Transmission Lecture

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y S- TRANEMESION we 4 a dese thal Wrongers techieal energy Tom one fp another , M by x condaded annections Denice sston ekements Haat cara} signal power . A > * ciel cable OF other chucures designed 4» conduct EM waves in » — Guided mediq wntained manner. . ; 1 two wire cable used to carey AF energy between two different pieces of > communication equip ment my the material medium or struckure that forme all or path of a path &D) From one placy te another for directing the transmission oF encaty PED) 1 A Mine that wed te transmit they cigndl yom the transmission fp the rectiver BD) ond vice versa. BD *‘ A devicw used f connect a devich fo the gnother =>) X weralic conductor cysten vhat used fp fransyer The RF fh Gnofher:. =D) Cattgores r Transmission Ling =? J Metollic transiniesion fines ® 2- Vigher Order Medes Transménon Line, i 7 Fiber optic > Waveguide Scanned with CamScanner Transmission Media Guided Transmission Media € has conductor that provides conduit in which letra mag netic signals are contained. €x* Copper Wie , Opheal fiber , [Telephone Lanes , LAN cables , Anything with wiry Unguided Trangmission Media # Wireless cychems , dinevion oF Popagahon depends on the, direction Im which the ignals lag emitted . Ex + fir and fite Space Radio Broad cas ing y ligt system , Biuetooth — Satelitey Communication Networks , thiomaver Communicahon » Mobile ernmunicaten Tromemission ling —* devieg designed fe quide electtica) enemy from Oot point fe another - weir fans sGon ouput eno Yine end Ankenna Basiy Wansmaion lant PREP EERRRRRVGIVIGIYY Scanned with CamScanner “sion toe and its Sa, thy anteana | _butyat impedence (am) + “Ingen snl fy thy v toad 4 tu | | | IDA iz Pd i 3 & |¢| [ET Bg a z frangmiscion (ing and its Source” Charackristin Imptdancy + valio of voltage fe current A any poral on that transmission ine would bey Some park alar value of impedance - WoteT input end = FraMTeMIG end, coureerend; Generator end output end - toad end, receiver end , sink TYPES OF TRANSMISSION menums s- Parallel ling A. Two -Wiry Opeh Lene & Ninw consists oF two wires that at generally spaced yom 2 he ‘inches opart by insukating spacers . Advaatagy: Simply Const iuckion Disadvantages s high radighon lowes and electrical vee ylecup \nsulating Cpactis VEEERES STF eI Ide Scanned with CamScanner B. Two- Wire Ribbon ( 200.0 Twin-Lead) K this Ving ic accured by etnbedding the two wires in a lovl- lose dieleeiy polyethylene - ¥ maintained by A conkinuous plashe insulahr DIELECTRIC 2. Twisted Pair Viney Consiths OF two insulated wires tihed together fp form a plesible/ Tiner without the/ use/ of spacert Dicadvantage not used for franchitting high prequen yy UTP Unchielded {wicked Pair STP Ghielded Twisted Pair EERPVEVIUGVIVIIAG Parameters uTP STP Crewchurt/ calble evi swine Yhat ary sisted pate cable endloted twisted togerher in poll /chiold Cost /weight Cheaper & Ughter Hran stP Costlier 9. heavier than UTP (zi Noise fray noise and Lest pry fo noltey ond ; Inturporence/ injerportnce” deren Ces : Cupperts higher hanced Category 5 {00 tibpr app: wi7 Nee) Computer letworks mpage ay = - Popased standard te) Cakgory 6 (CAI-¢) al ter peed ope up h dso mbps = Adworks Cass E e) _ PED category 7 COATT) jiguer speed computer up 600 mbps => TCRWerH CREST s- oye: R= Histone we lyortent Hminclogies : o capacanee = oi 6 - wndurance 24S Balanced transmicrion ling -» neither wr Is canneced. the ground bo Unbalanced francmnicsion line -+ one conductor is conned J singly ePded trans line te heat Common -mede rejechon Coma) * any external cignal appears on both wires Simultaneously wut cancels at the receiver « Balun + a device sed f caer} transmiston Gite! om valanced tv bbs unbslanced operation. called as. sleeve: / choke 16/2 t/t i 2 | | isfa t/a ae salaried unioalanced Cooax Cable) Scanned with CamScanner 6 2M Rehan Use Noles ATPL aed Se | BiG ~ Incident poner 2 ayi0! “et ba ot tse ae fo retuensg Wavelength (2) + distance occupied by one yey of waver Input impedance (Tin) + impedance presented fh the franmi Hur hy the runcmicsion fine ond Vis Youd ontenng Attenuation -* amount of toss in the signal strength gs if prpagates down a