Executive Education - TUM

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4/19/23, 10:53 PM Executive Education - TUM

Executive Education
Our Executive Education programs unite the development of
management capabilities and leadership skills with an
understanding of the latest technological trends.


Develop leadership skills at the inter-

of Management and Technology
With our Executive Education programs, we aim to support individuals and
organizations in responsibly shaping the future. We believe in our responsibility
to equip executives and leaders not only with a sound management knowledge
but also give them a deeper understanding of the latest technological
developments ranging from Data Science, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence

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to Quantum Technologies. As decision makers, executives need to

comprehend the impact of these technologies on their field to ensure
competitiveness and sustainable success of their businesses. This approach is
reflected in our three Executive Master Degrees (Executive MBAs) as well as in
our Certificate Programs each awarded by the Technical University of Munich.
Our programs are offered in English or German and are designed to be
compatible with full-time work responsibilities and personal obligations.



Do you have any questions about our offers? We would be happy to

advise you.



Executive Master Programs (MBA)

Our three Executive MBA programs are aimed at executives and managers who
want to deepen their management expertise, improve their leadership skills
and expand their network across industries. We equip them with tools for
personal development, for innovative and responsible leadership and seek to
prepare them for future challenges in the top levels of management. Choose
between our Executive MBA, Executive MBA in Business & IT and Executive
MBA in Innovation & Business Creation.

Executive MBA Programs (https://www.lll.tum.de/executive-mbas/)

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TUM Certificate Programs

Our certificate program portfolio offers executives the possibility to refresh,
deepen or expand their knowledge in interdisciplinary areas such as
Leadership & Strategy, Finance & Management, Transformation & Sustainability
as well as Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship. The programs are
offered on campus, purely online or in a blended format. Upon successful
completion, participants receive a certificate from the Technical University of

Explore our complete portfolio (https://www.lll.tum.de/certificate-



Become the best leader you can be

Just as important as the management knowledge and technological
understanding of our participants is to facilitate their personal development as
a leader. Therefore, we offer all participants the possibility to make use of our
individual leadership profile: A theory-based feedback tool that provides
leaders with a detailed report of their strengths and suggests areas of

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TUM Leadership Profile

Reflection is a catalyst for personal development and can increase leadership
effectiveness. Our Leadership Profile therefore facilitates structured reflection
on leaders’ strengths and shortcomings. A toolbox with concrete suggestions
to advance leadership skills encourages leaders to develop a personal action
plan. The TUM Leadership Profile is a powerful instrument for leaders aiming
to become the best they can be.

TUM Leadership Profile (https://www.lll.tum.de/tum-leadership-profile/)


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TUM Center for Digital Leadership

The goal of the Center for Digital Leadership Development is to bring together
TUM's expertise in the areas of leadership research, digitization, scientific
training, media and didactics. This creates the perfect environment for
deploying future-oriented leadership development tools based on digital
technologies. In order to make managers and executives fit for the challenges
of the working world 4.0, continuing education must also follow innovative and
digital paths.

TUM Center for Digital Leadership Development


This is what our alumni say

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“There were many good reasons to go the “extra mile”

to pursue my Executive MBA: Among them were
learning about tools, experiencing different
fundamentals of organizations, and evolving my style
of leadership. I generally wanted to grow as a person,
as a colleague, and as a leader.”
Dirk Engelbrecht

“One of the most valuable and rewarding experiences
during the Executive MBA has been being able to
expand my professional network with extraordinary

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people from across industries, and different

disciplines. I gained new insights from their diverse
backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. ”
Silvia Hilpert



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“The EMBA in Business & IT enables me to connect,
learn, exchange, and grow alongside talented
professionals. The exposure to colleagues coming
from different industries and working for market
leaders is definitely a great opportunity as I am able
to bring those connections back to work. ”
Fabrizio Nisi

“I would totally do the EMBA in Innovation &
Business Creation again! The approaches & ideas
were immediately useful in my corporate job. Before
the program, I saw myself as an intrapreneur, I never
had plans to found. Yet what initially started as my
thesis led to founding my own start-up. ”
l l
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Carola Epple



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“My motivation to acquire my Executive MBA in
Business & IT was to make an impact on how
companies can position themselves disruptively and
assert themselves in the future. My career has
benefited extremely from this program as I have
gained different perspectives on strategic and
operational issues and had the opportunity to take
part my company’s female leadership program.”
Lisa Grundl

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