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Conservation of Energy in Buildings (ME 4229)

F.M – 30 Mid Semester Exam - 2021, M.Tech (EE) – 2nd Sem Time – 2hrs

Answer all questions All questions carrying equal marks

1. A solar cell has an open circuit voltage of 0.75 V and a short circuit current of 35mA/cm^2. The
cell’s identity factor is 2. Find
a) The dark saturation current b) the fill factor of this cell
2. A solar cell is tested at 25 degree Celsius and the following parameters are obtained :
Voc=0.582V, Isc=8.7a, identity factor (n) =1.5.
Maximum output power occurs at a terminal voltage Vm = 0.45V
Calculate the saturation current Io.
3. Calculate the open circuit voltage and peak power of a Si solar cell of fill factor 0.78 and cell
operating temperature of (300K) 27 degrees Celsius, with a short circuit current of 2.2A. Assume
the reverse saturation current of is 1.7*10^ -11 A and an ideality factor of 1.
4. Write a short note
a) thermal load modeling in buildings.
b) thermal resistance of building materials to increase energy savings.
C) adaptive thermal comfort in conservation of energy in buildings.

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