the Organization with
only as the Organization) has falsely imprisoned civilians and helping Datch in her smear campaign against the Starfinders—
other foes it wants removed or disappeared, but who may prove for a time—then disposing of her as soon as she became a
useful in the future. liability. For her part, Datch is aware Iroiveth worked for an
The sudden closure of the Adamantine Bastille has forced the outside group with considerable influence that was willing to go
Organization to make a quick decision: allow these disappeared to extreme lengths to achieve its aims.
prisoners to be moved (and potentially discovered as innocent) While the Organization has taken considerable precautions
or infiltrate the Bastille and assassinate the falsely accused to conceal its existence from the Starfinder Society, their
prisoners. They have chosen death. current plot has many moving parts. The Society may not be
To that end, the Organization dispatched one of its most well-positioned to stop the assassinations and abductions, but
senior agents, Evethriel (LE female augmented elf mystic) to its agents can still take the opportunity to deal the Organization
pose as a Steward. Evethriel has a second objective beyond a significant blow. The stage is set for Starfinders to begin
murder: the abduction of Datch. While Evethriel and Datch have unraveling the Organization’s conspiracies and following the
not previously met, Datch has met Evethriel’s sibling, Iroiveth threads of their influence back to their mysterious source.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

GETTING STARTED 25+: The B-block and C-block hold some of the most dangerous
Having received a message from First Seeker Ehu Hadif, the enemies of the Society as well as individuals with information too
party heads to the entrance of the Adamantine Bastille. Give valuable to be kept unguarded. Adamantine security gates, anti-
the players Handout #1: First Seeker’s Message (page 34). Once teleportation wards, analytic body scanners, and surveillance
the players have read the handout, allow the PCs to gather and cameras are among the tools incorporated into the cellblocks
recall what information they can, making any purchases or other to protect inmates and prevent their escape. The outer cells of
preparations accordingly, before proceeding to the entrance of A-Block have significantly less security, often housing guests
the Adamantine Bastille. who required a private and secure location to lay low or hide
from enemies. In the past, the Starfinder Society has offered this
COMPUTERS, CULTURE service to special allies in dire need of remaining hidden from the
(RECALL KNOWLEDGE), rest of the galaxy.
OR DIPLOMACY (GATHER 30+: Approximately two years ago, Datch infected the Lorespire
INFORMATION) Complex’s computer systems with malicious programming,
Based on the result of a Computers, Culture, or granting her surveillance and control throughout the Starfinder
Diplomacy check, the PCs might know more about Society’s headquarters. Discovering the intrusion, then First
the Adamantine Bastille, its defenses, and its Seeker Luwazi Elsebo and Celita assigned an elite Starfinder
history. They learn all of the information whose team to secretly access Guidance’s core server. These
DC is equal to or less than the result of their check. agents snuck into the Lorespire Complex through the
PCs who played Starfinder Society Scenario waste processing center and advanced up a waste
#2-14: Data Purge automatically recall chute into the Adamantine Bastille. From there,
the information from the 30+ section the agents accessed the maintenance tunnels
since they were the team in question; leading to Guidance’s core server and uploaded
don’t provide this information until antivirus files to rid the Complex’s systems of the
the PCs have reason to know malicious spyware.
that Datch is relevant to this
adventure (such as by gaining the MEETING WITH THE
15+ information below or from FIRST SEEKER
reviewing documentation about At the entrance to the Adamantine Bastille, Steward
the prisoners). agents and Starfinder agents alike hustle in and out of the
10+: The Starfinder Society has pair of massive doors opening to the sally port that leads into
occasionally detained certain criminals the prison. First Speaker Ehu Hadif (LG male kasatha solarian)
and villains that posed an active threat to waits outside the doors as Ixthia the Unbreakable (LG agender
its agents or the interests of other beings copaxiAA4 vanguard), leader of the Exo-Guardians, speaks
or groups within the Pact Worlds. with one of the Steward officers. Upon spying the PCs, Ehu
15+: The Society holds its prisoners waves one of his many hands and motions for them to
within the Adamantine Bastille, a approach him. Read or paraphrase the following.
Starfinder-run prison that lies beneath the
Lorespire Complex. Among those currently “I’m pleased to see you here,” declares the First
being held by the Society is Datch, the former Seeker. “Transfers are going as planned, but one can
Archdirector of Security for AbadarCorp and never be too cautious. These walls hold some very
a confirmed criminal who waged a lengthy, dangerous, bold, and capable beings—many of
multimedia smear campaign against the whom are currently held in B-block, where I need
Starfinder Society and arranged the murder of you to patrol. While the prisoners remain within
numerous AbadarCorp employees. Starfinder care, the Society is responsible for
20+: Composed of a series of outer cells that their safety and security.”
surround three areas of high-security cellblocks Ehu extends a hand holding a datapad.
designated as A-Block, B-block, and C-Block, “A-Block is fully cleared. You’ll find
the Adamantine Bastille is guarded approximately three dozen prisoners
by veteran Starfinder agents. Its remain in the Bastille. Over half
existence has long been a source of of those remain in B-block, which
consternation and discomfort for Ehu Hadif you will be patrolling. Information
many Starfinder agents. regarding the prisoners can be found

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

on this datapad. Several cells in B-block have been emptied, but in the central row, and ending with cells ABB401–ABB407 in the
not all. Of course, during an activity as sensitive as prisoner east-most row near B-Block’s entrance. Although the cells vary
transfers, one should keep a vigilant eye on all areas within in size and accommodations depending on the biology of the
the cellblock.” individuals formerly or presently housed within them, each shares
“We’ve seen to it the surveillance equipment, protective the same common features. A single, transparent wall composed
wards, and security measures in the Adamantine Bastille have of transparent aluminum faces the alley. A single metal bed tray,
been checked and re-checked prior to your arrival,” adds Ixthia. sink, and waste portal are bolted to the interior, adamantine-
“All are in optimum working order. The prior patrol reported coated walls. A small desk and chair are bolted to the floor. The
no incidents. Nevertheless, given the nature of the remaining interior ceilings are 20 feet high, but the exterior extends to the
prisoners, we thought it wise to maintain patrols by our most cellblock ceiling, which is 25 feet high. The alleys and cells all have
capable agents throughout the transfer process.” normal light until the explosion in Event 1 causes a blackout and
They hold out a key card. “This opens each of the cells in the emergency lighting kicks in to provide dim light.
B-block, should you need access at some point while conducting The unmarked cells on the map are unoccupied, standing
your patrol. You’re responsible for monitoring the prisoners in empty and unlocked as the prisoners within them have already
B-block. You need not concern yourself with the process of undergone transfer. Each cell can be locked or unlocked with the
transferring the prisoners over to the Stewards. Another agent, keycard Ixthia provided.
Jewel Whitforge, is handling the more bureaucratic tasks, Roughly every 30 minutes, a Steward officer is scheduled to
such as reviewing transfer orders, tracking the accompanying enter the cellblock to take a prisoner into custody and ready
documentation, and showing Steward agents to the appropriate them for transport. Once Evethriel leaves with Datch during
cell numbers upon arrival. Though I expect her duties Event 2, Whitforge places B-block in lockdown and
to keep her occupied during your patrol, she outside traffic can no longer enter.
knows the Adamantine Bastille better than most During their shift, the PCs are expected to
agents and is a useful resource should any pass through each of the areas of the cellblock
issues arise.” and can interact with some of the prisoners.
The interactions should be kept brief to ensure
Ehu tasks the PCs with guarding and time for the later events. Ask the players what
patrolling on B-block (areas A and B). The method they use to patrol the area. After they
datapad contains a list of the prisoners awaiting have had a chance to patrol the area, Event
transfer in B-Block, give the players Handout 1 begins, and the Organization’s plan enters
#2: Prisoner List (page 35) when the PCs its next phase. Familiarize yourself with the
review it. The keycard opens the cells on Organization’s plot and this adventure’s
B-block, though a failsafe programmed into events, consulting Handout #3: Timeline
it allows only one cell to be opened at a of the Organization’s Plot on page 36 as
time. The datapad also includes a map needed. Handout #3 is intended for
of B-block. Ehu and Ixthia do their GM use only.
best to answer any questions the PCs Jewel Whitforge This area is particularly large. In
may have. If asked, they can provide order to fit on a standard-sized battle
information about the Adamantine grid, it has been subdivided into two
Bastille, its defenses, and its history (see Getting Started on page maps, areas A and B. Use the maps on pages 6 and 9 for this
4). They also try to answer any questions about the remaining area. The locations in area A are described below, followed by the
prisoners, noting the PCs may well have encountered Datch, if locations in area B. Areas A and B are connected by a 100-foot-
not the others. They think highly of Whitforge and consider her long hallway. At the beginning of this hallway, on the side of area
to be a competent, friendly, and trusted Starfinder agent. A is a magically and technologically reinforced door that can
Development: At the briefing’s end, Ehu asks the PCs to be triggered in case of emergency to allow the guards to take
seriously consider what they’d like to see the Bastille become shelter in area B and escape through the laundry hatch in area
once it’s closed and remodeled. B2 to gather reinforcements. This door remains open and tucked
away in the walls until the PCs reach area B and begin combat
B-BLOCK with the Horn Gang (see Event 3 for more details)
B-block is a functioning prison cellblock. Its most prominent feature
are the rows of prison cells, which are numbered consecutively A1. MAIN ENTRANCE
by north-south row, beginning with cells ABB101–ABB107 in the A single entrance allows access to B-block. When the PCs arrive,
west-most row, cells ABB201–ABB208 and cells ABB301–ABB308 read or paraphrase the following.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit



