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Thank you so much for purchasing our Mexican-American War Newspaper Project for your
classroom. We trust it will be engaging and beneficial for your class to research the war.

Criteria: Begin by familiarizing yourself with the two-sided criteria page. This explains the
project as a whole and provides instructions for students regarding each component. Give this
to students and review it with them when introducing the project. Explain that they will take on
the role of writing a newspaper about an event of their choice from the war. They are to write
as though they’re reporting in the time period. The criteria explains how they will brainstorm
this event and then put together four different pages that will be attached together like an
unfolded newspaper (there’s a visual on the criteria).

Selection of Event: After going over the criteria, students are to select their events. Distribute
the sheet that has the title “Options for Reporting.” On this sheet, you can go over the various
options that are listed. On the list is a series of key events and turning points that could
potentially make a good news story in a newspaper. It is up to you whether you wish to allow a
student to select an event outside the list.

Research: Having selected an event from the Mexican-American War, students will then begin
researching the event and will input significant facts onto the sheet titled “Gathering the
Facts.” Like journalists, students will write down their findings onto the spaces for the 5 Ws.

Creating the Newspaper: Once students have researched their event, they can begin the
process of writing the story. Make sure students have the criteria page next to them as they
input information onto the four pages. The research will go primarily into Page 1, which is the
front page. Encourage students to be creative in naming the newspaper, coming up with an
attention-grabbing headline, and sketching a picture. Their report of the event should be clear,
factual, and address all 5 Ws for the reader. Page 2 involves creating two opinion piece
columns about the event, page 3 involves creating a political cartoon or comic strip relating to
the event, and page 4 involves creating want ads for the time period.

Once pages are attached (tape or glue stick suggested), you can either have students fold
them up like a newspaper with Page 1 in front or you can have them keep it flat like a poster.
If the newspapers are kept flat, they can be neatly displayed in your classroom.

ã Teach with Mark and Elyse at TPT



You will research an event that occurred during the Mexican-American War. You will input your
information onto sheets that will become your own newspaper as though you’re writing during the
time period. It can be about a battle, a change in policy, or any other significant event in the war.


Research the information about your event to put on your “Gather the Facts” sheet. You will be
answering the 5 Ws of journalism before creating the newspaper: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Who was involved in this event? (American or Mexican soldiers, leaders, etc.)
What happened in this event? Include a beginning, middle, and end.
When did this event happen? Give specific dates and times as best you can.
Where did this event happen? (examples: city, state, nation, terrain, etc.)
Why did this event happen? Also, why is this event significant for the Mexican-American War?


After researching the details, report the event as a breaking news story on the front page.
-Input your newspaper name. Include a term such as Times, Gazette, Daily, etc.
-Write a bold headline at the top of the page. It should be bold, clear, and specific.
-Use the lines on the page to write about the account. Cover all 5 Ws for readers.
-Sketch an attention-grabbing picture of the event in the square provided.


Having reported the facts about the event, you will now include two different columns that include
perspectives from authors. Come up with headlines, names for the authors, and the articles on the
lines provided for each column. These can be two different individuals who have different areas of
expertise in evaluating the event. Examples of these authors’ expertise might include knowledge of
war tactics, technology, the political ramifications of the war, the economic effects, etc. Emphasize
each area of expertise in the opinion column for each author.

© Teach with Mark and Elyse at TPT


On this page, you will use illustrations to either make a political cartoon or comic strip that gives
some kind of visual commentary of the event. It can be for propaganda, using wit to communicate
an idea, advocating a position, boosting morale, etc. Include both visual pictures and words that
convey the message you hope to get across to your readers.

WANT ADS – Page 4

The final page is a section for readers to see various ads that are being published by the public. This
includes promoting products, job postings, and any other needs in the community.

Ad #1 should be some type of ad from the military (ex: enlisting soldiers, recruiting nurses, etc.).

Ad #2 should be some type of ad for a job listing in society.

Ad #3 should be an ad for a good or a service from the time period.

Ad #4 is up to you! It can be an ad like the others or a completely different type.


It is recommended that you work on each page individually before attaching them together. After
completing all four newspaper pages, attach them into 4 sections like a newspaper as shown below.
The edges of the sheets indicate where the pages attach. Then, you have yourself a newspaper!

© Teach with Mark and Elyse at TPT

You are selecting a significant event from the Mexican-American War to write about in your newspaper.
Below are newsworthy options for you to consider from the war. Choose one to report.

• Mexico Rejects Slidell: President James Polk sends John Slidell to offer
millions of dollars for territory, which Mexico refuses. You can write about
why they rejected it and the ramifications of this.

• Polk Orders Troops To Texas: Troops are ordered to Southern Texas over
disputed territory and a conflict occurs. You can report what happened
and the casualties it brought.

• Congress Declares War: Those in U.S. Congress voted in favor of

President James Polk’s request to go to war with Mexico. You can write to
announce the war and how they came to this decision.

• Battles: Many battles were fought over the course of the war. Research
and find one that interests you to write about. Significant battles include
the Battle of San Pascual, San Gabriel, Buena Vista, etc. You can write
about the effects of the battle upon the war effort for each side.

• Lincoln Issues Spot Resolution: Lincoln, as a congressman, introduced a

resolution in opposition to Polk’s reasons for going to war. You can write
about Lincoln’s resolution and how he became criticized for it.

• Capture of Mexico City: The U.S. captured the city from Santa Anna’s
forces. You can write about the victory and its significance for the war.

• Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: This is the treaty that ended the war. You
can write to announce the end of the war and explain the treaty’s terms.

ã Teach with Mark and Elyse at TPT

As a journalist, you will research the details of your Mexican-American War event by collecting
information that answers the 5 Ws of journalism. Gathering these facts makes an article complete.
Research information about the event and jot down relevant facts on the notepad spaces below. This
is the information you will use to write a complete report of what happened in your newspaper.

Who is it about? What happened?

When did it happen?

Where did it happen? Why did it happen?

ã Teach with Mark and Elyse at TPT

Write the Name of Your Newspaper Below

Write Your Newspaper Headline in Big Bold Words

BY: ________________________________________________________________
Illustrate a picture of what happened in the event
(Write Your Name)

© Teach with Mark and Elyse at TPT


















© Teach with Mark and Elyse at TPT 2

Illustrate and write out your political cartoon or comic strip in the space below


© Teach with Mark and Elyse at TPT
Illustrate and write out your newspaper’s want ads in the spaces below

© Teach with Mark and Elyse at TPT 4









© Teach with Mark and Elyse at TPT

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