Healthy Habits

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I’m going to talk about eating habits.

I’d like to start by quoting a famous phrase that says:

“You are what you eat” and what does it mean this phrase? Well, in my opinion is a way of
encouraging people to be aware of the importance of having a balance diet.

People have different lifestyles and eating habits. The pictures on paper prove it.

The first photo shows a man who seems to work in the office. He doesn't have time to make himself
lunch for work, so he eats quickly a junk food. I think he stresses, because he is late for work and
can’t eat his lunch normally. His diet is full of carbohydrates and fats. This food isn’t good for his
digestive system. I think if he usually eating fast food, in the future he would have problems with

In the second photo I see a family who is making a dinner. The whole family participates in cooking. I
think it’s a good way to spend time with your family. Mom and daughter are making a salad. Dad and
son are making the main dish. It’s great that parents are teaching their children about healthy eating
habits. In my opinion home food is better than junk food, because it is made with love, have better
taste and is healthier.

Emotions in these pictures are very contrasting. Man has no emotions in his face, he is just eating,
maybe he is fed up with junk food, and thinks about healthier food, but he doesn’t got enough time
to prepare it.

Family members have smiles on their face and look like that their enjoying making food. They share
love and warm feelings with each other.

There is an extra question below task: Would you agree that school canteens should be closed and
students should bring their own lunch to school?

My answer is that I wouldn’t agree with idea to close canteens in school, because canteens give a
chance to eat warm and healthy food in school. If canteens closed, most students will probably carry
junk food to school.

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