A7 A5 A5

A5 A5 A2

A5 A6 A5

A4 A5 A5

A6 A3 A5

A5 A3 A6

A6 A3



Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

This room has a series of computer terminals used for processing ROLEPLAYING WHITFORGE
transfer documents and unlocking the cellblock doors. Monitors Whitforge is a skilled and crafty spy. Her presentation as
cover the walls, providing live feeds of the cellblock alleys, the pleasant, curious, and helpful to the PCs is an integral part
sally port, and the entrances to the other cellblocks. of advancing the Organization’s plot. Should she fall under
Only one terminal is currently in use, mostly obscured by suspicion, allow the PCs to attempt a DC 31 Sense Motive
several stacks of old-fashioned bound paper books piled upon check (DC 34 for Levels 7–8) to detect deception against
it, and occupied by a bookish, dwarven woman. She turns her Whitforge. If confronted about being deceptive, Whitforge
chair to stand, knocking over piles of books in the process. admits she has concerns about the PCs’ presence and
“Greetings! I’m Jewel Whitforge,” says the dwarven woman their capabilities as she’s used to handling B-block on her
by way of introduction. She flashes a chipper smile before own, that anything could go wrong given the nature of
bending down to start picking books up off the floor. “Once I the remaining prisoners, and she’d honestly prefer matters
get these books taken care of, I’ll buzz you through the security be left in her capable hands without the PCs meddling
door into B-block.” or interfering with the prison’s final operations. These
“Sorry about the mess,” she continues. “Staffing has been statements are true.
reduced as the Adamantine Bastille undergoes decommission
and the number of prisoners is reduced. Still, Royo insisted the
remaining prisoners be provided these books as long as Unless described otherwise, Whitforge remains at her post
they remained here. They may be old-fashioned, at this location, observing the PCs through the cameras.
but Royo says they open opportunities for
learning and entertainment without the risks that A2. DATCH’S CELL
come with giving inmates access to the infosphere. The notorious Datch (NE female ysoki) is currently being
To be honest, I think Royo just sends the books down housed in this otherwise typical cell as she awaits
here to make room for more books on his library transfer. As the PCs patrol the cellblock, they should
shelves. If he has his way, this cellblock and pass by this cell. When they do, read or paraphrase
all the others will be converted the following.
into full-on library wings!”
“Hello, Starfinders! I’m tickled red
The woman is Jewel that you’ve decided to stop by for a
Whitforge (LN female house-warming visit. Do you like what
augmented dwarf I’ve done with the place? It could use a fresh coat
operative). Whitforge of paint and some curtains, but otherwise I think
has been tasked with it looks rather cozy, don’t you?” The white ysoki
double-checking all the beams with a wide grin as she gestures from the
documents during each transparent walls of her cell to the steel desk in
transfer and unlocking front of her. “For those I haven’t met, I’m Datch,
the cellblock doors, among and I’m known for more than just my eye for
other duties. A PC who succeeds fine décor. Sure, the Society and I may have had
at DC 15 Culture check knows that Whitforge our differences in the past, but I’m willing to let
is well-known within the Starfinder Society. She bygones be bygones.”
joined the Society five years ago in the wake
of the Scoured Stars Incident and quickly rose Datch once served as Archdirector of Security
to her current administrative position within for AbadarCorp. While in that position, she
the Adamantine Bastille. She’s known for her executed a multimedia smear campaign targeting
efficiency, intelligence, and friendliness. the Starfinder Society as part of her scheme
In truth, Whitforge isn’t a loyal to ascend the corporate ladder. She’s been
Starfinder. She’s a spy working for the imprisoned within the Adamantine Bastille
secretive Organization who maintains a since the Society put a stop to her murderous
cover life as a Starfinder to perform their manipulations approximately two
duties throughout the Adamantine years ago. Datch has an inkling
Bastille. See the Roleplaying that something big may be afoot
Whitforge sidebar on page 7 for Datch but hopes to weasel some additional
advice on running  Whitforge. information out of the PCs. She

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

engages the PCs in conversation and asks leading questions. contain those prisoners that the assassins have designated for
A PC that succeeds at a DC 15 Sense Motive check on Datch, termination. The occupants of these cells are innocent of the
realizes she’s fishing for information, but doesn’t otherwise seem crimes for which they have been charged, which are listed in
to have anything up her sleeve. Handout #2: Prisoner List, however, these prisoners have long
Development: Shortly after Event 1, Datch is removed from given up claiming their innocence. They remain silent and don’t
her cell by Evethriel, who is disguised as a Steward. See the speak with the PCs under any circumstances.
Datch is Gone! sidebar on page 13 for more information. Development: During Event 4, the PCs discover that several or
all of the people in these cells have been murdered. The number
A3. HORN GANG CELLS of people who are still alive depends upon the PCs’ actions later
Typical of the other cells in the block, each one of these cells in the adventure.
holds a member of the “Horn Gang,” Cloug (N barathuAA),
Meddo “The Horn” Borvakis (NE female nuarAA mechanic), and A7. BISSERELLE’S CELL
Scrupps (CE male trollAA3). Each is described in more detail in Bisserelle (N male wrikreecheeAA envoy) is held here. Like the
Event 3 on page 12. The three gang members have a history of other targeted inmates, Bisserelle has been wrongly imprisoned
working together, carrying out a series of daring heists, before but has resigned himself to his fate, fearing any protests of
they were caught trying to steal priceless artifacts from the innocence will be ignored as they have in the past. He’s the final
Lorespire Complex. prisoner the assassins have marked for termination.
Development: Each of these cells is blown open with an Development: During Event 4, a pair of assassins unlocks this
explosive device during Event 1. Event 2 and Event 3 involve cell and attempts to murder Bisserelle. The PCs arrive in time to
the attempted escape of the Horn Gang in other locations (potentially) save Bisserelle’s life.
within B-Block.
A4. TOZZARRACK’S CELL This area provides a place for prison staff to gather outside of
This cell has the features typical of the other cells in the block the prisoners’ view, conduct reporting, store basic supplies and
and houses Tozzarrack (CE agender copaxiAA4 operative). A PC materials, and relax. The area is currently unoccupied due to
that succeeds at a DC 18 Culture check recalls Tozzarrack’s staff reductions and the impending closure.
history. Fed anti-robot propaganda since a young colony, Hazard: If the PCs fail to keep pace with the escaped Horn
Tozzarrack became a “scrap minder,” one of the covert Gang during Event 2, the Horn gang sets an improvised explosive
government operatives that battled the “robot menace” on detonation trap here, as described on page 11.
Tabrid Minor. Tozzarrack successful sought and destroyed Treasure: A stash of gear, consisting of a d-suit II with a mk
robotic threats on their home world until the government’s 1 thermal capacitor upgrade, a liquidator disintegration pistol
stance on artificial intelligence was altered after an incident (Starfinder Armory 36), a yellow star solar brand (Armory 43),
involving the Starfinder Society. When the “scrap minders” were two batteries, two high-capacity batteries, and two mk 2 frag
shut down, Tozzarrack blamed the Society. Calling themselves grenades (plus two mk 3 incendiary grenades for levels 7–8), lies
the “Circuit Breaker,” Tozzarrack commenced a campaign of behind a panel here, having been previously placed by Evethriel.
terror, committing numerous violent acts against artificial The weapons are relatively generic and conclusively neither of
beings and members of the Starfinder Society. Starfinder nor Steward standard issue. A PC who searches the
Development: This cell is damaged by an explosion during area prior to Event 1’s explosions can locate these items with a
Event 1, injuring Tozzarrack and pinning them beneath a pile of successful DC 24 Perception check (DC 28 for levels 5–8). After
rubble. See Event 1 on page 10 for more information. Event 1, the explosions knock the panel loose, making the stash
obvious to all PCs without a check.
These cells, typical of the others in the cellblock, contain B2. LAUNDRY CHUTE ACCESS
prisoners guilty of violent and heinous crimes, which are briefly This area contains a laundry chute used for the cleaning of guard
described in Handout #2: Prisoner List. If asked, they don’t deny uniforms, prisoner linens, and the like. As the chute leads outside
their crimes or hide their motivations. the block, it’s secured by a hatch prominently labeled “laundry
Development: The occupants of these cells witness the drop.” The hatch requires the insertion of a valid keycard and
assassination of targeted inmates during Event 4 and can entry of a valid access code to open. The map of B-block the PCs
provide information to the PCs during Event 4 and Event 5. received on their datapad includes the current access code for
the laundry chute.
A6. TARGETED CELLS Development: During Event 3 the PCs encounter the Horn
These cells, designated ABB105, ABB207, ABB303, and ABB306, Gang here attempting to escape.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit






Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

EVENT 1: KABOOM! 23 for levels 7–8). Failure by 5 or more causes them to take 1d6
This event occurs after the PCs have had a chance to patrol the damage and remain stuck.
whole block. The Horn Gang does their best to wait until a point As noted in area A4 on page 8, Tozzarrack harbors a strong
in the PCs’ patrol where none of them are watching their cells. prejudice against all forms of AI and technological life and is
If the PCs’ patrol pattern has no such gaps, they look for the loath to receive help from any such “junk,” including androids,
pattern’s weakest point instead. SROs, drones, and anyone augmented with cybernetics. If any
A series of three violent explosions shakes B-block and the of the PCs fit into these categories, they loudly refuse their
area is momentarily plunged into darkness. These explosions aid, choosing to risk death rather than be helped by “scrap
come from the cells marked A3, where each of the members metal.” Under these circumstances, the DC to rescue Tozzarrack
of the Horn Gang detonates explosives to destroy their cell increases to DC 24 (DC 28 for levels 7–8). A PC that succeeds at
doors before fleeing toward area B. Each character must a DC 22 Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check (DC 26 for levels
succeed at a DC 17 Reflex save or be knocked prone and 7–8) can convince Tozzarrack to accept their help, reducing the
take 3d6 bludgeoning damage (DC 18 and 5d6 bludgeoning DC back down to its standard levels.
damage for levels 7–8). Simultaneously, the cameras and If the PCs check on Whitforge, she’s prone in area A1, with
comms in B-block are scrambled, rendering all cameras a bloody nose and a hand raised to hold
inoperable for 10 minutes, and all comm units her bumped head. She insists she’s fine,
and other communications devices inoperable drags herself to the desk and calls out to
for 1 hour. All prisoners other than the Horn the PCs through the entry doors, explaining
Gang members are knocked prone and hurt by cameras and comms are down, but the locks
the blast, including Datch, who looks surprised. are functioning, and B-block’s entrance is
She has nothing to do with the explosion and undamaged. She urges the PCs to find the source
her cell remains securely locked. If the PCs of the explosion while she tries to fix the comms
didn’t leave any opportunities for the Horn and ensures the entrance remains secure.
Gang to escape without being observed, one Development: If the PCs free Tozzarrack from the
or more might witness the explosions directly, rubble and ask what happened, they admit the three
with unobserved cells exploding first to provide members of the Horn Gang used explosives to blow open
a distraction for prisoners in observed cells to their cells then fled deeper into the cellblock (to the
trigger their own escape routes. After a few south). Tozzarrack doesn’t know how they got the
moments, the emergency lighting activates, explosives, but they do recall seeing the Horn
illuminating the entirety of B-block in Gang carrying a tool kit and a fourth explosive
dim light. device. This information grants the PCs a +2
The PCs might choose to run after circumstance bonus on spotting the
the fleeing Horn Gang members trap, if set, in Event 2. The PCs can
immediately, or check on the status of Tozzarrack use the keycard provided by Ixthia
prisoners after the explosion. Whatever to place Tozzarrack into one of the
they choose, one prisoner’s plight is nearby, unoccupied cells if they wish.
immediately obvious. Read or paraphrase the following. If the PCs decide to update Whitforge on the Horn Gang’s
escape attempt, she urges them to track down the Horn Gang
Red emergency lights flicker to life, illuminating the intersection before they get away.
of two alleys between multiple rows of cells. Acrid, burning Infamy: If the PCs chose not to help Tozzarrack, they gain
clouds of particulates linger in the air, producing an eerie haze 1 Infamy. They don’t gain this Infamy if they failed to help
that covers an area littered with fragments of twisted metal and Tozzarrack (only if they purposefully chose not to help). They
charred debris. Large craters pock the floors, exposing internal also don’t gain this Infamy if they choose to chase after the
damaged pipes and disconnected electrical cables. fleeing prisoners first and then help Tozzarrack after Event 4.
The purple, roughly humanoid shape of a copaxi struggles However, this delay makes them harder to save, increasing the
beneath a pile of metallic shards and rubble. Their efforts DC of all checks to rescue them by 2 and lowering Tozzarrack’s
produce an audible cry of pain, but leave them helplessly pinned. remaining Hit Points to 7.

