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To create a morning radio programme with news about women sporting events.

STEP 1: Prepare an introduction of 20-30 seconds for your programme.

• Introduce yourselves.
• Tell your audience when they can listen to you (Ex. “We are here every Monday
• What are you going to talk about?

STEP 2: Look for information, prepare the script and record it in the radio programme.

• Find a recent women’s sporting event.

• Answer: What is the sport event? Where was it? When was it? Who won?...
• You must use the PAST PASSIVE VOICE

• Find a future women’s sporting event

• What is the sport event? Who will participate? When will it be? Where will it be?
• You must use the FUTUTRE PASSIVE VOICE

STEP 3: Say goodbye to the audience and invite them so they don’t miss the next programme.

• Deadline: 31st March
• The recording should last for around 3-5 minutes.
• Upload it into the Campus.
• Don’t forget to use the PASSIVE VOICE structure.
• It’s a radio programme so speech has to be fluid, engaging and entertaining!

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