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LHS Senior Project Proposal

Senior Capstone

This is also the outline for your paper (with the exception of your conclusion).
1. Self-Biography (Bullets are fine!)

● My name is Roberto Cervantes Mendoza

● I am an older child
● I have a twin she is a girl
● I am 17 years old
● I was born august 21st 2005
● My parents names are Roberto Cervantes and Leonor Mendoza
● I am a senior
● Im bilingual
● I go to lee high school
● I was born in Grand Rapids, MI
● I want to become a construction manager
● I attend west michigan construction institute

2. Future Goals (Bullets are fine!)

● Become a construction manager and become a superintendent

● Build a construction company and make it succesful
● Build a house
● Buy dream car
● Retire my parents

3. Route you will take to achieve your future goals (Bullets are Fine!)

● Graduting high school

● Going to get construction management degree
● Working up to thru a company
● Making my own company

4. Career Pathway Area of Interest: (ex. Arts & Communication)


5. Narrowed Career Focus: (ex. Public Relations)

Construction manager

A community/work issue that can be solved with a particular skill set from your career
area (How will I give back?) (ex. Create a campaign to give back to a local cause)

How can a construction manager help the community?

Could hire more of the construction companies in the area and ask homeowners and busines
owners in the area if we can fix up their property.

My potential hands-on will be: MUST BE VERY DETAILED! (ex. Showcase the entire

*This will be where you will showcase what you created that addresses a community/work

Teach them how to read a Blueprint and teach all the different sections on it and show them
what most of the things mean.

My Name: ______________________________
1. What personal interest do you have in this topic? Why have you chosen this topic for your
Senior Project/Showcase? I'm interested in this topic because my dad does construction
and it is very intresting to me and I think I can make a living out of it.

2. What research questions will you seek to answer? What kinds of sources might you look
for? People that are doing what I want to do.

3. Who is a person/company (specifically, or in general) with experience or expertise in this

field you might interview? What understanding do you hope to gain from this
person/company? Any project managers, superintends,construction managers,foremans.
Any genral contractors companys.

4. What situations, events, or places could you observe or experience to gain insight into
your topic? Going onto an active construction site.

5. What challenges might you encounter with your research or project? What assistance or
tools will you need to overcome them? Not having enough time to do the things i need to

6. What other questions or concerns do you have about your Senior Capstone Project at
this time? None for now.

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