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1.1. Are copyrights the rights of authors?

Quyền tác giả có phải là quyền của tác giả không? it’s depend
The system of “authors’ rights” has traditionally been opposed to that of “copyright,”
particularly in the area of audiovisual and cinematographic production.
Both systems rely on different foundations: authors’ rights refer to the author as a
natural person, whereas copyrights from the onset bestow all rights on the producer.

+ Copyright is based primarily on economic considerations. It is the right to use

content. It protects the people who invest in intellectual property (producers,
employers, etc.) more than it protects the authors of the creative works.
+ In contrast, authors’ rights protect the creators first and foremost. That is the
essential difference between copyright and authors’ rights.

1.2. Donoghue v. Allied Newspaper Ltd.

– A popular jockey, Donoghue, was interviewed over a period of
time by a journalist (Felstead). News of the World published a
number of articles written by the journalist based on these
– The articles had titles such as “Steve Donoghue’s Racing Secrets”,
“Enthralling Stories of the King of Sports” and “My Greatest
– Some of the articles were in the form of dialogues with Donoghue.
– Donoghue had been paid for these interviews but subsequently the
information in the articles was updated and a further article
appeared in another newspaper under the title “My Racing
Secrets. By Steve Donoghue”. (Felstead)
– Donoghue sought to prevent further circulation of the articles.
– Did he have the right to do so?
→ Yes, he has the right to stop it from being reproduced but with privacy law
not with IPR.
Copyright protects the expression of ideas and information NOT the idea itself or the
underlying information. In this case the journalist was the author and was responsible
for the literary creation; Donoghue was just the original source of the ideas and
remember, there is no copyright in ideas.

As such, Mr. Donoghue could not take action to prevent any further publications of
such articles.
– Who was the author of this article? Felstead or Donogue or both?
The articles were written by the journalist, info provided by the player himself.
The journalist was the author since he selected and arranged the words. The
expression dichotomy.

Copyright của các bài báo này thuộc Felstead (because Felstead là người đã sắp xếp
những cái thông tin mà Donogue cung cấp thành 1 bài báo hấp dẫn để đọc Donogue
có thể ngăn cản Felstead, tuy nhiên là ngăn cản theo privacy law (quyền riêng tư cá
nhân) chứ không phải theo IPR

The journalist Felstead was the author of this article. Because he was the one who
expressed the idea and clothed the idea into form.

2.1. Can a smell be protected under copyright?

Perfume as an artistic work

Technical solution 🡪 the perfume can be protected under trade secrets
Why not patent? 🡪 20 years is too short + tons of money, material, and effort to
create new formula + myth

A smell is not fixed (fixation criteria) 🡪 cannot be protected under copyright

2.2. West HCMC Telephone Co. has published a “white pages” telephone
directory (include only names, addresses and tel. numbers, there’s no
advertisement). FAHASA Publisher reprinted the directory for sale without
authorization of West HCMC Telephone Co.

Did FAHASA infringe copyrights of West HCMC Telephone Co.?

No because West HCMC Telephone Co. collected and mechanically arranged

existing facts (in alphabet order)

3.1. Can emails and internet material be protected under copyright? Why?

Yes. Emails are literary works but they are only protected whenever they are
original & have creativity. In whatever form of expression đều được chấp
The availability of the internet material does not prevent it from being
protected. Các tác phẩm dù biết tác giả hay không vẫn được bảo vệ như nhau

3.2. On their flights, Vietnam Airlines-VNA played music, including

Vietnamese songs/music, for their customers.
• On October 20, 2005 Vietnam Airlines (VNA) received official word
from the Centre for Protection of Music Copyright asking it to pay a
fee when it uses music products for business.
• The airline disagreed with the requirement, reasoning that it has
already paid for a license to use the material via VCD and CD

What do you think?

Vi phạm quyền dưới đây

Enjoy cá nhân thì ok nhưng bật loa ngoài cho hành khách nghe thì là truyền
đạt tới công chúng 🡪 xâm phạm quyền thuộc về chủ sở hữu

4.1. Can short combinations of words be copyrighted?

- Company’s names like SONY, EXXON
- Slogans like “It's the real thing.“ (Coca-Cola), "The Power to Be Your
Best." (Apple), "OMO-chuyên gia giặt tẩy vết bẩn“ (Unilever)

No, because they’re too short. In short, sharing similar phrases, particularly
common descriptive phrases, is usually not enough, by itself, to win a copyright
claim. These phrases and combinations of words will be protected by trademark.