The copaxi is Tozzarrack, who lies injured and trapped beneath EVENT 2: RUNDOWN (CR 6
debris left by the explosions. They have 10 Hit Points remaining. OR CR 8)
Safely freeing Tozzarrack from the debris requires a PC to As the PCs rush deeper into B-block to find the escaped prisoners,
succeed at a DC 20 Athletics, Engineering, or Medicine check (DC the members of the Horn Gang try to remain out of sight and make

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

good their escape. Catching up to the fleeing prisoners requires SPLITTING THE PARTY
the PCs overcome a few obstacles. Each obstacle requires three It’s possible the PCs will be suspicious enough of events
successful DC 20 skill checks (DC 23 for levels 7–8) to efficiently in the cell block that some of them stay behind while
circumvent; groups of 5 or fewer PCs require only 2 successful the others chase the Horn Gang. This decision could
checks. If the PCs don’t accrue enough successes, they proceed to rapidly become dangerous for the PCs, as they could
the next obstacle regardless, but the lead of the escaping inmates wind up clashing with the Horn Gang and the arriving
increases, and they may have to contend with an additional trap. assassins at the same time. However, it also opens up the
Catching Bearings: Determining or anticipating which way the possibility that the PCs could prevent any assassinations
Horn Gang fled requires a successful Engineering, Perception, or from happening. If your group decides to leave members
Sense Motive check. The DC of this check assumes that none of behind in the cell block, carefully consider the assassin’s
the PCs were actively observing the cells in area A3 at the time of tactics. It would be appropriate to have them prioritize
the explosion; if the PCs didn’t leave such an opportunity for the killing their targets until the skeleton crew of PCs
Horn Gang, PCs who witnessed the explosions directly gain a +5 establishes they’re a legitimate threat. They might also
circumstance bonus on this check. decide to have one of them attack the PCs while the
Smoke-Filled Corridor: The explosions released billowing other continues with the killings, realizing only too late
smoke and particles into the air that fill the corridors and what the PCs are capable of. In the Horn Gang encounter,
intersections of the cellblock. Identifying the forms of the consider having Meddo continue to try hacking the
escaping prisoners through hazy air requires a successful laundry chute rather than joining the combat right away.
Perception, Life Science, or Survival check. When choosing tactics, use your best judgment to create
Coated Floors: Debris from the explosion severed a service a situation that has dramatic tension but avoids being
pipe in the walls, which is now spraying an oily substance across too deadly for the PCs.
the floors of the cellblock, making them slick. Keeping pace If any PCs remain behind in area A, they witness the
with the prisoners requires a successful Acrobatics or Physical emergency doors leading to area B closing, a visual and
Science check. auditory clue of their isolation. The assassins target Favienn
If the PCs succeed on at least two of these obstacles, they in cell ABB306 first, in order to draw the PCs’ attention
corner the escapees as soon as they reach area B2; proceed away from Datch’s cell. Save the attack on Bisserelle
directly to Event 3. Otherwise, the prisoners get a large lead and described in Event 4 for a time when the other PCs catch
have time to rig an improvised explosive detonation trap behind up or the last target, whichever comes first. Unless stopped,
them. In this instance, the PCs risk triggering this trap as they the assassins kill one target every 3 rounds, as described in
pass through area B1. This trap is detailed under Hazards below. the development section of Event 3.
After the PCs encounter this trap, proceed to Event 3. If any PCs are positioned to witness Evethriel coming
Hazards: If the given enough time, the Horn Gang sets up an in to abduct Datch, she notices their attention and stays
improvised explosive detonation trap in area B1 that the PCs in-character with her disguise, holding her weapon at the
either trigger or disable as they pass through. ready and demanding to know what’s going on here. She
moves toward the PCs via the easternmost cells as if to join
LEVELS 5–6 (CR 6) them, except instead of rounding the corner to join in the
combat, she opens the door to Datch’s cell, enters, and then
IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DETONATION TRAP CR 6 teleports away with her. The PCs hear the sound of the cell
Type technological; Perception DC 29; Disable Engineering door opening.
DC 24 (defuse explosive) If the PCs choose to focus their efforts on opening
Trigger location; Reset none that door to reunite with their allies rather than
Effect explosion (4d12+4 F & P); Reflex DC 16 half; multiple attacking the assassins, the assassins don’t attack them.
targets (all targets within 20-ft. radius) They want to get their job done and get out of here as
soon as possible, before Starfinder reinforcements have
LEVELS 7–8 (CR 8) a chance to arrive. Note the DC of the Computers check
to hack the door from this side is 5 higher for people
Type technological; Perception DC 32; Disable Engineering
DC 27 (defuse explosive)
Trigger location; Reset none
Effect explosion (8d10 F & P); Reflex DC 18 half; multiple
targets (all targets within 20-ft. radius)

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

Development: Whitforge intends to trap the PCs in area B. “Hurry up! Hurry up!” chants a third voice, deeper and gruffer
When she no longer hears the sounds of the chase in area A, she than the others.
remotely closes the security door at the beginning of the hallway “Type in the code!” repeats the squeaky voice.
that leads from area A to area B. This door isn’t visible from area “The code isn’t working!” yells the female voice in growing
B1, and the PCs are unlikely to notice the closing door unless exasperation. Her cry is accompanied by more pounding and
some of them remained behind in area A. punctuated by the return of the sharp buzzing sound. “Why
isn’t it working? She said it would work!”
OR 10) Creatures: The three members of the Horn Gang are
This encounter uses the map of area B on page 9. If the PCs unsuccessfully attempting to open a secured access hatch
trigger the improvised explosive detonation trap in Event 2, they that leads to a laundry chute, which they hope will enable
start this encounter in area B1. Otherwise, the PCs start this their escape. The squeaky voice belongs to Cloug and the
encounter in the northmost corridor of area B2. Wherever the barathu impatiently raps their tentacles on the floor. The gang’s
PCs start, the Horn Gang is currently arguing over accessing the leader Meddo frantically and repeatedly types a code into the
laundry drop hatch. Read or paraphrase the following. keypad of a hatch marked “laundry drop.” Each of her failed
attempts is accompanied by a red light and the sharp buzzing
“Type in the code!” calls out a voice ahead, its tone akin to that sound, confirming the entered code hasn’t been accepted. The
of squeaking balloon. “Aren’t nuar supposed to be good with third member, Scrupps, is the source of the gruff chanting.
directions. Why isn’t the laundry chute open yet?” Unfortunately for the Horn Gang their efforts to open the hatch
“I’m trying but the key card isn’t working!” huffs a female are doomed to failure, as Evethriel intentionally provided them
voice. Her response is accompanied by a deep snort and the with an invalid code. Her only intention was to use the Horn Gang
pounding of access keys followed by a sharp buzzing sound. as a handy (and dangerous) distraction.
Meddo is well-armed after finding a cache of weapons that
Evethriel had placed in the cellblock. The equipment is relatively
generic and neither of Starfinder nor Steward standard issue.
The Horn Gang attacks the PCs as soon as they notice their
presence. Cloug and Scrupps fight in melee, while Meddo is
adaptive, fighting in melee or at range as the situation permits.
Each member of the Horn Gang focuses their attacks on a different
PC and surrenders when they’re reduced to 15 Hit Points or less.

LEVELS 5–6 (CR 8)

Page 23, art on page 32


Page 23, art on page 32

Page 24, art on page 32

LEVELS 7–8 (CR 10)

Page 27, art on page 32


Page 27, art on page 32
Meddo “The Horn”
Page 28, art on page 32

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

Development: Once the Horn Gang has been subdued or DATCH IS GONE!
captured, the PCs are likely to want to return to the rest of While the PCs battle the Horn Gang in Event 3, Whitforge
the cell block. They find the security door at the entrance to carries out the Organization’s plan. She allows Evethriel,
area A has been sealed. Among other things, this security disguised as a Steward, to retrieve Datch, who is then
door is excellent at blocking sound, and prevents the PCs from processed for transfer in the same manner as prior
hearing the assassinations taking place on the other side until prisoners, only she isn’t actually placed in Steward custody.
they open it. From that point on, Datch is no longer in her cell. However,
The PCs have two primary options for getting out of this it’s likely some time, perhaps after Event 4, before the PCs
room and back to the cell block. Their fastest option is to learn of Datch’s absence.
attempt to open the security door. While their keycard alone Whenever the PCs subsequently pass Datch’s cell, it’s
would normally be enough to open the door from this side, obvious the cell lies empty. Inside is a red apple with a single
the access panel seems to be glitching. Since the PCs have bite taken out of it. Allow the PCs to suspect that Datch is
the keycard, they can hack the door with three full rounds behind the prison break and assassins. Her cell yields no
of effort and a successful DC 23 Computers check to hack further clues.
system (DC 26 for levels 7–8). They can voluntarily increase If questioned about Datch’s disappearance, Whitforge
this DC by 5 to reduce the number of rounds needed to hack claims she’s been transferred to Steward custody and
the door by 1 (to a minimum of one full round). If for whatever has left the Lorespire Complex. The Steward in question
reason the PCs don’t have the keycard, the DC increases by 5. had all the appropriate documentation and identification.
Alternatively, they can attempt to destroy the door by force, If asked for a description of the Steward, Whitforge
though doing so is no easy feat. The magically reinforced steel describes an elven woman with black and purple hair,
door has 20 Hardness, 180 Hit Points (240 Hit Points for levels matching any descriptions previously provided to the
7–8), and a Break DC of 32. PCs by the Horn Gang. Whitforge explains the Steward
The cell block’s anti-teleportation wards would normally arrived right after the explosions. The Steward didn’t
prevent the PCs from using teleportation abilities to bypass the fully trust the Starfinder Society, so she’d been standing
door. However, Whitforge has taken these wards down in order by to provide additional security. When the explosions
to allow the assassins to teleport in and Evethriel to teleport out. happened, the Steward reported she suspected Datch,
Therefore, PCs can use teleportation abilities. and wanted to be sure she didn’t have the opportunity to
If the PCs take 3 or fewer rounds to bypass the security use the chaos to escape custody. Whitforge feigns being
door, Datch is gone and the assassins have killed Favienn in cell panicked and upset if the PCs reveal she was tricked by
ABB306, but their other targets remain alive. the Steward. In reality, Whitforge knows all is still going
If the PCs take 4 to 6 rounds to bypass the security door, according to plan.
the assassins have killed both Favienn and Evaneen Joswin in
cell ABB303.
If the PCs take 7 to 9 rounds to bypass the security door, the
assassins have killed Favienn, Evaneen, and Senrallah Xigurr in
cell ABB207.
After 10 rounds, lights on the door blink, the security system
resets, and the door reopens seemingly on its own (this reset
was triggered by Guidance, as the PCs can discover during their
later investigation). In this case, the PCs can freely proceed
back to the cell block. Due to the considerable delay, Favienn,
Evaneen, Senrallah Xigurr, and Kleckchyt in cell ABB105 are
all dead.
Alternatively, the PCs can exit via the laundry chute, using
their keycard and the code printed on the map of B-block they
received at the beginning of the adventure. This method requires
no check, but takes a while to run back around from the laundry
room to the compound’s entrance. If the PCs chose this method
immediately, they arrive back in the cell block after 8 rounds,
receiving the results listed above. If they spent time trying to
hack or break down the other door first, they instead receive the Bisserelle
results for taking more than 10 rounds.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

