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Academic Task

Name of the faculty Member:- Dr Blessy Sarah Mathew

Name of Student:- Priyanshu Pratap

Course Code: ECO113 Course Title: Business Economics

Academic Task No: 2 Academic Task Title: Case Study

Date of Allotment: 28-03-2023 Date of Submission: 10-04-2023

Student Roll No: RQ2218A09 Student Reg. No:12202341
Term: 2 Section: Q2218
Max. Marks 30 Marks. Obtained:

Learning Outcomes: (Student to write briefly about learnings obtained from the academic tasks)

I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other students’ work
or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has any
part been written for me by any other person.
Evaluation Criterion: Rubrics on different parameters

Student’ Signature:

Evaluator’s Comments (For Instructor’s use only)

Evaluator’s Signature and Date:




HUL's Uniqueness :- Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is one of the largest and
most successful fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies in India. Its success can be
attributed to several factors that make it unique in the economic environment:

• Strong brand equity: HUL has a strong brand portfolio consisting of popular brands
such as Lux, Dove, Surf Excel, Lifebuoy, Lipton, and Knorr. These brands have a high
recall value among consumers and have helped the company maintain its market
share over the years.
• Deep understanding of the Indian market: Hindustan Unilever has been operating in
India for over 80 years and has developed a deep understanding of the Indian
market, consumer preferences, and cultural nuances, which enables it to develop
products that resonate with Indian consumers.
• Focus on innovation: HUL has a strong focus on innovation and invests heavily in
research and development to come up with new products and improve existing
ones. For instance, it recently launched a range of plant-based personal care
products under its brand Lever Ayush.
• Innovative product development: Hindustan Unilever has a culture of innovation
and has consistently introduced new and innovative products in the market, such as
Ayush, a range of natural health and beauty products, and Pureit, a water purifier
that uses advanced technology to purify water.
• Extensive distribution network: HUL has an extensive distribution network that
reaches over 6.3 million retail outlets across India. This allows the company to reach
even the most remote areas of the country and makes its products easily accessible
to consumers. Hindustan Unilever has a strong distribution network that reaches
over 6.3 million retail outlets in India, making it one of the most widely distributed
FMCG companies in the country.
• Strong marketing and advertising: HUL is known for its strong marketing and
advertising campaigns that effectively communicate the benefits of its products to
consumers. Its advertising campaigns are often memorable and emotionally
resonant, which helps build brand loyalty
• Sustainability initiatives: HUL has made significant efforts to reduce its
environmental footprint and promote sustainability. For instance, it has launched a
range of sustainable products under its brand Love Beauty and Planet and has
committed to becoming carbon positive by 2030.
These unique characteristics have helped Hindustan Unilever become a market leader in
several categories and maintain its position as one of the most admired companies in
India. Overall, these factors have helped HUL maintain its position as a market leader in
India's FMCG sector and make it unique in the economic environment.


Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is a subsidiary of Unilever, a British-Dutch multinational
company. It is one of the largest and most successful fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)
companies in India. HUL was founded in 1933 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India. HUL
has a portfolio of popular brands in various categories such as personal care, home care,
foods, and beverages. Some of its well-known brands include Lux, Dove, Surf Excel,
Lifebuoy, Lipton, Knorr, and Brooke Bond. HUL's products are sold in over 1.9 million retail
outlets across India, making it one of the largest FMCG companies in the country.

HUL is committed to creating a positive impact on society and has undertaken several
initiatives in the areas of health, hygiene, and education. It has also been recognized for its
efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Overall, HUL's strong brand equity, focus on innovation, extensive distribution network,
and commitment to sustainability and social responsibility make it a leader in India's
FMCG sector


