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Scene 1 (Estellas house) Pip: Estella, why do you encourage someone like Drummle? You know he is a bad man. Estella: Dont be stupid, Pip. Pip: But he isnt worth it! (He said angrily) Estella: If I smile at him it is because it means nothing to me. You should be glad that I always honest with you.

Scene 2 (Pips hose) Pip: (reading, cierra el libro) Oh! If I miss my friend Herbert. Oh! What is that noise (con su lampara sale a mirar). Who is there? (Magwitch brazos abiertos) Pip: Can I help you? (dudoso, frio y educadamente) Magwitch: Ah yes (drapping his hands). I will explain. (Caminar hasta la pieza de Pip) Magwitch: (trata de abrazar a Pip) (Pip no acepta) Magwitch: Is there anybody near who can hear us? Pip: Why do you ask that question? Oh! (sorprendido). You are my convict! (dar mano y le da un beso) Magwitch: You help me all those years, Pip, never forgotten it. (dar abrazo) Pip: (no lo deja). If youre grateful to me it wasnt necessary to come here to thank me... Magwitch: I thought youd like to be my friend.

Pip: But now our lives are separate. Pip: Will you have a drink before you live? (dando vaso) Pip: Good luck in the future. Who have you live recently? Magwitch: I was sent to Australia because I escaped from the prison-ship. After several years I finished my punishment and so I was allowed to work for myself. It was a hard life but I made a lot of money. Pip: Im glad to hear it. Magwitch: How you have done so well since you and I met on those lonely marshes? Pip: (nervioso). I have been chosen to inherit a fortune. Magwitch: Perhaps I can guess how much. Could it be well 5 hundreds a year? Pip: (nervioso). The agent who arrange it all, was perhaps a lawyer named of Jaggers. Pip: (sorprendido). I cant believe it. Magwitch: Yes Pip dear boy, I have made a gentleman of you. All the money that I earned in Australia should go to you. Im your second father. Didnt you ever think it could be me who was sending the money? Pip: Oh, no no no no, never never. Wasnt anyone else involved at all? Magwitch: No, just me and Jaggers. I promise myself Id come back to England and see my boy (mano en el hombro). You have to protect me because if they discover me Id be hang. (Magwitch se va) Pip: (sorprendido). I believe something that it wasnt true.

Chapter 13
Scene 3 Pip: Which is your name? Magwitch: Abel Magwitch. Pip: How long are you going to stay here? Magwitch: How long? (sorprendido). I am going to stay here. Pip: But, where are you going to be safe? Magwitch: I know I can live with the fear of death. I have done that all my life.

Scene 4 (Herbert entrando a la pieza) Pip: Oh! You can back. This is Abel Magwitch. (Herbert saludando con la mano enojado). (Magwitch se va) Pip: Oh Herbert this is terrible for me, I dont imagine he could come back. Herbert: You mean you cant accept of his money? Pip: He is a criminal; I cant accept this money, because I dont know where the money came from.

Chapter 14
Pip: Ive discovered who has been paying for my education. Miss Havisham: Go on. (interesada). Pip: I thought it was you Miss Havisham.

Miss Havisham: Why should I be kind to anybody after all I have suffered? (angry). Pip: Yes, you are right. Miss Havisham: Why shouldnt I? Pip: But, Mathew Pocket and his son are different. They are good people. Miss Havisham: Why do you want for them? Pip: Im asking for money Id like you to help my friend Herbert become a partner in his company. I help him in secret with money but now I find I cant continue the payment. (Pip to Estella) Pip: You know I love you Estella. I know I have no hope of ever marrying you. Estella: What you say doesnt touch my heart, I cant love you as you do and I have warned you of this. Havent I? Pip: Yes, but I couldnt believed it. Estella: Its the way I have been brought up. Pip: Estella, Bently Drummle is in the town here. You go riding with him dont go? Is he having with you tonight? Estella: It is all true. (sorprendida). Estella: Im going to marry him. Pip: (cubre cara triste). Dont marry him. He is a bad boy. Estella: I cant marry a man who expects me to love him so Drummle is the one I chose. Pip: Never Estella, you are part of me. Bless you, and good forgive you. (Casa Pip) Herbert: If you want to pay back what you owe him, you could always join my company clarrikers. Another thing: He come with a fixed idea, if you destroy it, his life would be worthless. Pip: But if they arrest Magwitch and hang him I would feel guilty for ever.

Herbert: First we mus get him out of England where he risks death every moment. Ill help you all the way, trust me. (se dan la mano). (Pip agradecido)

Scene 5 Pip and Herbert: Magwitch, tell us your past life. Magwitch: I met Compeyson 20 years ago. Hes the man I was fighting when the soldiers found me on the marshes. He was handsome and educated; I was a partner in his business, and a dirty business it was too. We persuaded rich people to invest their money with us. He always got the profits but never blame. His former partner Arthur lived in Compeysons house and was very ill. In fact he was dying. He and Compeysons got a lot of money out of a rich lady, some years before. (After Arthur die, he said that the woman wants revenge) In the end we both were arrested for several crimes. And the trial he lied and lied, so they only give give Compeysons 7 years in the prison-ship and they give me 14 years in the prison-ship. I promise myself Id smack his handsome face when I saw him on the prison-ship. Pip: Is Compeyson dead? Magwitch: Heard me more of him. Magwitch: Im going to the bathroom. Herbert: Miss Havishams half-brother was Arthur. Compeyson is the man who pretended to be in love with her. (Pip was is shock)

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