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Four topics:


Part 1,
 Yes/ No question
-Direct (affirmative / negative + adverb ) e.g. 100%yes, exactly my point, definitely no
-Indirect (paraphrasing=change the wording)
Like (favor/ love/ I’m into/ am interested in / I'm passionate about/ a big fan of / a super buff
of/fanatic … )
Dislike (loathe sth./ hate / it makes me disgusted/ … I’m not particularly into / I’m not a big fan
of )
How often: It depends. Sometimes frequently; sometimes rarely/ For the most of time

 Wh- question
· Useful: For me, as for me, as far as I can tell to my mind, I believe, I would say, I feel that
· Opinions: In my view; If you ask me, I would say; As far as I am concerned; It seems to me
that; I consider X to be adj.;
· General: Honestly speaking, Personally speaking
Give response
Offer support

Today’s topic: Time / An Abstract Object

Plan/ schedule / timetable;
Time - management
Time-pressing (deadline)
Measurement of the time
Aging/ Era
Terms/ time-limits/ timing / frequency
Patience / growth/ development
Special occasion (bad times/ good times)
Context / settings / scenario (objects/people/place … : events)
1. Do u like getting up early in the morning?
How early? Give a specific time: around 7,

2. What do u usually do in the morning?/What did you do in the morning when you’re little?
First, specify “how little”, like when I was in kindergarten/ at the age of 7
[123]: day morning, afternoon, evening
Next, specify “what”, nothing special, just a typical activity for a Chinese family

3. Are there any differences (things) between now and past (what you do in the morning) ?
First talk about “Now”, (rushing /hasty/stressful/ time-pressing, deadlines
Then say about the past

4. Do you spend your morning do the same things on weekends and weekdays?Why?
Actually not. I usually do Different things. On weekdays, I usually get up early because I have
morning classes, and to be punctual, I have to rush to the classroom. But things are different on
weekends, I have no classes and can sleep late.

5. Do you like mornings or evenings?

Evenings. (Say morning first: have classes, rushing and busy), but evening , finish all my classes
and can take a break. It is also a nice time to enjoy a relaxing meal with my friends.

6. What did you do in the evenings when you are little? (similar)
As far as I can remember/ recall
Nothing special / extraordinary /--》 common / typical (family activities ) /epitome (noun)
司空见惯的事情 Common place /prevalent/ubiquitous /can be seen everywhere

7. Is daily routine important for you study ?

Para: It’s Important / essential / crucial / critical / paramount for efficient/effective study
Consistency  I love the saying, which reads “Rome wasn’t built in a day “, if I’m not having a
daily routine for my study, I won’t benefit from the accumulative effort, eventually I won’t
achieve anything.
For some study objectives, such as, passing a challenging exam or writing a long essay, it’s quite
overwhelming for me to achieve in a short term, so I need cut the major task into achievable
small pieces, then, I can fulfill my task through my daily routine.
8. A watch as a gift when you are small
Similarly, when? when I was 9 years old. As a birthday gift. My mother gave it to me and hoped
me to understand the importance of time. But now I don’t wear it any more because I have my
smart phone to check up the time.

9. Why do people wear expensive watches?

For most cases, … just because those watches are collectible, you are wearing and keeping them
for the value, and also, some people love luxurious watches just for the functions and fashionable
(disapproval)Show off /Display their Social status

[123]: Do classification. Why people collect things? Keeping them for the value/appreciation for
the value 升值/ for nostalgia /nəˈstældʒə/ hobby/ memory...;
Why it is precious? It is renewable, “you can’t repeat the past” “bygones are bygones”

10. Do you think it’s important to wear a watch?

Probably no. My smart phone is a substitute for my watch. I can easily check my time with my
phone. By the way, now we rely too much on electronic devices, when they run out of power, the
mechanism watch can be a good backup then.

11. Do you think time is important?

Feeling weird right? Do classification!
For many aspects. It is a really essential measurement. To measure. To measure our life time, we
have limited life expectancy.

12. Why there are people being late for something ?

Why there are some people like to be late ?
[They are different!!] First define the BAD group
I believe people who LIKE to be late are quite self-important and selfish, because I don’t think
wasting others’ time is polite, (it is even a sin for me, as time is life ) …
But for some people, they show up late just because they want to be thought to be important.
They may think that being late can create a certain amount of anticipation,

13. Do you look up to the skys? Clouds making shapes 

14. How to improve your Time-management ?

Part 2
Place / event / people/ object
90s – 120s
Backdrop/ setting

Whenever I think about someone who ….,,,, the first name would cross my mind is/ the first I
can think of is …, as far as I can recall/ remember, we first met/ we fist knew each was in/at/… ,
back then, we were xxx, …, he/ she was quite impressive / memorable for me, as she / he had
done …. , … to elaborate, specifically speaking, she / he ….

Talking about a place that I visited / I love to traveled … , the one that I found most impressive/
memorable/ striking is a xxx called xxx, I believe, it is located …, the reason why I know about
the place is …., It is really one of my dream destinations for … ,,,

Xxx is the best choice / recommendation from me to my friends, my first encountering the xxx/ I
first encountered this xxx , xxx years ago while I was …, then, my mind was all over it, because
xxx of it was really unique/ fantastic/ phenomenal / sensational / artistic …
Part 2,
(Wh-questions )

Part 3, Similar to an essay

Analytical / logical/ critical thinking

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