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An Analysis of Morphometric Differentiation between Volcanic Landforms and

Impact Craters on Mars

We pretend not to have a clear idea when analyzing a crater if related to impact cratering or other
phenomena. The question is, can we use known morphological parameters of others celestial bodies and
compare them with acquired data, looking for similarities that could suggest a possible correspondence
between the two structures? Is interplanetary morphometric analysis practical?

Impact craters:

Impact craters are the most common morphological structures on virtually every celestial body except
Earth, whose atmosphere significantly reduces these events. Here we present a comparison between the
Moon and Mars simple and complex craters. The figure shown in table 1a shows gravitational acceleration,
an essential element for the results' considerations.

Mars: Moon:

Gravitational acceleration: 3,711 m/s2 Gravitational acceleration: 1,62 m/s2

Data acquired by Determination of Mars Data acquired by Moon Crater Database

crater geometric data: Insights from high- v1 Robbins (a database that contains
resolution digital elevation models (2017); approximately 1.3 million lunar impact
DEMs from Hawaii's CTX DEMs (self-made craters, 2018)
analysis through QGIS2)

Hri vs Wcr Hri vs depth




0,4 0,4
0,2 0,2
0 0
1 10 100 0,01 0,1 1 10
Wcr(km) Depth(km)

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