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Lesson plan

LESSON: Gerund or Infinitive?

School: 56 school-gymnasium

Date: 30.01.2023 Teacher name: Zhanatkyzy Aiganym

CLASS: 6th Г grade Number present: Absent:

Lesson Plan

Planned Activities
1.Beginning Watch the video and read the conversation between Sophie and
the lesson: Giovanni.
Warm Up What form of the verbs you have noticed?
3 min

2.Main Task 1. Grammar. Write the verbs into the correct group.

15 min

Task 2. Revise the rules from Gerund or Infinitive presentation.

Task 3. Choose the best answer according to the rules of the presentation.

10 min
Task 4. Fill in gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
10 min

3.Reflexi Thank you very much for the work at the lesson. Share your ideas about the
on and task and the text: what was the most difficult, whether you enjoyed? For
assessment example:
2 min 1. The part of the text that most surprised me was
2. I think the conquistadors were able to defeat the Inca army because
3. I think the best/worst thing about the Inca/descendants was
4. I would / wouldn't like to go to Machu Picchu because
Home task Home Assignment is: SB p.79, ex 2, 3
1 min

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