4.2. Please discuss:

A. In order to read an internet material, you have to make a transient
copy of the material in the computer’s (RAM). Can this action
constitute copyright infringement?
-> No. It is the case of exception to copyright.
Three-step test:
- Limited to certain special cases (yes)
- No conflict with normal exploitation of work: Does not affect the
consumption of copyrighted products. Creating transient copies is
unintentional and creates only temporary copies. For the sake of
accessing information should not be considered infringing copyright.
- No unreasonable prejudice to author’s legitimate interests

B. You bought a book at the book exhibition with the author’s signature
on the first page. Afterwards, is it a copyright infringement if:
+ you give it to a friend. (first sale doctrine - no infringement)
+ you sell it to a bookstore. (first sale doctrine - no infringement)
(The principle of exhaustion:hết quyền sở hữu trí tuệ)
+ you rent it out. (apply for literary works, quyền cho thuê với sách chưa
có tại VN chỉ áp dụng với phim ảnh, âm nhạc và phần mềm)
+ you write another book based on it. (depends, based on ideas: yes,
based on the expressions: no)
The buyer has the ownership to the book
Quyền tác giả không cho phép reproduce and distribution nhưng có học
thuyết gọi là first sale doctrine, exhaustion of distribution right chỉ được
kiểm soát trong lần đầu tiên đưa tác phẩm ra thị trường

5.1. Can song titles be copyrighted?

 Artists names and titles are considered public domain and are not protected
by copyright. The few words in a song title may have been used many times before
and should be able to be available for general use as a natural part of the English
language. A word or phrase used as a brand for goods or services can be protected by
trademark. For example, someone might theoretically trademark the phrase "See You
Again" as a clothing brand, and anyone else marketing clothing using that phrase may
be guilty of trademark infringement. This does not prevent anyone else from using the
phrase "See You Again" in any other context: as a song, movie or book title;

5.2. ABC Software, Inc. (ABC), a U.S. company, assigns Tim Smith, one of
its junior programmers, to work on a program to assist real estate investors
with managing their investment properties.
Tim develops the software product virtually on his own, with no
assistance from others in the company.
Once completed, the product is an unexpected success, and the company
realizes tens of millions of dollars in revenue from it.
Nonetheless, Tim's only reward for his work, in addition to his regular
salary, is a $500 end-of-year bonus.
Tim is bitter and sues ABC, claiming the copyright in the software is
owned by him because he created it?

Tim không có quyền kiện. Vì đây là 1 trường hợp đặc biệt của copyright.
Đây là 1 tác phẩm được tạo ra bởi nhân viên (người được giao nhiệm vụ) nên
quyền copyright thuộc về công ty ABC.

6.1. Can compilations (các tuyển tập) be protected?

Compilation – derivative
Tác phẩm phái sinh muốn được bảo vệ 🡪license, creative
● A compilation of data means a set of data selected or arranged in a
creative manner and expressed in electronic form.

● The protection of copyright to compilation of data does not cove, and not
prejudicial to copyright to those very data
Có. Trong trường hợp tuyển tập đó được sắp xếp 1 cách sáng tạo (VD xếp theo
chủ đề). Tuy nhiên các tác phẩm nằm trong tuyển tập vẫn thuộc quyền sở hữu
của tác giả gốc. You need to show respect/obtain permission/authorization

6.2. “Chat with Mozart” is a collection of songs whose words were written by
musician Duong Thu and whose music is based on pieces of classical
music composed by Mozart, J.S. Bach, Tchaikovsky, Borodin, Elgar,
Schumann, Vivaldi, Gounod, Saint-Saens.
The singers of these songs are My Linh and the band, The Brothers.
“Chat with Mozart” was released in December 2005.
In November 2006, law scholar Cu Huy Ha Vu sent letters to the Hanoi
Department of Culture and Information and Tien Phong newspaper to
request that the authors and producers of “Chat with Mozart” be
disciplined for infringing copyrights.
Do you think that is the case?