wire, Output Impedance, — impedence presented ty the load by thy tancmicsion Vine and its source, Characherictiy impedancey (20) + impedance seen looking at an inpinitely tong transmicsion fine, algo called surge impedance. Crosstalk * unwanted coupling caused by overlapping eleumiy and magnetio fields Near End Crvsctalk (NEM) + a measure of thy level of tnsctalk or signal coupling within the Cable ACR + combined meqcurement of atienuakon and ervcstaik Delay Skew - measure oF the difference, in time for the partes} fo the slowest wire poir in o UTP. Power Sun NEXT (PSNEXT) —* measures ther total erosstalk of all Cable pairs - Retum Loss * a measur of the ratio of power fransritted int PEPOEPFRERUYIDITDIGIDGD cable to thy amount of power refurned or © elected - Scanned with CamScanner % “ Cennator >a deviey that io the oY be few ct equipment or Ad 4p another Cae Coaxial Connector + dsignd not only fe ated and discenned, ‘iinet = \ {® and cables bat fy maintain physical integer ty and electrical properties oF cable. = © Connen Types oF Coaxial connecter : i) PL-354 connedtor (UHF) + a>male connector that Fils on the end of 4 MD catia! cablu and provides a way fe attach thy shield braid and inner BD conductance. BT) BNC Connector -» commonly used fe attach tes} instruments fo equipment being met) uid. Often wed in Lanls and come UF radios. Sr Sainte ersion SNA Gonnedtor + charadstized by the hexagonal shape of thy body of the mole connector. = ' = aD BNC Connedor + gre somefimes referred fo as *bayone) mount” ay they = can fe easily twicked on or orf a N=Type Connectors -+ art dhreaded and must be cottnied on and off Diclectric Materia| = Polytetra fourm ethy lence, (reflon) er ead - Rn Bigot ve 2 A rf Pa x18 m/s @ Ait & =4 y Scanned with CamScanner Transmigcion Line Losses Se Par WETS FAR 1085-+Induchor-boss Copper Losses + whenever current Plows thomgh ont of the conductors, ome energy ic discipated in the form of heat - Cable + comple wire assemby Ceonnedtors tavalationy Wirt + conductor that carries the signal Dicleario Yating Losses +r resulls from yhe heaking effet on thy dieledri : conduo material between thy conductors. Te pea e J mararay HAS) osodurtor Radiation Losses + occar because (omy magnelo ints OF Form about a do net R r conduchov Gt aca ary Te cae Pe ernatee. Induction Losces + occur when the elutromagneic Field about a Gonduchr cats through aay nearty metalic objed and a current 1s induced in that object - Coupling Locces + gars whenever g connection is made to or yom a Transmission line or when trio cections Of Hrancmission \ine are connected together. Corona — |s @ luminous diecharye, that SCaMrs between the two conductors: PEERPRRRETIATTIAIAY oo praingmiscion line where the diggertnce F Potential between them exceeds , Hoe break dovin Voltage the dieledric. inculafor. Scanned with CamScanner _Charackoristios. Impedance 0 Determination + « Phgcead atinbaly oF Argesicsion ving « Eluarical equivalent & & vile medgurement im In ferms oF physical dimensions * ™“) ™) =) =) =) = med at at for a Wo - Wire, fing, te whey: : To + EE Ingo 2 Oe cpocing bel ces (certo f> centr) de diamekr of one op thy Conductors = erdielearic constant ® Ye RO Totty z m Fe wena} in Mita BAO. Riaa in inches For 4 coaxiql or concentriv ting , Where 0 inne diameter oF ower Conductor outer diameler_OF inner condudow Jo = BE tea ae : es P dieledie onsit Ord ge Ol pave ne RG I00F EY F eprequenyy inMiz Fe taer ie d> outer diameker of inner conductor Cin.) Aienuation (dB/looft) © 1-35 Zo Problems + 4. Determine the charachuictio: Impedance, fet an air dielectric: two -wirw paralle| sransmiscion line having 0-30 fo. conduchor vpauing Gnd radius 0.08 in. Find the resistance im (ohms/ too ft and attenuation in (dB / joo} ) ig the operaiiog frequency We foo maz. Scanned with CamScanner Given: rz O-0Rin ,P+0-30in, f= loomH2 er =4 Required: RCN tof) , Zo, A (db/1008) ao 2H tng, 22 fate ,. 2S hae 7 We se to= 2H 0 030 = AA logue “0.08 Zo# 158-430 125 = NF 100. shige -400 (ore Ree SOND. A 2 Cir? ) W 4. Find the characterictics impedance far a costal cable with the FF - Spedzications d= 0-085 10., Ds 0-18 inches, and &r = 2.23 Given: 020-15 in , de 0-0a5in, Er = 2.23 Required: Zo Golution: 456 gos rm 138 ois ke Vee G03 Zo > 58-4 2 3+ Calculate the diameter ratio OF RG M/y cable uslag poly Ethylene didleetriv material. Given? 