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SGGIAODYC VADAO TAO —_ DE KIEM TRA HQC Kt2 NAM HQC 2018-2019 MON: TIENG ANH 8 bé CHINE Thdi gian lam bai: 60 phiit [_ peenine THOC (khong tink thoi gian phdt dé va nghe) Dé kiém tra gdm 04 trang. Hge sinh lam trén phiéu lam bai. A, LISTENING (1.5ms) [—saa:aaos Part 1. You will hear a weather forecast. Listen and fill in the missing words. (one word for each gap). (0.5m) Welcome to the weather forecast. Now, let's see what the weather is like today. 1. In the north of the country it's very (I)___and cold, There is a chance of some rain too, so don't leave home without your umbrella! 2. The temperature is around 10 (2) centigrade. 3. In the east its rainy all day today, I'm afraid. There may be a thunderstorm in the afternoon. The (3) is a bit higher, at around 13 degrees. 4. In the west and middle of the country the weather is dry (4) cloudy. 5. The south of the country has the (5) weather today. It's cloudy most of the time but sunny this afternoon. Part 2. Randall is talking about his new year’s day. Listen and check the statements True or False. (0.5m) STATEMENTS TRUE FALSE 1. Randail used to play games with friends to celebrate the New Year. 2. Randall and his friends would eat salad on New Year's Eve. 3. When Randall's children were little, he used to stay up late on that night. ‘Now, Randall usually goes to bed early on New Year's Eve. 3, According to Randall, New Year's Day is a big celebration for him because every new day is a new beginning. i Part 3. You will hear a conversation about saving the earth. Listen then circle the correct answers. (0.5m) 1. What is the name of the girl being interviewed? A. Alice B. Ellen C. Alex. 2, She says we should save water when ‘A. washing cars B. cleaning clothes aking a bath 3, The girl's second suggestion is about : A. separating different types of garbage 13. disposing of trash properly “having a family clean-up party 1-A801 4. By recycling paper, we can _ A. protect the forests B. cut down on waste C. save money 5. What does the girl do once a month? A. She visits a recycling center. B. She collects newspapers. C. She cleans a neighborhood park. B. PHONECTICS (1m) L Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. (0.5:m) 1. A. decided B. watched C. stopped D. washed 2. A. nature B. fabric C. pancake D. classmate IL. Choose a word in each line that has a different stress pattern, (0.5 m) 3. A. festival B. gallery C. position D. waterfall 4, A.convenient _ B. religious C. commercial _D. plentiful C. VOCABULARY and GRAMMAR. (2ms) 5. Compost is a wonder natural A. substance —_B, material C. garbage D. fertilizer 6. Glass is usually sand. A-madein _B. made by C. made from —_D. made with 7. The country’s resources include forest, coal and oil: A. natural B. nature C. naturally D. unnatural 8. Nam has worked in this library 2002. A. for B, since C. from 9. Thang the washing up for you? > Yes, please. A. Shall I B. Dol C. Do you D. Will you her job because her boss make her work over time. 10. Jane decided A. change B. to change C. changing D. changed 11. Laura her project yet. A. have finished B. has finished C. hasn’t finished —D. haven’t finished. 12. My sister dinner when Mom arrived home. A. is made B. makes C. is making D. was making D. COMMUNICATION. ‘ Match the sentences to the responses (1m) A = | 13. Will you post this letter for me? ‘A. All right. How much is it? | 14, Do you mind if l use your phone? B. Don’t forget. 15. Would you please pay me in cash? C.No, thanks. i [16 Shall T get you a drink? D. hope so. | 2-A801 E. OK. The post office is on my way. l F. I'm sorry, that is not possible. E, READING. (2ms) I. Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C or D to fill in each gap. (1 m) The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is a very old wall made of stone. It is the (17) structure that people have ever built. The wall is 15 to 30 feet (4.5 to 9 meters) wide, and up to 25 feet (7.5 meters) high. At one point the wall may have measured more than 5,000 miles (8,000 meters) long, (18) it is so old that many parts of the wall have broken and disappeared. The Great Wall (19) more than 2,000 years ago to protect northern China from enemy attacks. Watch towers were built along the wall, often on hilltops or other places with a long, clear view. These watch towers could be used to signal danger from a long way away. During the night, guards could light fires or lanterns that would shine brightly in the dark. During the day, they could make smoke signals. Today, the Great Wall is no longer used to keep out enemies. People come ‘from all over the world to see it. It is one of the greatest (20) of the world! 17. A. shortest _B, smallest C. longest D. highest 18, A. but B. because C.s0 D. although 19. A. being built _B. is built C. been built D. was built 20. A. inventions _B, wonders C. buildings D. towers UL. Read the paragraph and choose the best option A, B, C or D to answer the question. (im) Computers are machines that can help us in many ways. But they cannot think or do things on their own. Humans have to feed them with information and tell them what to do with it. They cannot come up with any new information. But they can save much time and work, The first computers were giant and costly. They filled up almost the whole floor of large offices. Later, because of the usefulness and demand for computers in business, scientists soon found ways to produce cheaper and smaller computers. They invented chips which made it possible to store more information in less space. Today, computers are not only cheaper, but also more compact, They can just be placed on top of an ordinary writing table. They can even be carried from place to place easily. Robots, on the other hand, are not mechanical people. They are only moving parts controlled by a computer. A robot can do the same work for twenty four hours, and yet, it does not complain or get tired. In the United States robots are computers that tell them where to guard and what to do. In Japan and in some places in America, robots are used in factories to assemble cars. As computers become more common businesses and factories, people fear that one day computers and computer controlled robots will put human workers out of work. 1. Why do humans have to feed the computers with information and tell them what to do? 3-A801 A. Because computers can save time and work. B, Because computers cannot think or do things on their own. -C. Because computers can store office information in their memory. D. Because computers can help us in many ways. 22, ae wee in the passage that has the same meaning as more compact. . bigger B. more expensive C. cheaper D. smaller 23. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. Robots are mechanical people. B. Robots are controlled by a computer. C. Robots do not get tired of working. D. Robots guard factories and museums in the United States. 24, The BEST title for this passage would be A. Robots are Security Guards .B. Old and New Computers C. Computers and Robots D. The Electronic Invention F. WRITING (im) Rewrite the sentences as directed in the bracket 1. Dad has decorated the Christmas tree with colorful lights. (Change into passive) > The S : 2. “Tam the best soccer player.” Scott said. (Change into reported speech) > Scott 3. “Can you speak Chinese?” I asked Hoa. (Change into reported speech) > Lasked Hoa 4, Mom / happy / I/ pass / exam. (Complete the sentence) > Mom : -~-THE END--

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