All the classical music composers passed away more than 50 years ago 🡪 public
domain 🡪 no economic rights involved
But consider morals right 🡪 Right of integrity: to object against mutilation
and/or distortion of work;
Common law: moral rights the same with economic rights
Civil law: moral rights are protected forever
🡪 My Linh didn’t infringe copyright since the changes she made weren’t
harmful to the original works. The moral rights only stop people from distort the
works, not change it in the good way. Moral rights chỉ bảo vệ tác phẩm khỏi
những hành vi xuyên tạc, bóp méo, làm giảm giá trị của tác phẩm chứ không
phải những hành vi cải biên, thử nghiệm theo chiều hướng tích cực.

7.1. Why are computer programs protected as literary works?

Công cụ hiện đang được dùng để bảo vệ computed programs là copyrights 🡪

weak protection since it only protects the expression of the idea. Computer
programs can be considered as literary works since they are written in binary (0
and 1)

- To celebrate the 1000-year anniversary of Thang Long - Hanoi, people’s
Đặng Thái Sơn performed Concerto No. 1 by Chopin at Hanoi Opera
- Someone in the audience makes a bootleg recording of Đặng Thái Sơn’s
performance and sells it to a record company other than Ho Guom Audio
Company, with whom Đặng Thái Sơn has a recording contract.
- The recording of Ho Guom Audio Co. is not copied or dealt with, the
bootleg recording is an entirely separate and independent recording.
- Both Đặng Thái Sơn as the performer and Ho Guom Audio Co. as the
recording company are unhappy with this sequence of events.

Discuss the copyright/related rights aspects of these facts.

Đang Thai Son: performer

→ - license of fixation rights
- reproduction
HG Audio: Phonogram Producer 🡪 license of fixation rights 🡪 reproduction
The audience infringed the fixation rights (illegal fixation)
X Company buy the recording to reproduce (violate performer rights)

Tuy nhiên chỉ có ĐTS mới có quyền được khởi kiện người quay lén và công ty
X, HG Audio chỉ có quyền ghi hình và phân phối thôi.

- live broadcasting
- fixation (audience)
- reproduction of illegal performance (company x)
Phonograms: belong to HG audio

8.1. Can works that are out-of-print or no longer available for sale be
Yes. Copyright chỉ đề cập đến tính original và fixation, không nói gì đến
market availability

• FTU signed a contract with G-Brand Co. to change its new logo.
Who owns the copyright over the new logo? (thuộc về
commissioner là FTU) Mỹ thì thuộc về G-brand
• In whom did the copyright in the research papers vest – the students
or the advisor/professor? (thuộc về students)
• In whom did the copyright in the examination papers vest - the
examiners or the university? (thuộc về commissioner là FTU,
examiners got paid để ra đề)

9.1. Can photos captured by surveillance cameras in shops be protected

under copyrights?

No. Vì những tấm ảnh này do máy móc chứ không phải con người tạo

9.2. Discuss the possible copyright issues relating to the Game “Flappy

10.1. Vn Express has a section on “Những bài văn bất hủ của học trò”. Should
they respect copyrights over those?

Yes. It is fixation, original and creativity

10.2. Discuss copyright and/or related right issues in the case where Ngan Ha
sang the song “”Nơi ấy bình yên”, which is a “ca khúc độc quyền” of Thảo
Trang in Vietnam Idol. ☺

BTC chương trình lí luận rằng, sẽ hát trước trả tác quyền sau. Theo khoản 1
điều 26 Luật sở hữu trí tuệ 2005, được sửa đổi và bổ sung năm 2009, tổ chức
phát sóng sử dụng tác phẩm đã công bố để phát sóng có tài trợ, quảng cáo hoặc
thu tiền dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào thì không phải xin phép, nhưng phải trả
nhuận bút, thù lao cho chủ sở hữu quyền tác giả.Tuy nhiên, trước khi sử dụng ca
khúc nào đó thì đơn vị tổ chức phải hỏi ý kiến là ca khúc ấy có được đồng ý sử
dụng hay không? (moral rights)

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