EVENT 4: ASSASSINS ON Whenever an assassin is reduced to 0 Hit Points, a chemical

THE BLOCK (CR 8 OR CR 10) releases through their bloodstream, instantly killing them. These
Through the lingering haze produced by the prior explosions, the assassins can trigger this chemical poisoning purposefully as a
PCs see a pair of uniformed assassins prepare to preparing to reaction, which they do if captured. PCs who fought Iroiveth (in
kill Bisserelle, the wrikreechee prisoner. Regardless of how many Starfinder Society Scenario #3-00: The Last Bite) could recognize
prisoners have already been killed, Bisserelle is the target when it as the same chemical that killed Iroiveth. One of the assassins
the PCs arrive for simplicity. The red emergency lighting and possesses a spell gem of teleport, which the pair attempts to use
dusty air reduces visibility ranges in the area by half, resulting for escape once Bisserelle is dead.
in a –4 penalty to Perception checks. The craters in the floor left Bisserelle is terrified by the sight of the two assassins. He
by the explosions are filled with debris and treated as difficult has the cowering condition, an EAC and KAC of 12, +2 to all
terrain. Bisserelle’s cell is currently open. Use the map on page skills and saving throws, and 45 Hit Points. If the PCs rested
15 for this encounter. If you don’t own Starfinder Flip Tiles: Space following the encounter in Event 3, Bisserelle has already taken
Station Emergency Expansion or would otherwise prefer not to 20 damage. As a standard action, a PC may attempt to remove
create a separate map for this event, you can instead re-use the the cowering condition from Bisserelle with a successful DC
map for area A, marking the craters’ locations on the map and 20 Diplomacy or Intimidate check (DC 23 for levels 7–8). The
describing the location of the red emergency lighting. condition may also be removed by magical means, such as the
Creatures: The two assassins wear all black uniforms adorned use of an appropriate spell, at the GM’s discretion. Once the
with belt pouches and utility pockets but holding no distinctive cowering condition is removed, Bisserelle attempts to flee to
patterns or identifying symbols. One assassin has entered the cell safety elsewhere in B-block.
as the other stands outside the door. The pair teleported in using As soon Whitforge detects the PCs in area A, she flees the
a signal sent by a beacon placed by Evethriel. The assassins fight Lorespire Complex.
to the death.
LEVELS 5–6 (CR 8)

Page 25, art on page 33

Page 25

LEVELS 7–8 (CR 10)


Page 29, art on page 33


Page 29

Treasure: The PCs can obtain armor, weapons, and gear from
the defeated assassins. These items are custom-made and contain
no identifying marks or logos.
Development: Whether this targeted prisoner is saved or
killed depends on the PCs’ actions during this encounter. If saved,
Bisserelle is terrified and refuses to speak in any way.
The rest of the surviving prisoners in B-block look worried. If
the PCs question them, they explain the assassins “came out of
nowhere” and used a keycard to unlock select cells. Favienn is
dead, but the assassins’ other targets may still be alive depending
upon how quickly the PCs returned to the cell block.
The PCs can question the members of the Horn Gang. If they
Assassin do, the prisoners complain that a female elven Steward with
black and purple hair gave them the explosives to break out,

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit



A5 A5 A2

A5 A6 A5

A4 A5 A5

A6 A3 A5

A5 A3 A6

A6 A3



Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

left weapons for them deeper in the cellblock, and gave them a After the PCs’ report is concluded, Ixthia orders the other
keycard and access code to escape through the laundry chute. nearby Starfinders to check for further victims and attackers
They’d never met the Steward before, but she knew each of their throughout the Adamantine Bastille and the rest of the Lorespire
names and said she wanted to hire them for a job once they were Complex, and requests the Stewards continue with prisoner
out. She didn’t specify what the job was, and the gang now thinks transfer. They then inform the PCs the Adamantine Bastille’s
it was a trick—they’ve been double-crossed! automated security systems were turned online during the
Note that if the PCs check on Datch, she’s gone, as noted in the Horn Gang’s attempted escape and attacked the Starfinders and
Datch is Gone! sidebar. Stewards in other blocks of the Bastille. Assassins also targeted
and killed a few prisoners in C-block before fleeing, presumably
REPORTING IN through teleportation magic.
Shortly after the battle with the assassins concludes, Ixthia Ixthia tasks the PCs with investigating the attack on B-block,
arrives in B-block. They’re accompanied by a Steward officer in the hope this could lead to finding Datch or the Steward. They
named Venler (LG male ysoki) and other bystanders drawn by note the key card they previously gave the PCs allows unrestricted
the explosions and subsequent events. Ixthia asks the PCs for a access to the Adamantine Bastille computer systems and records
brief report. If the PCs report the elven Steward as an imposter (allowing them to be accessed as readily as an unsecured system).
or traitor, or indicate they believe Datch has escaped and isn’t Ixthia also notes that several doors throughout the Adamantine
in Steward custody, Venler immediately contacts station security Bastille stopped responding to key cards; it wasn’t just the one
to check the docks for any signs of the two, then orders any they encountered. Guidance noticed the hack and eradicated it,
Stewards who have Datch in custody to report in immediately—no so there should be no further issues with traveling freely through
Steward admits to having Datch. the prison.
If the PCs ask for further guidance, Ixthia suggests they
start by analyzing surveillance footage, questioning witnesses,
examining the prison’s defenses for any physical evidence left
behind, and reviewing the files of the targeted prisoners to
determine a possible motive for the assassinations.

To learn more about the nature of the disguised Steward,
assassins, and targeted prisoners, the PCs have three avenues
of investigation: documentary evidence, observational evidence,
and physical evidence. Each avenue of investigation requires
different skill checks, as noted below. Each PC can attempt up
to three skill checks across the three areas of investigation.
Between each attempt, a PC may freely change from one avenue
of investigation to another. The DC for these skill checks is 20 (DC
23 for levels 7–8). On a success, the PC obtains the first available
pierce of information listed under their avenue of investigation.
For each 5 by which a PCs’ check surpasses this DC, they earn
1 additional piece of information. For a group of 4 PCs, each
PC’s first success yields 1 additional piece of information. Note
that skill checks can be repeated, yielding different information
with each success. When the PCs have obtained all the available
information from an avenue of investigation, notify them so they
can focus on those avenues with further clues to discover.
The information obtained is designed to be given in the order
listed. However, feel free to provide information further down the
list where a PC’s described activity or roleplaying would be more
likely to uncover a particular bit of information. Some information
can be discovered through more than one avenue of investigation.
Ixthia the Unbreakable Where a check would yield information already obtained by
another check, provide a PC with the next bit of information listed.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

The map of the cellblock and the descriptions found in part A • The files on each of the prisoners consists primarily of sworn
may be helpful as visual aids. If the PCs come up with resourceful statements detailing each prisoner’s crimes and obtained from
uses of skills not listed, but that are pertinent to uncovering multiple witnesses. The documentation is thorough, damning,
information, allow them to use those skills in place of a listed and quite sufficient to establish the prisoner’s guilt.
check. Likewise, consider rewarding a PC who uses applicable • The documented evidence supporting conviction of each of the
class abilities or spells with one or more pieces of information, targeted prisoners is not only substantial, but is sufficient to
at the GM’s discretion. It’s likely such abilities bypass the need prevent the prisoner from qualifying for any future probation,
for a skill check. release, reconsideration, or review.
• Although the Adamantine Bastille has been in use for a
considerable amount of time, each of the targeted prisoners
has been held within the prison for less than five years.
• Numerous agents are responsible for processing and checking
in prisoners. The duties involved are usually shared among
agents, even for a single prisoner. However, all the paperwork
for processing and checking in each of the targeted prisoners
was filed by the same Starfinder agent: Jewel Whitforge.
• Upon closer examination, the documented evidence supporting
the conviction of each of the targeted prisoners consists of
falsified documents damning the targets to false imprisonment
under fictional identities.

The PCs can discover each of the following pieces of observational
evidence with a successful Computers check to review the
surveillance footage or access databases, a Diplomacy check to
gather information from witnesses, a Perception check to notice
clues, or an applicable Profession check (such as analyst, bounty
Unidentified Steward hunter, con artist, or criminal).
• An elven Steward with black and purple hair first entered
B-block 30 minutes before the PCs’ arrival in B-block. At that
A PC that has played Starfinder Society Scenario #3-00 The time, she placed small devices near the targeted cells and
Last Bite automatically gains the following piece of information stashed weapons in the guard station. She then delivered gear
when they first see an image of the elven Steward, in addition and a key card to the cells of the Horn Gang. These objects
to any other information their skill check would have revealed. were all pulled out of a single backpack, a likely indicator the
The elven Steward bears a strong resemblance to Iroiveth, an elf backpack contained a null-space chamber.
present during a battle that occurred aboard a secure compound • The elven Steward returned to B-block and released Datch
orbiting Verces, which served as Datch’s private hideout at the shortly after the emergency lights turned on after the
time. Other than the elf’s name (which is presumed to be an alias), explosions. Datch seemed surprised and worried at the sight
that they had a subdermal implant marking them as a Starfinder of the Steward, as if the ysoki recognized her but didn’t know
who served over 100 years ago, and that they died in the battle, she was coming. All the appropriate documents for Datch’s
the Starfinder Society couldn’t determine anything else about transfer were filed upon the Steward’s arrival and the transfer
this mysterious elf. While Iroiveth and the Steward are clearly looks entirely legitimate. Datch left in the custody of the
different people, they bear a strong familial resemblance. Steward, which proceeded similarly to every other prisoner
If they PCs seek out Whitforge to question her, they discover transfer. Note: If the PCs were present in area A at the time of
she’s already gone. No one in the Lorespire Complex saw her leave. Datch’s transfer, the false steward was forced to use a backup
plan. Instead of walking out with Datch in custody in a way
DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE that would look like a routine prisoner transfer on the tapes,
The PCs can discover each of the following pieces of documentary she and Datch teleport out of the interior of the cell.
evidence with a successful Computers check to detect forgeries, • The assassins teleported into B-block and the other cellblocks.
a Perception check to search through prisoner files, or an Except for those assassins defeated by the Starfinders, the
applicable Profession check (such as bounty hunter, con artist, assassins also fled the Adamantine Bastille via teleportation.
counselor, lawyer, psychologist, receptionist, or smuggler). However, teleporting into or out of the Adamantine Bastille

