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What is the nature of Relations between Turkey and the three Central Asian Republics?

The end of the Cold War period has been a historical turning point for Turkey as well as
for the international system. The main reason for this is that five of the 15 countries that
gained their independence with the dissolution of the Soviet Union have common cultural,
ethnic and religious ties with Turkey. Therefore, the declaration of independence of
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan caused great excitement
in Turkey. The newly independent Turkish Republics, with their economic and strategic
potentials, were opening a new page for Turkish foreign policy, and these countries were
naturally in the area of interest of Turkish foreign policy. Thus, the relations between Turkey
and the countries of the region began to develop rapidly in political, economic and cultural
fields. Turkey has attached great importance to this region due to its cultural and historical
ties, has been closely interested in the developments here and has tried to develop its political
After the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Republic of Turkey
gained the opportunity to develop its relations with the Central Asian Republics, which have a
common historical and spiritual culture, and the Turkic Republics, which gained
independence in this region. One of these countries is Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan declared its
independence on 16 December 1991. After gaining its independence in 1991 with the
disintegration of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan pursues a foreign policy that considers the
international balance of power and which Nursultan Nazarbayev defines as a
"multidimensional foreign policy". Kazakhstan, which prioritizes Russia and wants to
maintain its positive relations with China, also intends to establish close relations with
neighboring countries, the USA and European Union countries. Besides all these, Turkey is
an ally and friendly country for Kazakhstan. Turkey is the first country to recognize the
independence of Kazakhstan. This situation can be considered as a political initiative that
carries extremely important symbolic meanings beyond just starting a diplomatic relationship.
The love and longing for the Central Asian Turks played a big role in Turkey's brave behavior
for many years. This emotional approach also left its mark on later relationships. On
December 16, 1991, Turkey, like other Turkic Republics, was one of the first countries to
recognize the independence of Kazakhstan. Diplomatic relations were established between the
two states on March 2, 1992. And embassies were opened mutually between the two states.
As a result of these developments, Kazakhstan-Turkey relations continued to increase. The
common historical, cultural and spiritual ties between our country and Kazakhstan formed the
basis for the rapid development of our relations. The principles of our relations and
cooperation in various fields have been regulated with numerous agreements and protocols
signed with Kazakhstan after its independence. In parallel with the level of political relations
between our country and Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan has become one of the most important
political and economic partners of our country in the region. The relations between
Kazakhstan, which declared its independence with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, have
progressed positively in almost every aspect. In the first years of independence, cooperation
ground was established in many aspects such as politics, economy and education. Ankara's
support has been extremely important in the process of Kazakhstan's change of capital from
Alamti to Akomla, which is also related to the unity of the country. Although it is
geographically far from other Turkish republics, it has the feature of being one of the
countries with the most intense economic and political relations. Initiatives to market
Kazakhstan's rich energy resources through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and TANAP pipelines
have geopolitical importance as well as economic cooperation. In addition, the two countries
are joint members of many regional organizations, especially the Turkic Council, and
strategic cooperation on important issues draws attention. Considering the course of relations
as of 2021, Kazakhstan draws attention to the solution of problems within the scope of
Russia-Turkey relations, apart from the specified areas. In this context, the resolution of the
Aircraft Crisis, the Astana Process and the liberation of Karabakh from occupation are
extremely important. Turkey-Kazakhstan relations have a significant dimension with Russia
and other former Soviet republics. In this context, Kazakhstan's mediator, problem solver,
relationship builder and balancing functions have been seen in many events.
Another country is Uzbekistan. Turkey and Uzbekistan are two friendly countries based
on a common language and history, similar cultures and traditions. Uzbekistan, which gained
its sovereignty on June 20, 1990, declared its independence on September 1, 1991. Turkey's
first recognition of the independence of Uzbekistan on December 16, 1991 can be considered
as a high expression of this brotherhood. Diplomatic relations between Turkey and
Uzbekistan were established on March 4. Turkish Embassy in Tashkent since April 1992 and
diplomatic mission of Uzbekistan in Ankara since May 1993. More than 100 bilateral
agreements and protocols were signed with this country in order to form the legal basis of the
relations, and many high-level mutual visits were made. Uzbekistan is in an important
position for regional peace and stability with its population approaching 33 million,
geostrategic location, deep-rooted history, rich cultural values and economic potential. Turkey
attaches great importance to the development of its cooperation with brotherly Uzbekistan in
every field and maintains its will to advance relations that are strengthened by the close ties
between the Turkish and Uzbek peoples. Uzbekistan is an important country with its fertile
agricultural lands, trained manpower, natural resources and economic potential. The country,
which gained its independence with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, faced many
difficulties. The Uzbek rulers, who revised the socialist management model, did not fully
implement the liberal reforms, and the policies followed by the country's first president
prevented adaptation to the global system. Mirziyoyev, who came to power with the elections
held in 2016, started to make political, economic and social reforms in the country and the
relations between society and state were rehabilitated. During the five-year period, elections
were made more democratic, political prisoners were released, foreign trade was given
importance and investments were encouraged. Uzbekistan, which has also improved its
relations with the countries of the region, has carried its cooperation with different actors to
an advanced level. Bilateral relations with Turkey have also started to develop in various
fields. In addition, Turkey's reform experience was taken as an example by the Uzbek
administrators. Ankara-Tashkent relations, which could not reach the desired level, were
revived with the reform agenda. The transformation of bilateral relations into strategic
partnerships has brought the countries closer politically, economically and socially.
Depending on this rapprochement, the two countries had the opportunity to develop
cooperation in different fields. Uzbek reforms, which are also important for Central Asian
countries, have the potential to contribute to the economic development and security of the
region. The development of relations between Turkish states is a breakthrough that also
benefits Turkey. The reform process that Uzbekistan has experienced is an initiative that
Turkey has also experienced. In this way, experience sharing, financial assistance and
solidarity between the two Turkish states can contribute to both the development of the region
and the cooperation between the countries. Uzbekistan reforms offer more cooperation
opportunities for the Turkic states that come together with the Turkic Council. Thus,
Uzbekistan can develop cooperation with different actors in order to increase development,
security, stability and prosperity. In this process, with its experience in economic
development, Turkey can strengthen its relations with Uzbekistan by helping reforms.
After the disintegration of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Central Asian
countries, mostly Turkish-speaking, became the subject of Turkish foreign policy. Thus, the
relations between Turkey and the countries of the region began to develop rapidly in political,
economic and cultural fields. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and therefore the
emergence of new independent states in many geographies, the bipolar system understanding
symbolized by the Cold War period in the international order was coming to an end, and a
new era full of hopes and uncertainties began for many nations and regions. The geography of
Central Asia, one of the regions where new states emerged, contained uncertainties and hopes
in this regard, and attracted the attention of actors outside the region in many respects.
Turkmenistan is one of the Central Asian countries that declared its independence in 1991
with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Turkey, which immediately recognized the
independence of Turkmenistan, showed great effort for Ashgabat to be recognized by the
United Nations (UN) and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Turkmenistan has an Embassy in Ankara, a Consulate General in Istanbul and an Honorary
Consulate in Izmir, Turkey. It is represented by the Ashgabat Embassy in Turkmenistan.
There are balanced, mutual respect and special relations based on cooperation between two
brotherly countries and peoples who share a common history, language, religion and culture,
on the basis of "One Nation, Two States". The Turkmen side describes relations as "bone
brotherhood". Cooperation between the two countries follows a positive course in all areas,
especially in foreign policy, trade and economy, culture and education. Mutual Presidential
visits, which have been held eight times in the last few years, are of great importance in terms
of showing the stage reached by the relations between the two countries.


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