In this case study we analyse the Businesses are affected by both economic and non-
economic factors in their operating environment. Here are some examples of how each of
these factors can impact a business:
Economic factors:
• Economic policies: Government policies such as taxes, subsidies, and regulations
can have a significant impact on businesses. For example, changes in tax rates can
affect a business's profits, while regulations can impact its operations and costs.
• Consumer spending patterns: Changes in consumer spending patterns can impact
businesses that sell goods or services to consumers. For example, during economic
downturns, consumers may reduce their spending on discretionary items, which can
impact businesses that sell luxury goods or services.
• Inflation: Inflation refers to the rate at which prices of goods and services increase
over time. High inflation rates can reduce consumer purchasing power, increase the
cost of production, and reduce profitability for businesses.
• Interest rates: Changes in interest rates can affect a business's borrowing costs,
which can impact its investment decisions and overall profitability.
• Economic growth: The overall economic growth of a country can impacts a
business's sales and revenue. When the economy is growing, businesses tend to do
better, and vice versa. Economic growth, as measured by Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), is a critical economic factor that impacts businesses. When the economy is
growing, businesses tend to experience increased demand for their products or
services, higher consumer confidence, and increased access to credit.
Non-economic factors:

• Social and cultural factors: Social and cultural factors such as demographic changes,
consumer behaviours, and lifestyle choices can affect a business's sales and
marketing strategies. For instance, a shift in consumer preferences towards healthier
food options can impact a fast-food chain's sales.
• Technological factors: Technological advancements can impact a business's
operations, products, and services. For example, the rise of e-commerce has
disrupted traditional retail businesses, forcing them to adapt or risk becoming
• Political factors: Political instability, changes in government policies, and geopolitical
events can impact a business's operations and profitability. For example, trade tariffs
and sanctions can impact a company's supply chain and revenues.
• Environmental factors: Climate change, natural disasters, and other environmental
factors can affect a business's operations and supply chain. For example, a natural
disaster such as a hurricane can disrupt a company's manufacturing or distribution
Overall, businesses need to be aware of the various economic and non-economic factors
that can impact their operations and profitability. By understanding these factors,
businesses can better prepare themselves to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing

a) Economic Conditions: - The current economic condition of Hindustan Unilever
Limited (HUL). However, based on the company's financial reports and market trends, here
is a general overview of the economic condition of HUL
The FMCG sector is one of the largest contributors to India's GDP, accounting for around
10% of the country's GDP. The sector is also a major source of employment, providing jobs
to millions of people in India, including those in manufacturing, distribution, and retail.

HUL is one of the leading FMCG companies in India, with a diverse product portfolio that
includes personal care, home care, foods, and beverages. The company has a significant
market share in several product categories and operates through an extensive distribution
network that includes over 8,000 suppliers, 1,500 distributors, and 2.4 million retail outlets
across the country.
I don't have specific data on HUL's contribution to India's GDP, the company's success and
growth have undoubtedly had a positive impact on the country's economy, through its
financial performance, employment generation, and support for SMES.

Overall, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic and the competitive market
environment, HUL's strong financial performance, innovation focus, and sustainability
initiatives indicate a favourable economic condition for the company

B) Economic Policies :- Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) where economic policies and
regulations can have a significant impact on the company's operations and performance.
Here are some of the economic policies and factors that may be affecting HUL:

• Taxation Policies: Changes in taxation policies, such as corporate tax rates, indirect
taxes like GST, and import duties can significantly impact the cost structure of the
company. Any increase in taxes may increase the cost of production and result in a
price hike for consumers, which can impact sales.
• Foreign Investment Policies: The Indian government has implemented several
policies to encourage foreign investment in the country. Changes in these policies
can impact HUL's operations, particularly if the company is relying on foreign
investors for funding or if there are restrictions on foreign investments in certain
• Price Controls: The Indian government has the power to control the prices of certain
essential goods, which can impact HUL's pricing strategy for its products.
• Environmental Policies: The Indian government has implemented several
environmental policies and regulations, such as restrictions on packaging and waste
management. Compliance with these policies can impact the cost of production for
• Trade Policies: Changes in international trade policies, such as import-export duties
and trade agreements, can impact HUL's global operations, including its supply chain
and distribution networks.
Overall, economic policies and regulations can have a significant impact on HUL's
operations and performance. The company must remain aware of any changes in
economic policies and regulations and adjust its operations and strategy accordingly.