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

should be impossible unless someone had disabled or • Scans of fingerprints, genetic material, and other samples
deactivated the anti-teleportation wards in advance. taken from the defeated assassins haven’t yielded any
• The elven Steward had a conversation with Starfinder agent meaningful results—each pulls up a clearly false identity of
Jewel Whitforge, who subsequently made modifications to the an utterly forgettable local when run through the Absalom
anti-teleportation wards within the cellblocks. Station infosphere. It’s obvious the false identities were
• The elven Steward isn’t a member of the Stewards. A search created in a rush and have a history only going back a
for information on the woman doesn’t trigger any records at month with no accompanying identifications or registrations
all—she’s a ghost. However, the analysis does bring up a file to make the identities look legitimate. This suggests these
identifying an agender elf known as Iroiveth, who looks to be identities were never inhabited nor were they intended to be
a close relative. Iroiveth, which is presumed to be an alias, is used again.
identified as a suspected ex-Starfinder known to have worked
with Datch. They were confirmed deceased following a battle Treasure: The PCs’ investigation yields several translocation
that occurred aboard a secure compound orbiting Verces, beacons and other items that must be logged as evidence.
which served as Datch’s private hideout at the time. Other than Development: By now, the PCs should have cause to
the elf’s name and that they had a subdermal implant marking shift the focus of their investigation onto the suspicious
them as a Starfinder who served over 100 years ago, nothing Starfinder, Jewel Whitforge. If the PCs are unable to obtain
is known about this mysterious elf. There is no record of them any information that implicates Whitforge, then one of the
in the Starfinder servers. Stewards investigating the matter eventually informs the
• Scans of fingerprints, genetic material, and other samples PCs that Starfinder agent Jewel Whitforge deactivated the
taken from the defeated assassins haven’t yielded any anti-teleportation wards within the cellblocks. Under these
meaningful results—each pulls up a clearly false identity of circumstances, Whitforge has had time to deploy “cleaning”
an utterly forgettable local when run through the Absalom software intended to scrub all references to Whitforge from
Station infosphere. The false identities were clearly created the Starfinder Society servers. This hinders the PCs’ ability to
in a rush and have a history only going back a month with investigate her, imposing a –2 circumstance penalty on their
no accompanying identifications or registrations to make the skill checks during the Focused Investigation.
identities look legitimate. This suggests these identities were
never inhabited nor were they intended to be used again. FOCUSED INVESTIGATION
• Jewel Whitforge spent several minutes yesterday using a Following the results of the Preliminary Investigation, the PCs
hacking kit to tamper with the emergency door that connects should suspect Whitforge was involved in the assassinations or
areas A and B. Datch’s escape.
When Ixthia or Venler are informed of Whitforge’s potential
PHYSICAL EVIDENCE involvement, they have a description of her immediately
The PCs can discover each of the following pieces of physical sent to station security and to the security officers already
evidence with a successful Culture check, Engineering check, searching the docks for the elven Steward and Datch. A
Mysticism check, Physical Science check, or an applicable Steward team dispatched to check on Whitforge’s apartment
Profession check (such as bounty hunter, detective, mercenary, soon reports that no one is at the residence and the apartment
or private investigator). is completely empty. Ixthia urges the PCs to conduct a
• The keycard and access code used by the Horn Gang during focused investigation that narrows in on learning more about
their escape attempt was never valid, confirming their escape Whitforge and her likely whereabouts.
attempt was solely intended to serve as a diversion. Investigating Whitforge follows the same rules as the
• The gear, uniforms, and weapons used by the assassins were preliminary investigation, save that there is only one avenue of
purposely designed or modified to yield no identifying marks, investigation and each PC can attempt only a single skill check
logos, or otherwise traceable information. in this section.
• Translocation beacons were placed near the targeted cells
in advance of the assassins’ arrival via teleportation into INVESTIGATING WHITFORGE
B-block and the other cellblocks. However, teleporting into the The PCs can discover information on Jewel Whitforge with a
Adamantine Bastille should be impossible unless someone had successful Computers check, Culture check to recall knowledge,
disabled or deactivated the anti-teleportation wards in advance. Diplomacy check to gather information, Perception check to search,
• The keycard employed by the assassins was programmed by or an applicable Profession check (such as bounty hunter, con
Starfinder agent, Jewel Whitforge. artist, dock worker, mercenary, private investigator, or smuggler).
• Whitforge made modifications to the anti-teleportation wards Successful checks can reveal the following information.
within the cellblock before the assassins’ arrival. • Whitforge is known to frequent a metal shop near the space

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

docks, which is also listed as a part-time employer. LEVELS 5–6 (CR 6)

• The metal shop reportedly closed weeks ago, but has received
shipments of hardware and chemical supplies within the past CORROSIVE GAS TRAP CR 6
few days. Type technological; Perception DC 29; Disable Engineering DC 23
• Although Whitforge’s identification file and personal (jam vent closed) or Physical Science DC 24 (neutralize gas)
paperwork appear legitimate at first glance, they’re fake. The Trigger touch; Reset 1 hour
false identify of “Jewel Whitforge” has been skillfully crafted Effect acid cloud (4d12+4 A plus sickened for 1 minute);
and well composed, containing a string of identification Fortitude DC 16 half damage and negates sickened; multiple
documents and registrations that make the identity very targets (all targets within 30-ft. cone)
difficult to identify as false.
• Activity at the metal shop suggests the presence of guardian LEVELS 7–8 (CR 8)
robots. Provide the PCs with a useful piece of information
about the guardian robots, such as special powers or CORROSIVE GAS TRAP CR 8
vulnerabilities, as described in area C. For every additional Type technological; Perception DC 32; Disable Engineering DC 26
success, the PC obtains a different piece of useful information (jam vent closed) or Physical Science DC 28 (neutralize gas)
about the robots. Trigger touch; Reset 1 hour
Effect acid cloud (8d10 A plus sickened for 1 minute); Fortitude
Development: If the PCs obtained at least one success, DC 18 half damage and negates sickened; multiple targets
Ixthia urges the PCs to head to the metal shop and, if they (all targets within 30-ft. cone)
find Whitforge, to neutralize her quickly. Ixthia acknowledges
she may have access to some sort of teleportation device and Development: If the trap triggers or the PCs resort to damaging
is most likely to be captured by a small strike force that moves or breaking down the door for entry, Agent Whitforge is alerted
with some stealth and speed. They note the PCs are closest and to the PCs’ approach, and receives a +2 circumstance bonus to
most capable Starfinder agents available. Venler confirms those her Initiative check for the combat in area C2.
officers not involved in securing the transferred prisoners are
spread out across Absalom Station, but back up agents will be C2. SHOP BAY (CR 9 OR CR 11)
dispatched soon as they become available. The interior of the shop contains a vast bay which has been
If the PCs failed to obtain any successes, Ixthia eventually emptied of all identifiable markings or other clues that could be
informs the PCs that Whitforge had identified a closed metal traced back to Whitforge’s organization. A large generator with
shop by the space docks as a part-time employer and urges the massive cables fills the northeast corner, a baggage car sits
PCs to check it out. Under these circumstances, Whitforge has in the center, and empty containers that once housed robotic
had time to improve upon her trap; increase the Perception DC components are scattered throughout the shop. The baggage
and Disable DC for the corrosive gas trap in area C1 by 2. car and containers count as low obstacles. The baggage car is a
level 1 vehicle with hardness 5, 30 Hit Points (15), EAC 10, KAC 12,
C. WHITFORGE’S HIDEOUT Speed 20 ft. (full 100 ft.), Collision damage 5d4 B (DC 8), a Piloting
Following the information obtained from their investigation or modifier of –1, and an attack modifier of –2 (–4 at full speed).
provided by Ixthia, the PCs arrive at an otherwise unassuming Creatures: Agent Whitforge is here, having shed her disguise
metal shop, which they identified as Whitforge’s part-time and now wearing a uniform identical to those of the assassins that
employer. The metal shop has 40-foot-high ceilings and no teleported into B-block. She has tasked robots with “cleaning”
windows. It’s illuminated by interior ceiling lights that cast the shop, destroying any traceable items, before she departs
normal light. the station. Two of these deconstruction robots are next to the
generator, while another two are finishing their duties near the
C1. SHOP ENTRANCE (CR 6 OR central mass of crates and containers. Agent Whitforge begins
CR 8) the encounter near the baggage car (or crouching down behind
A locked steel door bars a small entryway, which leads into the the baggage car if she’s aware of the PCs’ approach).
main interior bay of the metal shop. The door has hardness 20, Agent Whitforge attacks the PCs as soon as she notices them;
60 Hit Points, and a Break DC of 28, and it can be unlocked with she admits to being surprised they found her so quickly—she had
a successful DC 23 Computers or Engineering check (DC 25 for expected to have a few more hours to leave Absalom Station.
levels 7–8). She instructs the robots to destroy the PCs so she can eliminate
Traps: Whitforge has set a corrosive gas trap in the entryway potential witnesses. The deconstruction robots fight in melee
of the metal shop to neutralize intruders who attempt to touch whenever possible. Agent Whitforge and the robots fight until
or unlock the door. dead or destroyed.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit





Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

Whenever Whitforge is reduced to 0 Hit Points, a chemical Development: Shortly after Whitforge is defeated or escapes,
releases through her bloodstream, instantly killing her. She a Stewards team arrives to secure the shop and, if necessary,
can trigger this chemical poisoning purposefully as a reaction, pursue her. A search of the shop yields no additional information
which she does if captured. This is the same chemical that killed about Whitforge or the secretive organization that employed her.
the assassins in B-block and Iroiveth during Starfinder Society
Scenario #3-00: The Last Bite. CONCLUSION
Once exposed and defeated, the false Starfinder Jewel Whitforge
LEVELS 5–6 (CR 9) can do no further harm to the Starfinder Society or those she
helped wrongly imprison. Scans of Whitforge’s fingerprints or
AGENT WHITFORGE CR 7 genetic material reveal no additional information about the
Page 26, art on page 33 woman’s true identity or her secretive employer.
Back at the Lorespire Complex, the prisoner transfers have
DECONSTRUCTION ROBOTS (4) CR 3 been completed, and any wounded prisoners and agents have
Page 26 received medical treatment. First Seeker Ehu Hadif thanks
the PCs for their efforts. Though Datch, the false Steward, and
LEVELS 7–8 (CR 11) additional assassins may presently be at large, Ehu assures the
PCs he’ll continue the search for these criminals. While the PCs’
AGENT WHITFORGE CR 9 part in this investigation may over for the time being, Ehu vows
Page 30, art on page 33 to continue the investigation into Iroiveth and their lookalike,
Whitforge’s true identity, Datch’s whereabouts, and the secretive
DECONSTRUCTION ROBOTS (4) CR 5 organization that orchestrated the day’s events. Ixthia urges the
Page 30 Starfinders to find solace in the fact that Whitforge’s defeat has
dealt a blow to her allies, as well as any lives they were able
to save.
First Seeker Ehu goes on to declare the Adamantine Bastille
officially closed. He asks that the PCs continue to think on his
earlier question and the future. The Adamantine Bastille is closed
and, although it’s been the site of sorrow and tragedy, the space
has the potential to transform into something beneficial. He
explains the future of the Adamantine Bastille—and the Starfinder
Society itself—is in the hands of agents like the PCs and asks
them to think on how the space could be best repurposed and
share their thoughts with him.

