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The project work cannot be a one-man show. Although it is impossible to give
individual thanks to all helpful faculty members and to those who are connected. I take
this opportunity to express my gratitude for them. As a start, my heartfelt thanks to God
for giving his blessing and confidence to make this project a successful one.

I feel grateful to thank Prof. Dr.A.KANAGARAJ,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D., Founder and

Chairman, Jaya Education Trust, Mrs.K.VIJAYAKUMAR1, M.A., B.Ed., Secretary,
Jaya Educational Trust, Mr.K.NAVARAJ, M.E., Vice-chairman, Jaya Educational
Trust Mr.Dr.K.DEENA„ Joint Secretary for extending their support during the course
of my studies.

1 am grateful to Dr.P.GUHAN, Principal, Jaya College of Arts

& Science, Thiruninravur, for providing me with an environment to complete my
project successfully.

I take pleasure in thanking Mrs.S.ABIRAMI, M.C.A.,M.Phil., Associate Professor

and Head, Department of Computer Science, Jaya College of Arts & Science,
Thiruninravur, for extending her support throughout the main project.

My deepest thanks to Mrs.S.ABIRAMI, M.C.A.,M.Phil., Assistant Professor, Jaya

Collegeof Arts & Science, Thiruninravur, for her guidance and encouragement at each
stage of my project.

I also thanks Mrs.V.RAMYA my project guide and all the staff members of VSRM
Info System without whom the project would have not been a reality.


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