C) Economic System :- Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) operates in a market-based

economic system, where market forces such as supply and demand, competition, and
pricing dynamics can significantly impact the company's operations and performance. Here
are some of the factors in the economic system that may be affecting HUL:

• Competition: HUL operates in a highly competitive market, where other FMCG

companies also offer a range of products and services to consumers. Any changes in
the competitive landscape, such as the entry of new players or the introduction of
new products, can impact HUL's market share and revenue.
• Consumer Demand: HUL's success is heavily reliant on consumer demand for its
products. Changes in consumer preferences, spending patterns, and lifestyle choices
can impact the demand for the company's products and services.
• Supply Chain: HUL relies on an extensive supply chain to source raw materials,
manufacture products, and distribute them to retail outlets. Any disruptions in the
supply chain, such as transportation delays or raw material shortages, can impact
the company's operations and sales.
• Pricing Dynamics: HUL's pricing strategy is influenced by several factors, such as
competition, production costs, and consumer demand. Any changes in these factors
can impact the company's pricing strategy and revenue.
• Economic Growth: The overall economic growth of the country can impact HUL's
operations and performance. A growing economy can lead to increased consumer
spending and higher demand for FMCG products, while a slowing economy can
result in decreased consumer spending and lower demand for HUL's products.
Overall, HUL's operations and performance are influenced by various factors in the
economic system, including competition, consumer demand, supply chain, pricing
dynamics, and economic growth. The company must remain aware of these factors and
adjust its operations and strategy accordingly to remain competitive and successful.


a) Social factor :- There are several social factors that can affect Hindustan Unilever
(HUL), a leading consumer goods company in India. Here are some of them:
• Changing consumer preferences: With the increasing awareness and education levels
among Indian consumers, their preferences for products and brands are also evolving. HUL
needs to stay up-to-date with these changing preferences and adapt its product portfolio
• Rising income levels: The middle class in India is growing rapidly, and with it, their
purchasing power. This presents a significant opportunity for HUL to introduce new and
innovative products that cater to this segment.
• Health and wellness trends: Consumers are becoming more health-conscious and are
seeking products that are natural, organic, and free from harmful chemicals. HUL needs to
keep up with these trends and offer products that align with these preferences.
• Urbanization: India is rapidly urbanizing, and the urban population is becoming more
demanding when it comes to quality and convenience. HUL needs to focus on improving its
distribution channels and supply chain to cater to these consumers.
• Cultural diversity: India is a diverse country with multiple cultures and languages. HUL needs
to be sensitive to these differences and tailor its marketing and advertising campaigns
accordingly to resonate with different audiences.

Overall, HUL needs to be aware of these social factors and incorporate them into its business
strategy to remain competitive in the Indian market.

b. Political factor:- One of the political factors that can affect Hindustan Unilever (HUL), a
leading consumer goods company in India, is government policies and regulations. The
Indian government has a significant impact on the business environment through its policies
and regulations. For example:

• Tax policies: Changes in tax policies, such as an increase in corporate tax rates or the
implementation of a goods and services tax (GST), can impact HUL's profitability.
• Foreign investment regulations: HUL is a multinational company, and any changes in
foreign investment regulations can impact its ability to operate in India.
• Trade policies: Changes in trade policies, such as tariffs and trade agreements, can
affect HUL's ability to import or export its products.
• Environmental regulations: HUL operates in several sectors, including personal care,
food and beverages, and home care, and is subject to environmental regulations.
Changes in these regulations can impact its operations and increase its costs.
• Labor laws: HUL employs many people in India, and changes in labour laws can
impact its workforce and operations.

Overall, HUL needs to stay up to date with government policies and regulations to ensure
compliance and mitigate any negative impacts on its business.

c. Legal and Technological factors :- There are also legal and technological factors that
can affect Hindustan Unilever (HUL), a leading consumer goods company in India. Here are
some of them:

• Legal factors: HUL needs to comply with various laws and regulations, such as
product labelling and safety, environmental laws, and consumer protection laws.
Any violation of these laws can result in legal action, fines, and damage to the
company's reputation.
• Technological factors: HUL operates in a rapidly changing technological
environment, and it needs to keep up with technological advancements to stay
competitive. For example, the company can leverage technology to improve its
supply chain management, distribution channels, and customer engagement.
HUL needs to be aware of these legal and technological factors and incorporate them into
its business strategy to ensure compliance, stay competitive, and protect its operations
and reputation.