If Bisserelle survived, check box A. If Kleckchyt survived, check
box B. If Senrallah Xigurr survived, check box C. If Evaneen
Joswin survived, check box D.

The PCs complete their primary objective if they defeated
Agent Whitforge. Doing so earns each PC 1 Reputation for their
selected faction.

If the PCs succeed at three of the following six objectives, they
succeed at their secondary success condition and they earn 1
additional Reputation for their current faction: free Tozzarrack
from the rubble, capture or subdue the Horn Gang, prevent
Bisserelle’s murder, prevent the murder of one or more additional
AGent Whitforge people beyond Bisserelle, defeat the assassins, or learn the
targeted prisoners were falsely imprisoned.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

Both First Seeker Ehu Hadif and Ixthia the Unbreakable have
taken particular interest in this adventure.

Exo-Guardians: If the PCs defeated Agent Whitforge, each PC

earns 1 additional Reputation with the Exo-Guardians faction.
Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif): If the PCs freed Tozzarrack from
the rubble, saved Bisserelle’s life, or subdued the Horn Gang
without loss of life, each PC earns 1 additional Reputation with
the Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) faction.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


ENCOUNTERS Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat blocks of four PCs. The Horn Gang are suffering from sleep
for creatures appearing in this adventure, including any variation deprivation and are fatigued. Although fatigued, Meddo can
described in the text. These encounters are written for a group of still charge. Reduce the Hit Points of each member of the
5–6 PCs of 5th level. Use the scaling sidebars for each encounter Horn Gang by 20.
to adjust the encounters for a group of 4 PCs. For groups of
different levels, consult the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder
Society for instructions. MEDDO “THE HORN” BORVAKIS CR 5
Female nuar mechanic (Alien Archive 86)
EVENT 3 (LEVELS 5–6) LE Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
Variant barathu (Alien Archive 20) EAC 16; KAC 17
LN Large aberration Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +6
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17 OFFENSE
DEFENSE HP 65 Speed 40 ft.
EAC 17; KAC 18 Melee rhyolite magma blade +12 (1d8+5 F& S; critical wound
Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +10 [DC 15]) or
Defensive Abilities amorphous horn +12 (1d4+7 P)
OFFENSE Ranged maze-core corona laser pistol +10 (2d4+3 F; critical
Speed fly 30 ft. (Ex, perfect) burn 1d4) or
Melee slam +12 (1d4+6 B) frag grenade II +10 (explode [15 ft., 2d6 P, DC 15])
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Offensive Abilities gore, knockdown, overload (DC 15),
STATISTICS target tracking
Str +1; Dex +0; Con +3; Int +2; Wis +5; Cha +0 STATISTICS
Skills Acrobatics +17, Diplomacy +12, Life Science +12, Sense Str +2; Dex +0; Con +2, Int +5; Wis +3; Cha +0
Motive +17 Skills Athletics +11, Bluff +11, Computers +16, Engineering +16,
Languages Brethedan, Common; telepathy 100 ft. Physical Science +16
Other Abilities adaptation Languages Common, Orc
SPECIAL ABILITIES Other Abilities artificial intelligence (exocortex), custom rig
Adaption (Ex) Cloug’s body is extremely mutable and can (cerebral implant), maze mind, mechanic trick (neural shunt,
adapt to respond to virtually any situation. Once per round overcharge), remote hack (DC 15)
as a swift action, Cloug can reshape their body and adjust Gear basic lashunta tempweave (purple force field [5 HP]),
their chemistry to adopt one of the following qualities. They maze-coreAA corona laser pistol and rhyolite magma bladeAR
can have only one adaptation in effect at a time; a new with 2 batteries (20 charges each), frag grenades II (4),
adaptation replaces any other in effect. detonator (4)
• Cloug adds an additional amount of damage on melee attacks SPECIAL ABILITIES
equal to twice their Strength modifier. Gore (Ex) Meddo can charge without taking the normal charge
• Cloug gains a +4 racial bonus to Armor Class. penalties to the attack roll or her AC.
• Sturdy lower limbs grant Cloug a base speed of 20 feet. Maze Mind (Ex) Meddo has a naturally strong sense of direction
• Rigid plates grant Cloug DR 2/—. and an instinctive understanding of complex patterns. As a
• Cloug gains a ranged attack with a +10 attack bonus that result, she very rarely gets lost. She can attempt a special
deals 1d6+5 bludgeoning damage and has a range increment level-based Wisdom check (1d20 + 8) instead of using her
of 60 feet. total bonus in the Piloting skill to navigate or her total bonus
• Molecular modifications grant Cloug resistance 5 against a in the Survival skill for orienteering.
single energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic).
• Cloug’s reach increases to 15 feet.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

Male troll (Alien Archive 3 120)
CE Large humanoid (giant)
Init +2; Senses blindsense (scent) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.,
low-light vision; Perception +11
EAC 17; KAC 19
Fort +9; Ref +7; Will +4
Defensive Abilities regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +14 (1d6+9 P; critical wound [DC 13]) or
claw +14 (1d4+9; critical wound [DC 13])
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities maul
Str +4; Dex +2; Con +5; Int –2; Wis –1; Cha –2
Skills Athletics +16, Intimidate +11
Languages Common
Other Abilities tracking (scent)
Maul (Ex) If Scrupps hits the same target with two claw
attacks during the same turn, he can attempt a bite attack
against the target with a –6 penalty to the attack roll.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


To accommodate a group of four PCs, apply the sickened
AUGMENTED ASSASSIN CR 6 condition to the assassins.
Male augmented human
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Perception +13 TECHNOMANCER ASSASSIN CR 6
DEFENSE HP 90 RP 4 Female android technomancer
EAC 18; KAC 20 LE Medium humanoid (android)
Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +13
Defensive Abilities deflecting blade, resolute mind DEFENSE HP 75 RP 4
Speed 30 ft. Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +9; +2 vs. disease, mind-affecting effects,
Melee ensnaring sintered longsword +16 (2d8+9 S; poison, and sleep
critical entangle) Resistances electricity 5
Ranged red star plasma pistol +13 (1d8+6 E & F; critical OFFENSE
burn 1d8) or Speed 30 ft.; fly 30 ft. (jump jets, average)
static arc rifle +13 (1d12+6 E; critical arc 1d6) Melee tactical retractable spike +10 (1d4+8 P)
STATISTICS Ranged red star plasma pistol +12 (1d8+6 E & F; critical burn 1d8)
Str +5; Dex +3; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +0 Technomancer Spells Known (CL 6th; melee +10, ranged +12)
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +18, Engineering +13, Stealth +13 2nd (3/day)—caustic conversion (DC 18), inject nanobots (DC 18)
Feats Step Up 1st (6/day)—grease (DC 17), magic missile, overheat (DC 17)
Languages Common 0 (at will)—energy ray, psychokinetic hand
Gear estex suit III (quick-release sheath, targeting computer), STATISTICS
ensnaringAR sintered longsword, red star plasma pistolAR with Str +2; Dex +3; Con +0; Int +5; Wis +2 Cha +0
2 batteries (20 charges each), static arc rifle with 2 high- Skills Computers +18, Culture +13, Mysticism +18, Stealth +13
capacity batteries (40 charges each), keycard Languages Akitonian, Brethedan, Castrovelian, Common,
Deflecting Blade (Ex) As a reaction, when targeted by a ranged Other Abilities cache capacitor 1 (keen senses), constructed,
attack, the augmented assassin can wave his blade in rapid flat affect, magic hacks (harmful spells [+3 damage], magic
motions to deflect it. The augmented assassin gains a +1 negation), spell cache (stud earring), upgrade slot (tactical
bonus to his AC against the triggering attack. retractable spikeAR)
Resolute Mind (Ex) The augmented assassin can easily Gear estex suit III (jump jets, mk 1 electrostatic field, targeting
shrug off debilitating conditions due to his mysterious computer), red star plasma pistolAR with 2 batteries (20
enhancements. As a reaction, the augmented assassin can charges each), spell gem of teleport, tool kit (hacking)
spend 1 Resolve Point to remove any conditions he would
gain or already have (as greater remove condition).

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


To accommodate a group of four PCs, remove two
AGENT WHITFORGE CR 7 deconstruction robots from the encounter.
Female augmented dwarf operative
LN Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15 DECONSTRUCTION ROBOTS (4) CR 3
DEFENSE HP 100 RP 4 N Medium construct (technological)
EAC 19; KAC 20 Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, sense
Fort +6; Ref +9; Will +10; +2 vs. poison, spells, and through (vision) 60 ft.; Perception +8
spell-like abilities DEFENSE HP 40 EACH RP 4 EACH
Defensive Abilities evasion, slow but steady, uncanny agility; EAC 14; KAC 16
DR 5/—; Resistances sonic 5 Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +1
OFFENSE Defensive Abilities caustic retaliation, integrated weapons;
Speed 30 ft. Immunities construct immunities
Melee wounding ultrathin switchblade +13 (2d4+9 S; Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity
critical wound [DC 17]) OFFENSE
Ranged corona laser pistol +15 (2d4+7 F; critical burn 1d4) or Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (Ex, average)
shadow assassin rifle +15 (2d6+7 P) or Melee slam +12 (1d6+7 B; critical knockdown) or
stickybomb grenade II +15 (explode [15 ft., entangled 2d4 caustic expulsion +12 (1d4+7 A; critical corrode 1d4)
rounds, DC 17]) Ranged scrapper dross gun +9 (1d6+3 A) or
Offensive Abilities debilitating trick, traditional enemies, trick frag grenade I +9 (explode [15 ft., 1d6 P, DC 12]) or
attack +4d8 incendiary grenade I +9 (explode [5 ft., 1d6 F, burning 1d4,
Str +2; Dex +4; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +5 STATISTICS
Skills Acrobatics +15, Bluff +20, Computers +20, Culture +15, Str +4; Dex +2; Con —; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +0
Disguise +20, Intimidate +15 Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +13, Engineering +8
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven Languages Common
Other Abilities operative exploits (master of disguise [2/ Other Abilities nanite repair, unliving
day, 70 minutes or 7 minutes, DC 17], uncanny shooter), Gear scrapper dross gun AR with 2 batteries (20 charges each),
specialization (spy), resolute mind, stonecunning frag grenades I (3), incendiary grenades I (3)
Gear estex suit III (deflective reinforcement, sonic SPECIAL ABILITIES
dampener, targeting computer), wounding ultrathin Caustic Retaliation (Ex) As a reaction when a deconstruction
switchbladeAR , corona laser pistol with 2 batteries (20 robot is dealt damage by a creature within its reach, the
charges each), shadow assassin rifle AR with 20 sniper deconstruction robot can spend 1 Resolve Point to spew
rounds, stickybomb grenades II (4), tool kit (disguise, acid all over its attacker, dealing 1d4+3 acid damage (DC 12
engineering, hacking) Reflex save for half damage).
SPECIAL ABILITIES Integrated Weapons (Ex) A deconstruction robot’s weapons
Resolute Mind (Ex) Agent Whitforge can easily shrug off are integrated into its frame and can’t be disarmed.
debilitating conditions due to her mysterious enhancements. Nanite Repair (Ex) A deconstruction robot’s nanites heal it,
As a reaction, Agent Whitforge can spend 1 Resolve Point to restoring a number of Hit Points per hour equal to its CR.
remove any conditions she would gain or already have (as Once per day as a full action, a deconstruction robot can
greater remove condition). restore 3d6 Hit Points to itself or any touched construct
with the technological subtype.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


