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First of all, I want to say that I was really engaged the speech of this man.

It was so interesting and

beneficial information for me. To my mind, he noticed very well that in 45 minutes our life can change
forever (I believe). I agree with Nick that a teacher has profound impact on children. I really like these 4
point that a great teacher should do in order to influence students` minds, which he mentioned.

So, great teachers:

- celebrate mistakes. Teachers shouldn`t ignore errors, but try to capitalize on this. They should explain
that the child has teachable moment. It`s okay if he or she make mistakes, but then he/she have to analyze
it and draw a conclusion.

- appreciate differences. All students are different, but everybody deals with public speaking anxiety. I
guess, teacher should create relax atmosphere in the classroom and do everything to make students forget
about their communication anxiety. Children need to enjoy and entertain doing something together. It
builds confidence. Let them feel like celebrities.

- relay feedback. Teachers should tell children how they feel and ask how students are feeling. I think it`s
more about extrinsic motivation. Don’t be stingy on praise, children need this.

- evaluate themselves. In my opinion, teachers should analyze everything (behavior and feelings of
students, their emotions, the atmosphere in the classroom). And I would like to add that my school teacher
always said when we had test that she examined herself, not us. She wanted to know how well she taught

Well, the great teacher just CARE. Show that you like your students and that you want to them intelligent
and happy.

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