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Join The Near Future Report for 75%

Off—and Receive Instant Access

to The “Tech Shock” Portfolio

The world is now facing what may be the worst supply crisis in human history.

 Auto factories like GM and Toyota are shutting down

 Medical device manufacturers are warning they will soon be shutting down next

 Grocery store shelves are once again at risk of running empty

And it all traces back to one thing: A sudden and catastrophic shortage of the modern
economy’s lifeblood… computer chips.

As a former semiconductor executive with decades of experience, Jeff Brown has seen this
kind of shortage before. But never on a scale this big.

He calls it a “Tech Shock.” And it’s set to catch millions off guard with:

 Soaring prices

 Empty store shelves

 And most importantly… dramatic and permanent consequences for investors.

“Tech Shocks” in the past have roiled the markets, crushing stocks like Motorola by 90%...
while sending other companies like Texas Instruments surging over 90x higher.

Today’s “Shock” is bigger than anything we’ve seen before. And it’s moving much faster.

So it’s critical you act right away to secure yourself and your wealth in the days ahead.

To make this simple for you, Jeff’s prepared a full suite of research reports, telling you
everything you need to know to navigate this crisis.

When you subscribe to his flagship research service, The Near Future Report, you’ll receive
every word of Jeff’s research instantly, for free. And much more.

Here’s what you’ll get now if you order The Near Future Report through this page.

The “Tech Shock” Portfolio: Companies to Buy Now (Value: $199)

“Tech Shocks” in the past have been a disaster for investors. But at the same time, for a
select few investors who knew what to do… they’ve been a godsend.
Wise investors during the “Tech Shock” of 1999 saw 2,900% on Qualcomm in a single
year… in 1988, they saw 3,700% on Micron Technology… and even a staggering 9,000%
gain on Texas Instruments…
Just like before, investors who make the right moves now could see immense wealth in the
fallout of today’s “Tech Shock.”
The companies in this portfolio are poised to be the “Qualcomms” and the “Texas
Instruments” of tomorrow. And among their ranks is one very special company, one which
may someday be known as the company that saved the world from this crisis.
 It is the only company on the planet with the tech needed to make today’s most
advanced computer chips.
 It’s already inked deals with the top 3 biggest chip makers in the world, touching over
50% of the world’s chip supply. As the Wall Street Journal puts it, this company’s top
client produces “almost all of the world’s most sophisticated chips”
 Plus… its tech is legally fortified by over 13,000 patents.

You’ll learn its name as well as all the other potential “Tech Shock” winners in this
special report.


The “Tech Shock” Casualties: Companies to Avoid (Value: $49)

At the same time...

Today’s “Tech Shock” will destroy some of the public’s favorite stocks.
To help you avoid the dangers lurking just around the corner, Jeff has packaged a list of
companies to stay away from—and sell immediately.

One of them is considered among the “safest” stocks on the market. You may own it right
now. But make no mistake... Jeff believes it is a ticking time bomb.

Its name and the full list of “Tech Shock” casualties is available in this special report.


The Age of Automation (Value: $199)

Despite employers doling out signing bonuses… and lavish benefits like pet insurance…
Another kind of shortage is emerging as we speak--a labor shortage.

As CNBC reports, “There are about 1 million more job openings than people looking for
And as more Americans “opt-out” of the labor market… businesses have one real option left
to keep their doors open.

From computer ordering kiosks and robotic burger flippers…

To farms operated by drones and sensors…

To “Machine Vision” replacing assembly line workers…

The automation of labor is set to drive computer chip demand even higher. And investors
who position themselves in the right companies today could make a fortune. That’s why Jeff
has prepared a portfolio of companies he considers the very top players in this space.

You’ll find everything inside this report.

1 Year of The Near Future Report (Value: $199)
Your membership includes 12 full issues of Jeff Brown’s flagship financial research service
—covering the latest trends in the world of technology and finance.

Jeff spent over two decades working as an executive at some of the largest tech
corporations in the world, including Qualcomm, NXP Semiconductors, and Juniper

Today he is an active angel investor in early-stage tech startups. He’s participated in over
200 private deals. He has been a very early backer of five billion-dollar “Unicorn” startups
to date, including Coinbase, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange.

When you’re a member of The Near Future Report, every month, Jeff sends you at least one
new investment recommendation as well as a detailed analysis on what he sees happening
in the markets.

By following Jeff’s recommendations, readers have had the chance to invest in the #1
returning tech stock of 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
And as of late August, every single one of Jeff’s 5G, AI, and cryptocurrency picks is up. Out
of 19 positions, they are all winners. Some are already up as high as 400%... 500%...
even 600%.


A Full Library of Reports on Every Major Tech Trend of Today

Every Near Future Report reader has access to an exclusive “Special Reports” collection,
filled with investment recommendations in every corner of the tech world today. Some of
these titles include...
 How to Make a Tax-Free Fortune From Cryptocurrencies
 Jeff’s #1 5G Pure Play
 The #1 Stock “Behind” Quantum Computing

Plus, dozens of other special reports not listed here, including reports on self-driving cars,
genetic editing, and precision medicine.

Unrestricted Access to The Near Future Report's Model Portfolio

Jeff’s model portfolio is on fire with gains as high as 345%... 422%... and 450% as of mid-
2021! You’ll gain access to all the current open positions so you can get in on every single
pick that is still in Jeff’s buy range.

24/7 Access to The Near Future Report’s

Members-Only Website
Here, you’ll enjoy full access to your issues, special reports, and other member benefits—
entirely at your convenience. You can enjoy The Near Future Report anytime, anywhere.

Customer Support From Our Florida-Based Team

Our professional team of experienced agents, based in Delray Beach, Florida, can help you
with any questions or concerns you may have about your subscription. Simply call 888-493-
3156 or email them any time Monday–Friday, 9 am–5 pm ET. They are here to make sure
you get the most out of your membership. Just remember, we’re not allowed to give
individual investment advice.

Normally The Near Future Report retails for $199.

But if you order through this page, you’ll pay just $49. That’s 75% off retail—which comes
out to less than 14 cents per day.

And by trying Jeff’s research now, you risk nothing. Because your subscription is backed by
our 60-day, 100% money back guarantee.

Keep Everything, Risk Nothing

If you decide The Near Future Report isn’t for you in the first
two months, just give us a call at 888-493-3156 and we’ll
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The best part is you can keep ALL your special reports no
matter what! That’s my gift to you for trying out our service.

Just complete the form below to join The Near Future Report. You’ll then receive instant
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