Yael Reccommendation

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Heather Rich, Talent & Marketing Director

630-991-7877 ~ heather11.cfa@gmail.com


To Whom It May Concern,

It is my pleasure to enthusiastically recommend Yael Navarro for Social Media Marketing and
related jobs that he has held.

My name is Heather Rich, Talent & Marketing Director at Chick-fil-A Bloomingdale, IL. I have
the pleasure of working with Yael Navarro for over a year while in store and on the Marketing
Team with him as a Social Media Coordinator. Of all the Creatives I’ve worked with, Yael is
among the best in his quickness to come up with an idea, execute, and it looks great from photos,
to paper documents, to social posts. I can give him a thought or topic and he easily runs with it,
making it come to life. He is distinct, detailed, and has given me education on various aspects as
well - very patient with my non-social familiarity. During our time together, Yael has proved to
be authentic, creative, and enthusiastic. His expertise in social media, and Canva projects lately,
is a huge asset that led to great signage, social posts, and engagement.

I am confident without reservation that Yael would be an excellent fit and addition to your

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like me to further elaborate on Yael’s
talents and achievements.


Heather Rich
Director of Talent & Marketing

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