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Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) is a cause of staph
infection that is a type of Funding
bacteria found on people's Government should provide
skin. more funding in MRSA into labs
MRSA is severe when the to make non resistant
bump or infected area is red, antibiotics . These actions
swollen or painful, warm to should be taken by the Prime
touch and full of pus. Minister
This could be spread by
direct contact with someone
infected or by things like
gym equipments and things
that aren't sanitize and open
to the public.


Two out of one hundred people get infected by

MRSA, more than 11,000 people die from it.
MRSA infections have been declining since
2015 and had since slowed down in health care

Washing hands regularly
Avoid sharing personal items TREATMENT
specifically towels MRSA is possible to cure when
Covering and cleaning open using the right antibiotic that is not
wounds resistant to it like trimethoprim-
Take of hygiene especially after sulfamethoxazole ( Bactrim),
exercising clindamycin, minocycline, linezolid,

or doxycycline.

Awarness To The Public

Public awareness can make people more
cautious of this superbug and treat it by
making sure personal items are not being
shared, are sanitized and making their
hygiene a priority.

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