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National Standards: MU:Pr6.1.E.

5a Demonstrate attention to technical accuracy and

expressive qualities in prepared and improvised performances of a

varied repertoire of music.

Objective: Students will learn a new time signature and new note by playing

through page 9 to strengthen previous and build new music reading and

instrument playing capabilities.

Students will review previous knowledge by playing through page 5 to

strengthen their note reading and instrument playing skills before

moving on to more challenging music.

Materials: Instruments, Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician book,


Procedure: 1. Begin by warming up with #39 on page 8, to prepare them for

their playing assessment today.

2. Based on the warmup and how many notes they remember how

to play, decide whether they will move on to page 9 or move

back. If moving forward, follow the YELLOW plan. If moving

back, follow the BLUE plan.

3. Begin with 40, chunk measures and notes, then afterward add

dynamics. This way the students are focusing on one aspect of

their playing at a time and will perform better dynamics once

the notes and rhythms are accurate and controllable.

4. Then teach 2/4 time and that there are now 2 beats per measure.

Then, clap and count through 42, and look at the students foot

tapping and ensure they are tapping the tempo, not the rhythm.

5. Afterwards, teach the new note, and play the melody to 42, and

ask the students to pay attention to dynamics the first time

through. As it is a simple melody with 3 notes that repeats at a

different dynamic, the students should be able to readily play

the piece with the dynamics.

6. Finally, have students play through 43, which includes the new

note they have learned. There is only one dynamic, so focus on

the student’s notes and rhythms during this piece. Begin by

clapping and counting the piece, reminding students to check

the time signature, look ahead and tap their feet to clap and

count successfully. Afterwards, play through the piece with the

written notes.

1. Begin with page 5 #16, check to see which notes they

remember to play. If students cannot play through the 5 notes in

#16, begin to chunk the piece and teach the notes to each of the

students again so they can begin to master them. If the students

can play the notes, move to #17.

2. For #17, ensure students are tapping their feet and playing the

proper rhythms, along with the correct notes. Moving notes in

the song may be a difficulty, ensure that the students are playing

through the piece slowly, and chunk the quarter note measures

if necessary.

Then move to #18, where students will play a melody with the notes

they have learned. Remind students that they will take the repeat, and

they need to tap their feet to the tempo and not the rhythm.

Assessment: If the students successfully count and clap the 2/4 rhythms and play the

new notes correctly, they have met the objective for the day.

If the students relearn the notes correctly and play them in the pieces

accurately along with the rhythms, they have met the objective for the


Accommodations: -Check for understanding

-Preferential seating

-Use of highlighters

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