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Ans 1


Because of its various relationships with other banks, Citibank is in a unique

position to research novel approaches to improve the quality of service it gives to
its customers. The current situation involves a number of parties. Each of these
organisations has its own goals, connections, and supporters, further complicating
the situation. Citibank's loan programme strives to discover the best ways for its
customers to get the funds they need by connecting them with qualified borrowers.
To be effective, business-to-business (B2B) marketing need a thorough grasp of
the target sector and consumer base. Outbound marketing, which targets
organisations in other industries, needs a different strategy than inbound
marketing, which focuses on the company's current clientele.

The concerns addressed in the following paragraphs just scrape the surface of the
many that need your immediate attention. We must first address a number of other
key issues.
Which of the following categories do you expect the bank would prioritise when
deciding who it will serve?
Please identify and define the main banking customer groups that the bank believes
are the most important right now. What?
What kinds of opportunities do you think this bank will have as a result of its
success, and how does it compare to other banks? To back up your upbeat outlook,
please explain how you feel the bank's performance will affect your own
possibilities of success. Would you completely trust me to choose between these
two options?

Concept and application

Citizens Bank will do extensive market research before making any decisions in
order to learn more about the people they want to recruit. It's likely that you'll need
to keep an eye out for new ways if you want to give better service to those who use
the product in the future.
Strategies for increasing product recognition Marketing Citibank is able to make its
goods and services more accessible to both current customers and persons who
may become new clients by segmenting the population into separate personality
types and audience groups. Getting better at using technology coincides with
getting better at getting things done.
Trying to recruit new customers may take a lot of time and energy, and it can also
be expensive for a business. Creating a road map of the features that customers
want to see in the bank's future mobile apps would help the bank better serve its
customers. The results of surveys and other types of market research are often used
to change the way things are done. As soon as the bank has access to this new
information, it will be better able to send funds to the locations that need it the
The majority of class time will be spent doing research and preparing essays on a
wide range of commercial banking topics. Industrial banks must earn at least $48
million per year and cannot take on credit risk worth more than $24 million.
Furthermore, the firm's credit risk limit must be at least 24 million dollars. In
precisely, the bank's credit risk limit must always be at least $24,000,000.
This approach might be used by a financial institution to find trustworthy
businesses. He expects to make a significant profit of $14 million. When banks are
open about how they lend money to businesses, the economy benefits as a whole.
If a company earns between $2 million and $12 million per year, the bank must use
considerable caution. Only organisations that specialise in a single field are
immune to this trend. A trustworthy method that can determine which assets will
create high returns as the portfolio grows is required for a financial organisation
such as a bank or other financial institution to make wise investment decisions.
When they are combined, they form a more complete unit.
After conducting some research, we noticed that the organisations whose services
we would hire provide their workers a lot of opportunity to improve both
professionally and personally. These perks are offered to workers as a thank you
for their hard work and dedication to the organisation. We've never felt as
protected as we do now that we're confident of our talents.
Autonomy was demonstrated through actions rather than concepts.
The first thing to do is find out where the nearest bank or credit union is. How
essential is it to you as a parent that your kids (and your spouse!) are always
comfortable at home? Do you believe your monthly expenditures, which currently
include rent, will soar over the sky soon? One of your greatest alternatives right
now is to seek for assistance. It's feasible that service providers that have worked in
their areas for a long period would be better equipped to satisfy their customers'
demands. If transaction speeds are slowed down and more information about
customers is gathered, financial institutions may receive less complaints about
attempting to learn new things and grow better at existing ones
Employees and consumers of Citibank will gain from the data and information
gathered to figure out the quality of the leads, as well as from a better informed
team. If there's no way to avoid this from occurring, fretting about the quality of
the leads is meaningless. The purpose of this research was to investigate which
aspects of sales leads are most predictive of conversions in order to give
suggestions for enhancing lead quality. If 10 of the eleven leads are extremely near
to qualifying, a bank salesman is considerably more likely to qualify at least one of
the eleven leads. Because qualifying a lead takes fifteen data points, the odds that
at least one of eleven leads will be qualified by a bank salesman increase raised by
a lot. Why? Because there are a lot of various sorts of leads, and each one requires
a particular set of facts. Every lead that a salesman comes up with should contain a
total of fifteen data points, and 10 of those leads should be extremely close to
qualifying. If a salesman has 10 leads, they must offer each of the 11 prospects
they are following up with 15 distinct pieces of information.
When bank salesmen speak to consumers, they are attempting to figure out which
customers will be the most valuable and dependable in the long term.
We have a stronger chance of success since there are similarities between this new
group of 100 customers and our present clients, as well as because our sales staff is
already acquainted with the company. Everyone on the team will have to put in a
lot of work to establish which plan will bring in the most consumers, generate the
most money, and yet leave enough time and energy for everyone else's duties.
The marketing and sales divisions of a corporation work together to attain the same
One of the first things that should be done to enable marketing and sales work
together properly is to divide the job equitably.
If salespeople perceive that marketers are attempting to hinder them from creating
critical connections, it may be hard for them to offer correct information.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that when members of a team take on
different tasks on a regular basis, the overall performance of the team increases.
Demographics, industry trends, and even the way a product is packaged may tell
salespeople a lot about the people they want to do business with. Those who work
in sales and have this degree of expertise may be better equipped to provide their
customers additional particular attention. Since data and analytics are now readily
accessible to everyone, sales teams may examine promotional materials far better
than ever before. This is now feasible since there are more data and tools for
assessing data on the internet.
If a corporation is prepared to put in more effort, it will have a far higher chance of
taking advantage of the chances that may bring it the greatest money. So,
corporations may invest their money on the possibilities that have the highest
possibility of paying off. If company owners do not have access to marketing data,
it will be difficult for them to make educated judgments about which websites to
utilise and which to prioritise in order to obtain outstanding search engine results.
For example, the data may be used to adjust the amount of attention devoted to an
advertising, motivate buyers to attend a sales event, or enhance the design of
brand-new things. The following situations are offered as examples of the sorts of
circumstances outlined earlier.