ENCOUNTERS Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group of
The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat blocks four PCs. The Horn Gang are suffering from sleep deprivation
for creatures appearing in this adventure, including any variation and are fatigued. Although she’s fatigued, Meddo can still
described in the text. These encounters are written for a group of charge. Reduce the Hit Points of each member of the Horn
5–6 PCs of 7th level. Use the scaling sidebars for each encounter Gang by 20.
to adjust the encounters for a group of` 4 PCs. For groups of
different levels, consult the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder
Society for instructions. MEDDO “THE HORN” BORVAKIS CR 8
Nuar specialist (Alien Archive 86)
ENCOUNTER 3 (LEVELS 7–8) Female nuar mechanic
LE Medium monstrous humanoid
CLOUG CR 5 Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16
Variant barathu (Alien Archive 20) DEFENSE HP 117
LN Large aberration EAC 19; KAC 20
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17 Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +9
EAC 17; KAC 18 Speed 40 ft.
Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +10 Melee buzzblade dueling sword +17 (2d6+10 S) or
Defensive Abilities amorphous horn +17 (1d12+10 P)
OFFENSE Ranged maze-core aphelion laser pistol +15 (3d4+8 F; critical
Speed fly 30 ft. (Ex, perfect) burn 1d4) or
Melee slam +12 (1d4+6 B) frag grenade III +15 (explode [15 ft., 4d6 P, DC 18])
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Offensive Abilities gore, knockdown, overload (DC 18),
STATISTICS target tracking
Str +1; Dex +0; Con +3; Int +2; Wis +5; Cha +0 STATISTICS
Skills Acrobatics +17, Diplomacy +12, Life Science +12, Sense Str +2; Dex +0; Con +2, Int +6; Wis +4; Cha +1
Motive +17 Skills Athletics +16, Bluff +16, Computers +21, Engineering +21,
Languages Brethedan, Common; telepathy 100 ft. Physical Science +21
Other Abilities adaptation Languages Common, Orc
SPECIAL ABILITIES Other Abilities artificial intelligence (exocortex), expert rig
Adaption (Ex) Cloug’s body is extremely mutable and can (cerebral implant), maze mind, mechanic tricks (holographic
adapt to respond to virtually any situation. Once per round projector, neural shunt), miracle worker 1/day, remote hack
as a swift action, they can reshape their body and adjust (DC 18), wireless hack
their chemistry to adopt one of the following qualities. Cloug Gear advanced lashunta tempweave (black force field [10 HP]),
can have only one adaptation in effect at a time; a new maze-coreAA aphelion laser pistol and buzzblade dueling
adaptation replaces any other in effect. sword with 2 high-capacity batteries (40 charges each),
• Cloug adds an additional amount of damage on melee attacks frag grenade III (4), detonators (4)
equal to twice their Strength modifier. SPECIAL ABILITIES
• Cloug gains a +4 racial bonus to Armor Class. Gore (Ex) Meddo can charge without taking the normal charge
• Sturdy lower limbs grant Cloug a base speed of 20 feet. penalties to the attack roll or her AC.
• Rigid plates grant Cloug DR 2/—. Maze Mind (Ex) Meddo has a naturally strong sense of direction
• Cloug gains a ranged attack with a +10 attack bonus that and an instinctive understanding of complex patterns. As a
deals 1d6+5 bludgeoning damage and has a range increment result, she very rarely gets lost. She can attempt a special
of 60 feet. level-based Wisdom check (1d20 + 12) instead of using her
• Molecular modifications grant Cloug resistance 5 against a total bonus in the Piloting skill to navigate or her total bonus
single energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). in the Survival skill for orienteering.
• Cloug’s reach increases to 15 feet.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

Variant male troll (Alien Archive 3 120)
CE Large humanoid (giant)
Init +3; Senses blindsense (scent) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.,
low-light vision; Perception +14
EAC 19; KAC 21
Fort +11; Ref +9; Will +6
Defensive Abilities regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +17 (2d6+11 P; critical wound [DC 15]) or
claw +17 (1d10+11 S; critical wound [DC 15])
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities maul, trample (2d6+11, DC 15)
Str +4; Dex +3; Con +6; Int –2; Wis –1; Cha –2
Skills Athletics +19, Intimidate +14
Languages Common
Other Abilities tracking (scent)
Maul (Ex) If Scrupps hits the same target with two claw
attacks during the same turn, he can attempt a bite attack
against the target with a –6 penalty to the attack roll.
Trample (Ex) As a full action, Scrupps can move up to his
speed and through the space of any creatures that are at
least one size smaller than himself. He doesn’t need to make
an attack roll; each creature whose space Scrupps moves
through takes damage. A target of a trample can attempt a
Reflex save to take half damage. If it attempts the save, it
can’t make an attack of opportunity against Scrupps due to
his movement. Scrupps can deal trample damage to a given
target only once per round.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


To accommodate a group of four PCs, apply the sickened
AUGMENTED ASSASSIN CR 8 condition to the assassins.
Male augmented human
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Perception +16 TECHNOMANCER ASSASSIN CR 8
DEFENSE HP 125 RP 4 Female android technomancer
EAC 20; KAC 22 LE Medium humanoid (android)
Fort +10; Ref +10; Will +9 Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +16
Defensive Abilities deflecting blade, resolute mind; DEFENSE HP 105 RP 4
Resistances sonic 5 EAC 19; KAC 20
OFFENSE Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +12; +2 vs. disease, mind-affecting effects,
Speed 30 ft. poison, and sleep
Melee microserrated longsword +19 (2d10+14 S; critical Resistances electricity 5
bleed 2d6) OFFENSE
Ranged inertial cavitation pistol +16 (2d6+8 E & F; critical Speed 30 ft.; fly 30 ft. (jump jets, average)
pulse 1d6) or Melee hook knife +13 (1d8+10 S; critical bleed 1d6)
impulse charge emitter +16 (3d4+8 E; critical staggered Ranged inertial cavitation pistol +15 (2d6+8 E & F; critical
[DC 16]) pulse 1d6)
STATISTICS Technomancer Spells Known (CL 8th; melee +13, ranged +15)
Str +6; Dex +4; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +0 3rd (3/day)—arcing surge (DC 20), dispel magic
Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +21, Engineering +16, Stealth +16 2nd (6/day)—caustic conversion (DC 19), inject nanobots (DC 19),
Feats Step Up, Step Up and Strike microbot assault, mirror image
Languages Common 1st (at will)—magic missile, overheat (DC 18)
Gear estex suit III (quick-release sheath, sonic dampener, STATISTICS
targeting computer), microserrated longsword, impulse Str +2; Dex +4; Con +0; Int +6; Wis +2 Cha +0
charge emitter with 2 batteries (20 charges each), inertial Skills Computers +21, Culture +16, Mysticism +21, Stealth +16
cavitation pistolAR with 2 high-capacity batteries (40 Languages Akitonian, Brethedan, Castrovelian, Common,
charges each), keycard Triaxian, Vercite
SPECIAL ABILITIES Other Abilities cache capacitor 1 (keen senses), constructed, flat
Deflecting Blade (Ex) As a reaction, when targeted by a ranged affect, magic hacks (flash teleport, harmful spells [+4 damage]),
attack, the augmented assassin can wave his blade in rapid spell cache (stud earring), upgrade slot (sonic dampener)
motions to deflect it. The augmented assassin gains a +1 Gear estex suit III (jump jets, mk 1 electrostatic field, targeting
bonus to his AC against that attack. computer), hook knifeAR, inertial cavitation pistolAR with
Resolute Mind (Ex) The augmented assassin can easily 2 high-capacity batteries (40 charges each), spell gem of
shrug off debilitating conditions due to his mysterious teleport, tool kit (hacking)
enhancements. As a reaction, the augmented assassin can
spend 1 Resolve Point to remove any conditions he would
gain or already have (as greater remove condition).

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


To accommodate a group of four PCs, remove two
AGENT WHITFORGE CR 9 deconstruction robots from the encounter.
Female augmented dwarf operative
LN Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +18 DECONSTRUCTION ROBOTS (4) CR 5
DEFENSE HP 135 RP 4 N Medium construct (technological)
EAC 22; KAC 23 Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, sense
Fort +8; Ref +11; Will +12; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like through (vision) 60 ft.; Perception +11
abilities DEFENSE HP 70 EACH RP 4 EACH
Defensive Abilities evasion, slow but steady, uncanny agility; EAC 17; KAC 19
DR 5/—; Resistances sonic 5 Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2
OFFENSE Defensive Abilities caustic retaliation, integrated weapons;
Speed 40 ft. Immunities construct immunities
Melee wounding ultrathin switchblade +17 (2d4+11 S; Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity
critical wound [DC 18]) OFFENSE
Ranged aphelion laser pistol +19 (3d4+9 F; critical burn 1d4) Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (Ex, average)
or Melee slam +15 (1d6+10 B; critical knockdown) or
phantom assassin rifle +19 (3d6+9 P) or caustic expulsion +15 (1d6+10 A; critical corrode 1d6)
stickybomb grenade III +19 (explode [20 ft., entangled 2d4 Ranged scoring dross gun +12 (1d8+5 A; critical wound [DC 13])
rounds, DC 18]) or
Offensive Abilities debilitating trick, traditional enemies, triple frag grenade II +12 (explode [15 ft., 2d6 P, DC 13]) or
attack, trick attack +5d8 incendiary grenade I +12 (explode [5 ft., 1d6 F, burning 1d4,
Str +2; Dex +4; Con +2; Int +3; Wis +2; Cha +6 STATISTICS
Skills Acrobatics +18, Bluff +23, Computers +23, Culture +18, Str +5; Dex +3; Con —; Int +1; Wis +2; Cha +0
Disguise +23, Intimidate +18 Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +16, Engineering +11
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven Languages Common
Other Abilities operative exploits (master of disguise [2/ Other Abilities nanite repair, unliving
day, 90 minutes or 9 minutes, DC 18], uncanny shooter), Gear scoring dross gun AR with 2 batteries (20 charges each),
specialization (spy), resolute mind, stonecunning frag grenades II (3), incendiary grenades I (3)
Gear estex suit III (deflective reinforcement, sonic dampener, SPECIAL ABILITIES
targeting computer), wounding ultrathin switchbladeAR, Caustic Retaliation (Ex) As a reaction when a deconstruction
aphelion laser pistol with 2 high-capacity batteries (40 robot is dealt damage by a creature within its reach, the
charges each), phantom assassin rifleAR with 20 sniper deconstruction robot can spend 1 Resolve Point to spew
rounds, stickybomb grenades III (4), tool kits (disguise, acid all over its attacker, dealing 1d6+5 acid damage (DC 13
engineering, hacking) Reflex save for half damage).
SPECIAL ABILITIES Integrated Weapons (Ex) A deconstruction robot’s weapons
Resolute Mind (Ex) Agent Whitforge can easily shrug off are integrated into its frame and can’t be disarmed.
debilitating conditions due to her mysterious enhancements. Nanite Repair (Ex) A deconstruction robot’s nanites heal it,
As a reaction, Agent Whitforge can spend 1 Resolve Point to restoring a number of Hit Points per hour equal to its CR.
remove any conditions she would gain or already have (as Once per day as a full action, a deconstruction robot can
greater remove condition). restore 3d8 Hit Points to itself or any touched construct
with the technological subtype.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