d. Demographic and Natural factors :- there are also demographic and natural
factors that can affect Hindustan Unilever (HUL), a leading consumer goods company in
India. Here are some of them:

• Demographic factors: HUL needs to be aware of the demographic changes in India,

such as the aging population, urbanization, and changing family structures. These
changes can impact consumer behaviour and preferences, and HUL needs to adapt
its product offerings accordingly.
• Natural disasters and climate change: India is prone to natural disasters such as
floods, cyclones, and droughts. These events can disrupt HUL's operations and
supply chain, leading to production delays and loss of revenue. Climate change can
also impact the availability of natural resources and raw materials used in HUL's
• Health and wellness: Consumers in India are becoming increasingly health-conscious
and are seeking products that are natural, organic, and free from harmful chemicals.
HUL needs to cater to these changing preferences and offer products that align with
these trends.
• Cultural and social norms: India is a diverse country with different cultural and social
norms. HUL needs to be sensitive to these differences and tailor its marketing and
advertising campaigns accordingly to resonate with different audiences.

The economic condition can have a significant impact on Hindustan Unilever (HUL), a
leading consumer goods company in India. Here are some of the economic factors that
can affect HUL in the economic environment:

• GDP Growth: HUL's business performance is closely linked to the overall economic
growth of India. Higher GDP growth translates into increased consumer spending,
which can boost HUL's sales and revenue.
• Government policies: Government policies related to taxation, subsidies, and
regulations can impact HUL's business. Changes in policies can impact HUL's
profitability, supply chain, and pricing strategy.
• Market competition: Economic factors can impact market competition, and HUL
needs to adapt its business strategy to remain competitive. For example, during a
recession, consumers may opt for lower-priced products, and HUL may need to
adjust its product mix accordingly.
Hindustan Unilever is a private company and does not have its own economic policy.
However, the company operates within the broader economic policy framework set by
the Indian government. Here is an analysis of some of the economic policies that could
potentially impact Hindustan Unilever:

• Fiscal policy: The Indian government's fiscal policy can impact Hindustan Unilever's
business operations, particularly with respect to tax rates and government spending.
Higher tax rates could potentially reduce disposable income and consumer spending,
while lower tax rates could potentially stimulate demand for the company's
products. Similarly, increased government spending on infrastructure and social
programs could potentially boost demand for consumer goods.
• Monetary policy: The Reserve Bank of India's monetary policy can impact Hindustan
Unilever's business operations, particularly with respect to interest rates and credit
availability. Higher interest rates could potentially increase borrowing costs for the
company, while lower interest rates could potentially stimulate consumer borrowing
and spending.
• Trade policy: The Indian government's trade policy can impact Hindustan Unilever's
supply chain operations, particularly with respect to import/export regulations and
tariffs. Changes in import/export regulations or tariffs could potentially increase the
cost of imported raw materials or impact the company's ability to export finished
• Labor policy: The Indian government's labour policy can impact Hindustan Unilever's
workforce, particularly with respect to minimum wage rates, labour laws, and
regulations. Changes in labour laws or regulations could potentially impact the cost
of labour and affect the company's ability to attract and retain skilled workers.
Hindustan Unilever operates within the framework of a mixed economic system in India,
which combines elements of a market economy and a planned economy. Here is an
analysis of how this economic system affects Hindustan Unilever:

• Market economy: India has a market-based economic system, which allows private
enterprises like Hindustan Unilever to operate and compete in the market. The
company's pricing and output decisions are largely determined by market demand
and supply forces. This means that the company is free to make its own business
decisions, such as what products to produce, how much to produce, and what price
to charge.
• Planned economy: At the same time, the Indian government plays an active role in
regulating and planning the economy through its policies and programs. For
example, the government sets the regulatory framework for product quality,
environmental standards, and labour laws. The government also allocates resources
towards certain sectors of the economy, such as infrastructure, education, and
• Social responsibility: In addition to its economic goals, Hindustan Unilever has also
demonstrated a strong commitment to social responsibility, particularly in areas
such as sustainability, community development, and health and hygiene. This aligns
with the Indian government's focus on promoting social welfare and inclusive
• Challenges: operating within a mixed economic system can also present challenges
for Hindustan Unilever. For example, government policies can sometimes be
unpredictable, which can create uncertainty for the company's business operations.
Additionally, regulatory compliance can be time-consuming and expensive, which
can impact the company's bottom line.


