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Zhang Li

Joe? Are you okay? Zhang Wei heard from Benny. He said
you didn't show up to your dinner. He was very

Yeah well, I'm disappointed too, that name you gave me, I
found his brother

Zhang Li
Really? How is he

He's not the fucking Tank Man and he's not the fucking
Tank Man's brother is how he is, Wang Pengfei was a
solider, some soldier, some teenager who'd probably just
spent two days gunning down civilians

Zhang Li
He was a hero

He's not a fucking hero, he was on the side of the Party,
how / is that a

Zhang Li
Sides? What does sides have to do with anything, he was a,
he was a good man, even the Party saw that, you know how
they used your picture? As a portrait of their humanity,
look, we went around him! Did you know you were in the
propaganda business? But it wasn't them, it was Wang
Pengfei. And I don't know what happened to him

His brother said he was shot

Zhang Li
I'm sorry I wasted your time. I thought it was a good story.
Sometimes a uniform makes it much harder to be a hero.
And I thought you were interested in what happened that

I was interested in the Tank Man

Zhang Li
Yes. I misunderstood

I'm sorry about Benny. I'll call him. How are you

Zhang Li
A new family moved into Ming Xiaoli's apartment. They
have triplets


Yeah, by the way, sorry about that I just, one old lady and
some smog, I couldn't

Zhang Li
She was only fty-nine

Okay, well. I, I'm kind of between things just now. You
should come and visit

Zhang Li
I wouldn't get a visa. And I don't have a work permit

Well, I could help you out with that

Zhang Li

Sure. I told you that, or, you know, we could just get

Zhang Li
I'll think about it.


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