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Native Hawaiian Species Learn & Teach with help from the DLNR

Division of Forestry and Wildlife Website:

1. Visit website:

2. With your partner(s), select one of the following categories:
a. Hawai`i’s native birds
b. Invertebrates
c. Kāhuli Tree snails/`Ōpe`ape`a
d. Rare Native Plant Species
e. Common Native plant species
f. Stream species
3. Choose 3-5 species from your category to learn about & present to the class.
Answer the question: Why do they matter?
*Choose wisely as 3 of these species will become assessment items
**Feel free to visit other reliable websites, but this is not required
4. Create a slideshow with a single slide for each species to include the following info:
a. Hawaiian name (with correct diacritical marks)
b. Description of the species
c. Habitat (where it can be found)
d. Endangered status
e. 1-2 cool facts
f. A picture of the species
5. Post and present your slides to the class
This is a 15 point assessment grade


Slide show presents 3-5 Native Species /3 points
Explains why these species matter

The product is Complete /9 points

Answers 4a-f in the instructions

Presentation Delivery /3 points

Speaks clearly, loudly, and with appropriate inflection

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