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Listening comprehension test about daily routines

AE de 7º ano da Compreensão oral: identificar o conteúdo principal do que se ouve.

Name: ___________________ Surname: ____________________ Year: 7 Class: _____

Date: _______/01/2023 Score: ___________ Teacher: ___________________

A. Listen to Matias talking about his daily routine. Complete the text with the
missing daily activities or frequency adverb.

I (1) ___________________ at seven o’clock and I have a shower right away because I
(2) __________________ feel sleepy in the morning. Then I (3) __________________
and I go to the kitchen to (4) __________________. I usually (5) __________________
with milk because it’s faster. My mum has a cup of coffee with toast.
We (6) __________________ in the countryside near Oulu. When it’s snowing, I always
ski to the bus station and then I (7) __________________ bus to school. I go to Kastelli
School in Oulu. When I (8) __________________school, I take off my shoes and put on
my school shoes or I just walk in my socks! It’s like this in Finland…
My classes (9) __________________ at eight o’clock and (10)
_________________ at three. My timetable is sometimes different because I can learn
lots of things with two or three teachers at the same time when we’re doing a project.
One of the things I really like is winter activities like skiing, ice-hockey and ice skating.

B. 1. Listen to Kayla’s daily life and choose the correct option.

a) the USA.
1. Kayla is from __________. b) the U.K.
c) Australia.
d) Hawaii.
a) 06:15.
2. She wakes up at ________. b) 06:45.
c) 07:15.
d) 07:45.
a) 5 minutes earlier.
3. She gets up ___________. b) 5 minutes later.
a) by bus.
4. She goes to school _____________. b) by car.
c) by train.
d) on foot.
B. 2. Answer these questions about Keyla
1. What time does her lessons start in the morning? _________________
2. What’s her favourite subject at school? ____________________

C. Listen to Megan, David and Kareem talking about what extracurricular activities
they do after school.

Identify which activity each one of them does after school with a (X) in the
corresponding column/line. NOTE: There are 2 activities, extra

Extra-curricular activities Megan David Kareem

Going to dance lessons
Playing football
Playing basketball

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