207752 |G e283 Required: fd PPERREDRVUVUIIIIVVYIVYVGD Scanned with CamScanner soliton ge hoe 4s ra loge + ayy a] os =» a) A Ws tt Section oF RG-SE fy at [oomHa is being used fe Connect a LVS =) Fronsmitter 1 an grfenna. tre attenuation for jooft at loomis if 5-3dB. MED what ae the thal aknuation? MES Given: f+ loomms, coax + ROSE, L>WSFE, P+ S-3dB /joofy mS Required: Pr Cm) Gokution: Ar = (sada) ( " luc ) -[Frisdo| eZ) Characktistic: Impedance ? Methodc of ColeuLation lumped remen x / Parameter primar line Consteat Bin terme oF primary line, Uinttant (ROG, L) Rejwk dist bali ver elements = iL | et af Ar low prequengy * A high preqMenuy . conttmclion of Ur ® Iovyf& ‘ery gee [E Loveless eS Gi . ‘nag, Ir 2o= 2 © Lege fese 2 ic &£ Hat job high ae almost neg hgpblegrey thy aw ie imperfection “ gina jog O12 oF dedi baperiel tr dren Jul ® jwo ie dominahny r (M—__¢_accourh fo eae ‘ ppopedion of or ical modurtal Scanned with CamScanner Two -Wiry Line di da -d di fds \ ( de [dvds Exe er» relative, Femi crbitity-¢p-raleia} fo creak, efedtro eld Coaxial Cable 7 ) (HO aachane > dedtic peld vit fend fp invease J deortasy ammount +" Girrent. Tt will Keep the fi! of current in thy Same dirk on Resishance -» wiry has reastane’ , (U/L) fu) capacitance — stores dledteie eneqqy 5 2 parallel tanduchin cal “7 r 1 plates ceparnied by insulating material _— i . AER 7 emhibits the capadty of « capantor ~conduehr— Conductance > acupunts for the impor feation % the dieldiy matetal, (sary (iho Juty PORERERTUUT TTT T RL Scanned with CamScanner 10 Ca\orLation 1) fhysical dimension & 2) Electrica) Equivaleney bo SS a) m- ion ® > i) brs Rr jul » ~~ Dy = Gt JMO Frere of resichance | & Maximum Power Transper Weal case: all porter delivered by thy cowree! is transperred fp thu load therefore + Zin» Ze» Z [a +10 BF fut eared dis bul arte pe To * ‘ya by +2007 #1 zin + Zo Shh SSOS > Ios bz tke D141 By b2 +2 6) GA By = Te OT eb de B NN Scanned with CamScanner VV Velocity Factor and Dieledrie Constant Qvelouity Facky (sometimes called ay velocity constant) ratio | the actual velocity °F prepagation op elechromagneHty wave Parough @ given medium fo the velocity of propagation through a vdanum (free space) « Vv q 0 Dieledlriv Conshant ¥ relahve permittivly 7 @ material Vj VF = + or vee Ae vee ¥ 56+ didedrio constant op the inculating material Wher * ye + velocity Facr Csinitess) vp = Velocity oF prpagation (mh) ce vot of propagation ‘rough « vacuum floks + typical J common value of VF i Yh tess Phan £ PREERUDUVAVIAY ae ( Scanned with CamScanner e%e4 vila For. Prpagation Constant o Prpgation fo —~ must be in rechang ular rm ¥ dshibaton of tage and coment th dcbane along there & rye FielyC6 +j00) Gea tip here! dle atenuahion constant (neper /unit length , dB /unlt length) A+ phase shipt constant (red/ant kaghh, ctgree/ sait hegh) 4 neper = 8-686 dB fm Phase shipt pe wflo pen pASiepeail’? op voltage B oument [ chipt io sia aml SOE EEE 8 ot ot aS 4 P Ye Ys te In Lose less TL * R20 , 60 §° (Rt jel) (@ + joo) fyi > Fqa + [(o4 jot) (ord) soli 148 [arg fale] cae Wavelength (A) eve ft tj 5 a00 Wp at § uh Ot Scanned with CamScanner time Delay RPL @ Delay Lines 7 length of «Franson Liner designed bo dy 9 Signa] prom teaching a point by @ (puifiv amount *f fing. @ Time Delay 7 fimo i} fakes por a signal applied at ony end Of 9 Jransmission line + appear a} the thor end of thy incr. ta (re Deloy pny as 4 function of indudancy 9 capacitance 4 Thy propagahion Constn} is 4 amples quantity depined by T -[(R t Jol )( Gt joo) Ip lossless, a0 athen § > jh and, fr oye PUUGTIUI ¥ In general cate ; phase veloc by D Wee Vp> af " to Phase Velocity of Tem wave ee, i wd ae ue permeality ag neHeation ( | : © pormithivtty oe. VP a Where € + €r€o Ee [ oad srtlahve—pep eit =a YP’ Te Go + pemnittvity of PY space/ ies ue aveoLde permttialy a Mts Hr sy Scanned with CamScanner Nelodty f Propagation oy Lossless Th Vp z Be wJiO pr lossless ve, 1 permatitel oe —_ oil = yiw — fin tangth =e 7 = — co) oe Mier Te = 7 FPA wysevuumeee “ah et EA Scanned with CamScanner

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