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 Chapter II – Section 14, 2 (b) of the Nigerian Constitution States: the security and

welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government.

 Chapter VI - Section 224 of the Nigerian Constitution States: The programme as well
as the aims and objects of a political party shall conform with the provisions of
Chapter II of this Constitution.
 3rd Schedule to the Constitution (F - Independent National Electoral Commission)…
Section 15 States:. The Commission shall have power to –
o (b) register political parties in accordance with the provisions of this
Constitution and an Act of the National Assembly;
o (c) monitor the organisation and operation of the political parties, including
their finances;
 Questions to be posed:
o Are the Political Parties organised (or structured) to deliver on the security
and/or welfare imperatives as directed by the Constitution?
o Does INEC enforce the dictate that Political Parties’ aims and objectives shall
be about championing the security and welfare of the people.
o Does INEC monitor the organisation, structure and operations of Political
Parties to ensure that they meet the paramount goals as stipulated by the
 The organisation, structure and operations of political parties in Nigeria reveals a
two-pronged focus:
o General Administration of the Party.
o Competing at Elections.
 We want the endorsement and cooperation of INEC to embark on the following:
o To develop and implement a program to support Political Parties in Nigeria,
to correct and realign their goals to reflect the provision of the Constitution
to grant primary focus to the security and welfare of the people.
o To transform the Nigerian Political Process away from a politics of
personalities and the singular focus of competing in elections.
o To transform political parties into vehicles for people’s democratic
expression, whereby, the wishes and aspirations of the people, are translated
into structured ideas and/or ideology and subsequent government programs.
o To work with INEC to develop and implement a framework that monitors
compliance of Political Parties to the provision of the Constitution, for their
aims and objectives to be focussed around the security and welfare of the
To this effect, we propose to implement a 7-Part Reform Programme as below:
1. Analysis and review of the current state of the major political parties in Nigeria.
(Review and Report in their Structure, Organisation and Operations to deliver on
Security and Welfare of the People).
2. Capacity building, sensitisation of party leadership and exposure to global best
practice in the role and function of Political Parties as agencies for Growth and
Development as well as vehicles for a people’s democratic expression (Seminars,
Workshops and Field Visits).
3. Development of a Standardised Political Party Operations Reference Model which
will support political parties in the development and implementation of corrective
measures to realign their parties (Support with structural reorganisation and
repositioning with elements like re-drafting constitutions and bylaws and the
creation of standard operating procedures etc.).
4. Development of a Legislative framework to support and cement the reforms here
5. Sensitisation of party members and the public to the transformation agenda here
6. Guided implementation of corrective measures (Oversea the implementation to
maintain momentum).
7. Institution of a framework for the ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation of Political
Parties in line with the Charge to deliver of the Security and Welfare of the People.

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