There are also a number of non-economic factors that can impact Hindustan Unilever's
business operations. Here is an analysis of some of the key non-economic factors:
Social factors: Hindustan Unilever operates in a culturally diverse and socially complex
environment in India. The company's success depends in part on its ability to navigate and
respond to different cultural values, beliefs, and attitudes towards products and brands.
For example, the company may need to adapt its marketing strategies to account for
regional or religious differences in consumer preferences.
1. Consumer preferences: Indian consumers have diverse preferences and buying
behaviours that can influence Hindustan Unilever's product development,
marketing, and distribution strategies. The company would need to be aware of
these preferences and adjust its offerings accordingly to remain competitive.
2. Social responsibility: Hindustan Unilever has a strong commitment to social
responsibility, particularly in areas such as sustainability, community development,
and health and hygiene. This aligns with the social priorities of Indian consumers and
can help the company build brand loyalty and trust.
Technological factors: The rapid pace of technological change in India can also impact
Hindustan Unilever's business operations. The company would need to constantly
innovate and invest in new technologies to remain competitive and meet consumer
demands. For example, the rise of e-commerce and digital marketing channels may
require the company to shift its advertising strategies towards online platforms.
1. Digital transformation: The rise of digital technologies has transformed the business
landscape in India, with consumers increasingly using online channels to research,
buy, and interact with brands. Hindustan Unilever would need to invest in digital
technologies and platforms to remain competitive and meet evolving consumer
2. Supply chain management: Technology can also play a key role in optimizing supply
chain operations and improving efficiency. Hindustan Unilever would need to invest
in supply chain technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices and
automation, to enhance visibility, control, and speed of its supply chain operations.
Political factors: Political instability and regulatory changes can also impact Hindustan
Unilever's business operations. The company would need to be aware of any changes in
government policies or regulations that could affect its supply chain, workforce, or market
access. For example, changes in import/export regulations or labour laws could impact the
company's cost structure or production capabilities.

1. Government policies: Government policies, such as trade policies, taxation policies,

and labor laws, can impact Hindustan Unilever's business operations in India. The
company would need to stay updated on any changes in government policies and
adapt its business strategies accordingly.
2. Corporate social responsibility: The Indian government has been encouraging
companies to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Hindustan
Unilever has been actively involved in CSR initiatives, and this could help the
company maintain a positive relationship with the government.
Environmental factors: Hindustan Unilever's operations can also impact the environment,
particularly in areas such as waste disposal, water management, and greenhouse gas
emissions. The company would need to adopt sustainable practices to minimize its
environmental impact and maintain its social responsibility commitments.
1. Climate change: Climate change is a global concern, and India is particularly
vulnerable to its impacts. Hindustan Unilever would need to take measures to
mitigate the impact of climate change on its business operations, such as investing in
renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
2. Waste management: Waste generation is a significant environmental challenge for
the FMCG sector. Hindustan Unilever would need to implement effective waste
management strategies, such as reducing packaging waste and increasing recycling.
3. Environmental regulations: The Indian government has been introducing environmental
regulations to address environmental concerns. Hindustan Unilever would need to comply
with all applicable regulations and standards to minimize its impact on the environment.

Overall, non-economic factors such as sociocultural, technological, political, and

environmental factors can impact Hindustan Unilever's business operations. The company
would need to continuously monitor and adapt to these factors to remain competitive
and maintain its social responsibility commitments


The purpose of a business strategy plan for Hindustan Unilever would be to provide a
clear direction and framework for the company's growth and success. The strategy plan
would outline the company's goals and objectives, as well as the specific actions and
initiatives needed to achieve them. Some of the key purposes of a business strategy plan
for Hindustan Unilever would include:

