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Result is generally reliable since the study

uses a big sample of the population.
3. Established standards are used in choosing
WHAT IS QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH? the instruments, in sampling procedures, and
in choosing the most appropriate statistical
Quantitative Research treatment, thus making the research
- According to Aliaga and Gunderson (2000), replicable.
“explaining phenomena by collecting 4. Personal biases can be avoided since
numerical data that are analyzed using personal interaction is not part of the
mathematically based methods (in particular research process.
statistics).” 5. Processes involved are simplified since the
- Utilizes numbers and statistical analysis. steps in doing quantitative research are made
- Focuses on quantifying data easy and systematic.
- Always in numerical or statistical approach 6. Results can be reduced through statistical
- We get answers in numbers treatments and can be interpreted in a few
- The output is usually in graphs, tables, and statements.
charts. Disadvantages of Quantitative Research
- It utilizes deductive reasoning – a
conclusion based on reasons and evidences. 1. Context of the study or the experiment is
ignored in such a way that it does not
Phenomenon consider the natural setting where the study
- Peculiar incident that can happen anywhere, is conducted.
with any discipline or in any organization. 2. Having a large study sample requires
- Examples: increase in sales, change in turn- researchers to spend more resources.
over rates, change in drop-out rates, 3. Results are limited since they are usually
decrease in the number of failing students, based on the analysis of numbers and are not
etc. obtained from detailed narratives.
4. Provides less elaborate accounts of human
Characteristics of Quantitative Research perceptions.
1. Reliable and objective 5. In experimental research, the level of control
2. It deals with mathematical tools (statistics). might not be normally applicable in the real
3. It reduces a complex problem. world because it is usually done in a
4. Sample represents the population. laboratory.
5. It involves cause and effect relationship. 6. Preset or fixed alternative answers may not
6. It tests theories or hypotheses. necessarily reflect the true answers of the
7. The subjectivity of its methodology is a participants.
secondary concern. 7. Findings can be influenced by the
8. Deals with the details of the subject. researcher’s perspective since most of the
time, the participants are unknown to him or
Importance of Quantitative Research
Advantages of Quantitative Research - Some areas of study and the function of
1. Allows the researcher to measure and quantitative research in them:
analyze data to arrive at an objective answer o Education – used in measuring the
to the problem. level of performance of students and
teachers, and in assessing the
effectiveness of the methods and the o Static-group comparison – A group
different programs conducted. that has experienced some treatment
o Business – improve the overall is compared with one that has not.
marketing strategy, and help the
company make informed decisions
on how to best move forward with a CLASSIFICATIONS OF VARIABLES
particular product or services.
o Medical and Allied Health Service – Variables
yields statistics that can help improve - “data item”
the rate of recovery of patients with - Anything that the researcher is trying to
illnesses and sicknesses, and the measure.
efficacy of medicines and vaccines, - Basic unit of information studied in a
among others. research.
o Science and Technology – can lead - Logical set of attributes, characteristics,
to a more responsible and numbers, or quantities that can be measured
accountable operation of the or counted.
different components of technology.
Classifications of Variables
Types of Experimental Research
- Numeric Variables (Quantitative Variables)
- True-experimental – Involves statistical – values that describe a measurable
analysis to approve or disapprove the numerical quantity and answer the questions
hypothesis of the experiment. It uses random “how many” or “how much.” Values are in
assignment of participants. numbers whose characteristics are
- Quasi-experimental – “Quasi” means quantifiable.
resemblance. Similar with true- o Continuous Numeric Variables –
experimental, quasi-experimental aims to would take forever to count;
establish a cause and effect relationship. It uncountable set of values; never
does not rely on random assignment of finish counting them. Examples:
participants, meaning participants are time, age, temperature, height, and
grouped based on some criteria. weight.
- Single-subject – Studies the detail of each of o Discrete Numeric Variables –
a small number of participants. It only has countable set of values. Examples:
two to ten participants. Focuses on number of registered cars, number of
understanding behavior through children in a family, population of
experimental manipulation. Mostly used in students, and total number of faculty
SPED and counseling. members.
- Pre-experimental – The simplest form of - Categorical Variables – describe a quality of
research design. Mostly a single group is characteristic of a data unit like “what type”
observed. Types of Pre-experimental or “which category.” Types of data which
research: are divided or placed into groups.
o One-shot case study – A single group o Ordinal Variables – value which can
is observed at a single point in time. be logically ordered or ranked.
o One-group pretest-posttest – A single Examples: clothing size, academic
group is observed at a two time grades, and Likert scale.
points. o Nominal Variables – doesn’t have
any numerical meanings so it cannot
be organized in a logical sequence.
Examples: eye colors, names, kinds cholesterol, blood pressure, weight,
of religion, gender, and various and eating habits (BMI).
o Dichotomous Variables (Binary
Variables) – only has two RESEARCH TITLE
values/levels. Examples: answer (yes
Research Title
or no) and veracity (true of false).
o Polychotomous Variables – have - Summarize the main idea of the paper.
many categories or values or levels. - Concise statement of the main topic.
Examples: educational attainment, - Include the major variables.
civil status, and level of performance - Show the relationship of the main variables
(excellent, very good, good, of the study.
satisfactory, or poor). - Includes the main task of the researcher.
- Experimental Variables - Mention the participants (in a general
o Independent Variables (Manipulated manner) and the setting.
or Explanatory Variables) – can
Consideration in Formulating Research
stand alone; manipulated in an
o Dependent Variables (Response or - External Criteria – factors that go beyond
Predicted Variables) – what the the researcher’s personal qualities or
researcher wants to change. attributes that affect his or her study.
“Depends” on the manipulation of o Novelty – topic must not have been
the independent variable. used by many researchers; the
o Extraneous Variables (Mediating or newness of a topic and its variables
Intervening Variables) – also known will inspire a researcher or other
as “covariate variables.” You are not researchers. Should not be common.
observing them, but could affect the o Availability of Subjects – think of
result of the study. study participants who are within
- Non-experimental Variables – the your reach. The people should be
researchers measure the variable as they easily approached and their
naturally occur. cooperation could easily be gained.
o Predictor Variables – change the o Administrative Support – refers to
other variable/s in a non- the aid or assistance that can be
experimental study. No manipulation solicited from the school or extended
happening. by the community.
o Criterion Variables – influenced by o Availability and Adequacy of
the predictor variable. Facilities and Equipment – devices
- Variables According to the Number Being that are used in undertaking the
Studied research must be considered.
o Univariate – one variable or single o Legal and Ethical Considerations –
characteristic or attribute. Example: ensure that all activities undertaken
height. are acceptable and are done in
o Bivariate – two characteristics. accordance with what is legal and
Examples: temperature and morally right.
electricity bill. - Internal Criteria – personal characteristics,
o Polyvariate (Multivariate) – three or capabilities, and qualities of the researcher
more characteristics. Example: that affect the study.
o Experience, Training, and
Professional Qualifications –
researcher’s knowledge, expertise,
and experience in order for them to
cope with the research demands.
o Motivation, Interest, Intellectual
Curiosity, and Perceptiveness of the
Researcher – bring anticipated
satisfaction or enjoyment in the
completion of research tasks.
o Time Management – considers the
fact the studies must be pursued in a
given time frame.
o Personal Costs and Returns –
research is an expensive undertaking.
The amount of necessary funding
depends on the size of sample, the
place where the research is to be
conducted, the research design, and
the treatment of data.
o Hazards, Penalties, and Handicaps –
determined by the researcher’s
physical and intellectual capacity and
moral judgement.

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