Experiment No-6 TITLE: Functions in Python Objective: Understanding Functions in Python. List of Lab Works

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Experiment No- 6

TITLE: Functions in Python

Objective: Understanding Functions in python.

List of lab works:

Write the python program to implement the below given design problems.
Using functions, re-write and execute Python program to:
1. Write a function that computes the gross salary of an employee according to the following
a. Input basic salary of an employee
b. Calculate and output Gross Salary = Basic + HRA + DA
c. If basic salary is >25000 then HRA =Rs.6000 and DA=12% of the basic.
d. If basic salary is <=25000 then HRA =Rs.4000 and DA=12% of the basic
2. At an airport, a traveller is allowed entry into the flight only if he clears the following
1. Baggage Check
2. Immigration Check
3. Security Check
 The logic for the check methods are given below:
check_baggage (baggage_weight)
returns True if baggage_weight is greater than or equal to 0 and less
than or equal to 40. Otherwise returns False.

check_immigration (expiry_year)
returns True if expiry_year is greater than or equal to 2030 and less
than or equal to 2050. Otherwise returns False.

returns True if noc_status is 'valid' or 'VALID', for all other values
return False.

Initialize the traveller Id and traveller name and invoke the functions
check_baggage(), check_immigration() and check_security() by
passing required arguments.

 Refer the below data for value of arguments

traveler_id - "Your SAP Id"
traveler_name - "Your Name"
baggage_weight - 35
expiry_year - 2022
noc_status - VALID
 If all values of check_baggage(), check_immigration() and check_security() are true,
- display traveler_id and traveler_name
- display "Allow Traveler to fly!"
- display traveler_id and traveler_name
- display "Detain Traveler for Re-checking!
 Invoke the traveler() function. Modify the values of different variables in traveler()
function and observe the output.

3. Develop a menu driven software in python with the below mentioned choices
[1- CheckAttendanceStatus 2-GenerateGrade 3-Exit

That helps a professor, to get a choice and invoke a suitable functions that provides the
below given functionality.
a) checkAttendanceStatus(classAttended,classHeld) which returns the status
allowed/debarred, with the condition “A student will not be allowed to sit in exam if
his/her attendance is less than 75%”
b) generateGrade(IAMarks,midSemMarks,endSemMarks) which returns the grade of the
student, as per the conditions mentioned below.
Rules for grading system:

 TotalMarks=20% MidSemMarks+30% IA+50% EndSemMArks

 On the basis of TotalMarks the grade is generated.
Below 25 - F
25 to 45 - E
45 to 50 - D
50 to 60 - C
60 to 80 - B
Above 80 – A

4. Write a Python program to find the maximum and minimum values in a given list of
tuples using lambda function.
Original list with tuples:
[('V', 62), ('VI', 68), ('VII', 72), ('VIII', 70), ('IX', 74), ('X', 65)]
Maximum and minimum values of the said list of tuples:(74, 62)

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