Persuasive Speech Topic COOKING IS GOOD

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(S46885) (K16)


Eating out has become a staple trend in our society. No longer do we choose to hang out with family or
friend eat fast food such as McDonald, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), BBQ restaurant or any else.
However, cooking at home and prepared it by own better to our health than eating out. There are two
reasons I can share to prove it. It’s full of healthier ingredients and it’s can bring family together.
BODY 1 (First Reason)
My first reason is cooking at home full of healthier ingredients. When we cooking at home we are
supposed to buy food that contains many nutrition. According to article Health Fitness Revolution he tells
that preparing meals at home allows us control the amount of salt and oils we use in our recipes. This in turn
reduces the possibility of weight gain and clogged arteries. It also provides a way to create meals with a
balance of protein, carbohydrates, fat and also all the essential vitamins and minerals needed for the adult
and child’s body.
Moreover, when we go to restaurant, many of them prepared food are high in calories and fat to
make their products taste better to the customer. This is not good for our health especially for people that
want to control. While you can see the meats and vegetables that are used to prepare your meal, you may not
know what ingredients go into the sauces and seasoning. Also, chefs can make mistakes, and they may
accidentally add some things that they should not into your food. If you prepare your own food at home, you
will know exactly what you are eating. This is especially important if you are allergic to certain foods.
BODY 2 (Another Reason)
Another reason why cooking is better is because it can bring family together. Eating at home will
encourage family bonding. Family dynamics can greatly improve more at home when family meal times.
Family meals provide opportunities for sharing the day's events and create a relaxing transition from busy
daytime activities to slower-paced evening ones. Preparing meals at home and including family members in
meals preparation is way to give and share love. children greatly get benefit from the ritual of preparing and
eating meals together. A great teaching tools for parent to still healthy eating habits in their children.

I’ve clearly tried to view my point the reason that why cooking at home better to our health than
eating out. As you’re heard that it full of healthier ingredients and can bring family together. Of course, it
was hard to you especially as a student that not have enough time to do it. I can change your perception but
only you can change your action However, to stay health, I strongly believe you will consider with my
suggestion. I will end my speech with one quote “Cooking is like making love, you do it well, or you do not
do it at all” by Harriet Van Home Thank you.

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