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– *shaira nag call kay adma* –

Shaira: Hello Adma

Adma: Hi, what’s up?

Shaira: Did you hear about the promotion of Najeeb?

Adma: Oh yes yes! I heard that he is about to get promoted this week, I don’t even understand how.

Shaira: I really think he doesn’t deserve it, Im going to post this on facebook and will tag you okay?, I
will pour all my anger there!

Adma: Oh I like that Idea! wait let me try calling Lea and tell her this too

Shaira: Ok ok.

– Nag *hung up* na cla –

– Gi dial ni Adma ang # ni Lea cute at gi call –

Lea: Hello!

Adma: Hey, you should have already heard this

Lea: About what

Adma: Najeeb is getting a promotion this week!

Lea: Oh really? I haven’t heard about that yet

Adma: Well I heard from Shaira, We talked about it just now on call

Lea: Oh I thought it’s an official announcement, anyways congrats to him, if that’s true then he
deserve it

Adma: What? I don’t think he deserve it, I always see him slacking and he is not talented enough to
get into that position! We will post this issue on facebook!!

Lea: Whoa, wait wait calm down, is this what you’ve been talking with shaira? What did he do to you,
did he tried to hurt you or something?

Adma: Nothing really, I guess me and Shaira haven’t talked with that guy yet actually but! I just don’t
think Ma’am Adina is in her right mind to promote that guy! He’s not that qualified! I can even do
better than him!

Lea: Adma, I don’t think this is good, talking bad about someone behind their back, I’m going to hang
up now, good bye

Adma: Wait–

– Nag hung up na cla –


Lea: Good morning maam

Maam Adina: Have you done the task I have given to you? I need it tomorrow
Lea: Oh yes maam, I am done with it and will submit it to you right away tomorrow maam, oh btw
maam, may I ask something if its okay with you

Maam Adina: Yes go ahead

Lea: Is there going to be a promotion happening this week in our company?

Maam Adina: What? Where did you hear that? There is no promotion that will happen, why? do you
want to get promoted Ms Kamid?

Lea: Oh just asking maam

Maam Adina: Alright then, I will hungup now and visit facebook to see what’s going on with my
employees, okay?

Lea: O sure sure maam, enjoy your facebook time

– Nag hung up na –

Lea tried to call Shaira and Adma to tell them to delete their planned facebook post but no one
picked up the call <-------- INSERT GANI2 NA TEXT SA SCREEN

* cannot be reach pls try again later* <--- INSERT MYOSEK NA GAN2 JAN SA TEXT

After some time, Maam Adina saw the post of Shaira and Adma <----- LAGAY TO SUNOD SA SCREEN

Shaira: Hello Maam Goodmorning~

Maam Adina: What is this you posted on facebook? How unethical! Gossiping and spreading false
information! I can’t tolerate this, Tell this to adma too, I want you two in my office early in the
morning tomorrow, understood!?

Shaira: Yes maam :’<

Najeeb: Hello maam goodmorning

Maam Adina: Najeeb, if you have been by any chance getting mistreated or bullied by your
colleagues, pls do tell me alright?

Najeeb: Yes maam, thank you

It is as old as time itself to spread untrue information about a coworker in an effort to harm their
reputation. Even if the information is accurate, this behavior is still unethical. It develops a toxic
organizational culture and encourages an environment with distrust among those who frequently
must cooperate for the success of the organization.  INSERT TONG TEXT TAS DPAT MAY BOSES NI

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