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Unit : Sports School: Lyceum school #66

Date:20.04.2023 Teacher name: Makhambetova Kamilla

CLASS: 5 Number present: absent:0

Lesson title My favourite sport
Learning objectives(s) that this 5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple
lesson is contributing to (link texts on general and curricular topics
to the Subject programme) 5.W1 plan, write, edit and proof read work at text level with support
on a limited range of general and curricular topics
5.UE8 use the modal verbs can and must to tell about yourself and
continue to tell about yourself and continue to discuss already a
limited number of familiar common topics and curricula
Level of thinking skills Knowledge, understanding, application

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to

- read the text about and perform tasks on it
- write the sentences with “a/an” or “some/any”
Most learners will be able to
-can tell about themselves using a/an and some/any
Some learners will be able to
-write general rules how to be healthy in the future by using
Assessment criteria -Apply a/an and some/any forms correctly in sentences
-Read and identify the main idea of the text

Values links To know and understand the importance of your favourite sport.

Cross-curricular links Physical Education

Previous learning - Types of sport games
- The importance of sport to health


Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
I Greeting
3 min II Warming up
Grammar exercises.
III Repetition of the previous lesson
Good morning guys!
How are you?
Who is absent today?


Some is used only in affirmative sentences, and any is

used only in negative and interrogative sentences. Workbook Excel grade5
page 60 exercise 1, 2, 3,
Can I have some cola, please?- Можно мне немного
колы, пожалуйста?

He brought some newspapers for Jess. - Он принес

несколько газет для Джесс

Have we got any sugar?- У нас есть сахар?

She rarely makes any mistakes. - Она редко допускает

какие-либо ошибки.

Much is used when talking about a singular noun. Many

– when talking about a noun in the plural.
5 min

Additional information
Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?
plan to give more support?
How do you plan to challenge
the more able learners?
Differentiation by outcome 3 sentences
Peer assessment
More able: they talk about their
hobbies using modal verbs

Less able: write the names of

favourite sports.

4. Differentiation by outcome

For more able students : make

up your own sentences with
“a/an” and “some/any”

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