• The company's mission and vision: The strategy plan would help Hindustan Unilever
clearly define its mission and vision, which would guide its overall strategy and
• Identifying opportunities and challenges: The strategy plan would help Hindustan
Unilever identify emerging market trends, competitive forces, and other factors that
could impact its business operations in India. This would enable the company to
capitalize on new opportunities and mitigate potential risks.
• Setting goals and objectives: The strategy plan would help Hindustan Unilever set
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and
objectives. This would provide a clear roadmap for the company's growth and
• Developing strategies and tactics: The strategy plan would help Hindustan Unilever
develop specific strategies and tactics to achieve its goals and objectives. This could
include product innovation, supply chain optimization, marketing and advertising,
and other initiatives.
The purpose of a business strategy plan for Hindustan Unilever would be to provide a
clear direction and framework for the company's growth and success in India's fast-
moving consumer goods market. The plan would help the company identify opportunities,
mitigate risks, set specific goals and objectives, develop strategies and tactics, and align its
resources and capabilities to achieve its desired outcomes.


The purpose of a business strategy plan for Hindustan Unilever through the economic
factor would be to identify opportunities and challenges related to economic conditions
and develop a comprehensive strategy to mitigate economic risks while also pursuing
growth and profitability. Some of the key purposes of a business strategy plan for
Hindustan Unilever in the context of the economic factor would include:

• Assessing economic risks and opportunities: The strategy plan would help
Hindustan Unilever assess the economic risks and opportunities associated with its
business operations, such as changes in GDP, inflation, exchange rates, and
consumer spending patterns. This would enable the company to develop strategies
to mitigate economic risks and take advantage of economic opportunities.
• Economic sustainability goals: The strategy plan would help Hindustan Unilever
define its economic sustainability goals, such as achieving sustainable revenue
growth, maintaining profitability, and managing costs. These goals would provide a
clear direction for the company's growth and help align its economic sustainability
efforts with its overall business strategy.
• Developing economic strategies: The strategy plan would help Hindustan Unilever
develop specific economic strategies to achieve its goals and objectives. This could
include focusing on cost optimization, expanding into new markets, developing new
product lines, and enhancing supply chain efficiency.
• Adapting to changing economic conditions: The strategy plan would help Hindustan
Unilever develop strategies to adapt to changing economic conditions. This would
involve monitoring economic indicators, analysing trends, and adjusting its business
operations to mitigate economic risks and take advantage of economic
The purpose of a business strategy plan for Hindustan Unilever through the economic
factor would be to identify economic risks and opportunities, define economic
sustainability goals, develop economic strategies, adapt to changing economic conditions,
and build partnerships and collaborations to achieve sustainable growth and profitability.
This would enable the company to navigate the economic landscape in India and pursue
its long-term goals while also minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities.

In conclusion, Hindustan Unilever operates in a dynamic economic environment with
several opportunities and challenges. As one of the largest FMCG companies in India, it is
exposed to economic risks such as changes in GDP, inflation, exchange rates, and
consumer spending patterns. However, the company also has significant growth potential
in the Indian market due to rising incomes, urbanization, and a growing middle class.
Through a business strategy plan focused on the economic factor, Hindustan Unilever can
mitigate risks and take advantage of opportunities to achieve sustainable growth and
profitability. The company can do this by assessing economic risks and opportunities,
defining economic sustainability goals, developing economic strategies, adapting to
changing economic conditions, and building partnerships and collaborations to achieve its
In conclusion, economic factors play a crucial role in shaping the business environment for
Hindustan Unilever in India. As one of the largest FMCG companies in India, Hindustan
Unilever is exposed to various economic risks and challenges, such as changes in GDP,
inflation, exchange rates, and consumer spending patterns. However, the company also
has significant opportunities for growth and expansion in the Indian market due to rising
incomes, urbanization, and a growing middle class.
A business strategy plan focused on the economic factor can help Hindustan Unilever
navigate these challenges and capitalize on opportunities. The company can achieve this
by assessing economic risks and opportunities, defining economic sustainability goals,
developing economic strategies, adapting to changing economic conditions, and building
partnerships and collaborations to achieve its goals.
Hindustan Unilever's long-standing commitment to sustainability and innovation has
positioned it well to navigate the complex economic landscape in India and achieve its
long-term objectives. By pursuing a business strategy plan that is mindful of economic
factors, Hindustan Unilever can continue to deliver value to its stakeholders and
contribute to the Indian economy's growth and development.

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