Ehu Hadif Ixthia the Unbreakable

Jewel Whitforge Datch

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


Tozzarrack Meddo “The Horn” Borvakis

Cloug Scrupps

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


Assassin Bisserelle

Unidentified Steward Agent Whitforge

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


Greetings Starfinders,

In my capacity as First Seeker, I’m among those overseeing the closure of the Adamantine Bastille prison. This closure is
a necessary and positive change for the Society and the fruit of the collective action of many Starfinder agents.
We’re currently in the process of transferring our remaining prisoners to Steward custody, which is time consuming as
prisoners are being transferred one-by-one. The last of the remaining prisoners are set to be transferred today. You’re being
assigned to patrol the cellblock during this process.
This task requires capable and conscientious Starfinders able to provide both protection and, as always, assurance that
the prisoners are treated with the dignity and respect due all sentient beings. Please meet me outside the entrance to the
Adamantine Bastille in thirty minutes.

With my trust,
First Seeker Ehu Hadif

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit



Unoccupied — —
ABB105 Kleckchyt host shirren Serial ovicide; murder by poison
ABB106 Ethru Nurrl female haan Planetary exfoliation; arson
ABB107 Unoccupied — —
ABB201 Bisserelle male wrikreechee Multiple homicide; terroristic activities
ABB202 Garvis Marst male human Vehicular planetcide; hover-podjacking; grand theft starship
ABB203 Othznit Zra female draelik Stellar extinguishment
ABB204 Tozzarrack agender copaxi Technocide; hate crimes against AI
ABB205 Meddo Borvakis female nuar Felony murder; grand larceny; racketeering
ABB206 Scrupps male troll Felony murder; grand larceny; aiding and abetting
ABB207 Senrallah Xigurr female sazaron Electrocution; organ trafficking
ABB208 Unoccupied — —
Vivisection; possession of stolen memories with intent to
ABB301 Phoevex agender gray
Techno-mayhem; extreme vandalism; assault, battery; assault on
ABB302 Durgrit Stonegrinder male dwarf
ABB303 Evaneen Joswin female human Murder; kidnapping; torture
ABB304 Prepared One agender anacite laborer Temporal endangerment; disorderly construct
ABB305 Yowth multigender raxilite Planetary blighting; multiple herbicide
ABB306 Favienn male sarcesian Piracy; murder
ABB307 Cloug agender barathu Felony murder; grand larceny; aiding and abetting
ABB308 Unoccupied — —
ABB401 Morvriik male witchwyrd Blackmarket soul trading; extraplanar solicitation
ABB402 Datch female ysoki Attempted murder; conspiracy; fraud; cyberbullying
“We Who Are Making
ABB403 male contemplative Genetic tampering; biofraud; telepathic stalking
genderfluid perigean
ABB404 Ezzokain Multiple kidnappings and exsanguination
ABB405 Unoccupied — —
ABB406 Spish Loemm female cephalume Serial murder; cemetery desecration
ABB407 Tolmalja male shobhad Murder, multiple counts

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


With the sudden closure of the Adamantine Bastille, the secretive Organization using the prison for its own purposes has
been forced to act quickly to avoid the exposure of its criminal activities. Its plan involves three prongs: the spy “Jewel
Whitforge,” the disguised Evethriel, and multiple teams of assassins poised to carry out the execution of targeted prisoners.

• Pre-Scenario: Five years ago, in the wake of the Scoured Stars Incident, a spy assumes a deep-cover identity as Jewel
Whitforge, a fictitious Starfinder agent. She secures a position in the Adamantine Bastille.
• Getting Started: Thirty minutes before the PCs’ arrival at the Adamantine Bastille, Whitforge allows Evethriel
(disguised as a Steward) into the prison. Evethriel places a teleportation beacon near the cells of the targeted prisoners.
She also stashes two caches of weapons in the guard station (area B1), one of which the PCs might discover. She then
approaches a group of prisoners known as the Horn Gang and provides them with explosives and a key card. She
instructs them to use the gear to escape after the arrival of the next Starfinder patrol (the PCs). While the Horn Gang
believes Evethriel intends to hire them once they’re free, she intends for their escape to serve as a diversion. Evethriel
leaves the Bastille.
• Event 1: After the PCs’ arrival, the Horn Gang detonates the explosives as per Evethriel’s instructions (triggering Event
1). The escape should draw the PCs toward the laundry access area (area B2). The explosion also signals Whitforge to
allow Evethriel to re-enter the Adamantine Bastille and retrieve Datch. With Whitforge’s help, the disguised Evethriel
processes Datch for transfer as has been done for numerous other prisoners. As Evethriel departs, Whitforge deactivates
the teleportation wards from her post (area A1).
• Event 2 & Event 3: The Horn Gang attempts their escape, causing a distraction.
• Event 3: As the PCs are fighting the Horn Gang, pairs of assassins teleport into the Adamantine Bastille. One of these
pairs arrives in B-block to kill five of the people imprisoned there. Whitforge activates the security door that separates
areas A and B in an attempt to stop the PCs from returning to the main cell block area A before the assassins leave.
• Event 4: The PCs stumble across the assassins as they attempt to kill Bisserelle, who cowers in his cell (area A7).
Whitforge planned to stick around a bit longer to clean up evidence, but the PCs’ premature arrival spurs her to leave
as soon as she hears them in area A.
• End of Event 4: Once the final target is dead, the assassins plan to utilize their spell gems of teleportation and depart.
Their battle with the PCs likely prevents this escape.
• Focused Investigation: By the time the PCs focus their investigation on Jewel Whitforge, Whitforge arrives at the last site
connected to the false “Whitforge” identity on Absalom Station, a metal shop where she’s been creating false documents
and conducting the activities necessary to maintain her cover. With the aid of deconstruction robots, Whitforge goes
about clearing out the shop and destroying all evidence of her spy activities and disposing of anything connected to the
Whitforge identity. With Whitforge officially “dead,” the mission is complete and the dwarf can leave Absalom Station
behind. Her battle with the PCs likely prevents this escape.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit



26B 22B 02B


08B 03A 34B


06B 21A 33B


04B 05A 19B


08A 29A 15A


Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


13B 15A 11A



23B 07B 30A



37B 09A



Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit



26B 22B 02B


08B 02A 34B


06B 21A 33B


04B 12A 19B


08A 29A 15A


Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


15B 19B 14B 10B


12B 20B 03B 18B


16B 09B 17B 11B


01B 21B 06B 13B





Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


Event 3 1,362 credits 1,654 credits 1,945 credits
Event 4 1,362 credits 1,654 credits 1,945 credits
B2 1,362 credits 1,654 credits 1,945 credits

The PCs earn the rewards for each area if they meet the conditions
listed below.
Event 3: The PCs keep these rewards if they defeat the Horn Gang.
Event 4: The PCs keep these rewards if they defeat both assassins.
B2: The PCs keep these rewards if they defeat Agent Whitforge
and the deconstruction robots.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit

Event Reporting Form

Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: -7 GM Name: GM Faction:

Adventure Name:

Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D Earned:

Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Acquisitives □ Advocates □ Cognates □ Dataphiles □ Exo-Guardians □ Manifold Host □ Second Seekers □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Boom-Block Gambit


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Lysle Kapp. Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-05

Scenario #5-05: Character Chronicle #
Boom-Block Gambit

LEVELS Normal Max Credits

­- 5–6 4,086
Character Name Organized Play # Character # Faction LEVELS Normal

Adventure Summary Out of
During the closure of the Adamantine Bastille, you foiled a prison break and discovered it was a diversion meant to
facilitate widespread assassinations and the escape of Datch. You □ saved or □ failed to save one of the assassin’s
targets, a wrikreechee named Bisserelle. After an investigation, you discovered clues about an unidentified elf who
7–8 5,835
posed as a Steward and vanished with Datch. You also discovered the identity of her accomplice, an undercover agent
posing as a Starfinder with the alias Jewel Whitforge. You tracked Agent Whitforge to her base of operations and LEVELS Normal
prevented her escape. In the aftermath, the false Steward and Datch remain at large and the organization that ordered
the operation remains unidentified. — —
The Adamantine Bastille is now permanently closed, but what it becomes is up to you. Visit
to cast your vote! The survey will remain open until the end of 2022.

Boons Starting XP

Congratulations on completing the adventure! You’ve earned Starfinder Society Achievement Points, a currency that can
be redeemed on our website at for special character boons. To redeem your Achievement Points, on our website
at and click on the Boons tab. Note that you must have created a account XP Gained (GM ONLY)
and registered a character before you can begin making Achievement Point transactions.

Final XP Total

Starting Credits
aphelion laser pistol (14,820; item level 9) incendiary grenade III (1,380; item level 8)
black force field (10,500; item level 8) liquidator disintegration pistol (4,500; item level 6;
buzzblade dueling sword (9,500; item level 8) Armory 36) +
d-suit II (6,900; item level 7) microserrated longsword (12,100; item level 9)
deflective reinforcement (7,500; item level 7) phantom assassin rifle (14,900; item level 9; Armory 43) Credits Garnered (GM ONLY)
ensnaring sintered longsword (9,980; item level 7; shadow assassin rifle (4,550; item level 6; Armory 43)
Armory 63) sonic dampener (7,150; item level 7)

estex suit III (5,500; item level 7) stickybomb grenade III (2,500; item level 10) +
frag grenade III (1,260; item level 8) wounding ultrathin switchblade (11,400; item level 8; Day Job (GM ONLY)
hook knife (6,300; item level 7; Armory 52) Armory 54)
impulse charge emitter (10,900; item level 8; Armory 45) yellow star solar brand (4,250; item level 6; Armory 43)

Credits Spent



For GM Only


Chronicle Code: 41GK

For more information about the Starfinder Society Organized Play program, including how to use this Chronicle Sheet, visit

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