If your company's communication methods are targeted to the unique difficulties it
confronts every day, it will have a higher chance of attaining its objectives. Getting
the trust of both present workers and prospective new customers should be one of
the top aims of any organisation. Banking and insurance firms have to work hard to
gain new clients and maintain the ones they currently have.
The issue appears to have been rectified about 7:55 IST (Indian Standard Time) on
April 9, 2021, according to the Times of India. The 14th season of the Indian
Premier League was a big success, even though it started off to a difficult start. The
website should be routinely updated to ensure that visitors have access to the most
current news, which is covered by reporters who are specialists in their industries.

Ans 2

TOI Quick Edits believes that the increased interest in the Indian Premier League
(IPL) may be because cricket fans can't wait for the following season. A study of
cricket enthusiasts backs up this point of view. Even if there were illegal activities
going on at various locations along the route, this event will illustrate how to
operate large-scale sporting events in a manner that earns money and is productive.
This is the case, even if there may be periods when chaos dominates. This event
will go on as scheduled, despite the fact that many of the limitations will not be
respected. As a consequence, the biggest sporting event ever conducted had to be
postponed for a later date. The Indian Premier League's devotion to the use of
modern technologies will, in the end, be the decisive element in determining the
league's degree of success.

Concept and application

According to Duff & Phelps, the Indian Premier League was the first live sports
event to be aired on YouTube in 2010. Something occurred ten years ago, in the
year 2010. (Billions). The 2015 season of the Indian Premier League is estimated
to have directly contributed roughly $140 million to the Indian economy in the
United States by the second week of May in 2022. If estimates are true, this is the
situation that will occur in 2022. On May 2, 2018, we will have done what we set
out to achieve.
The total number of individuals turning in to watch the Indian Premier League has
climbed by seven percentage points since the start of the current season. There has
been a considerable surge in interest in recent years. Even though there was a
lockout and it cost $4.7 billion to shift clubs to Dubai, the brand value of the Indian
Premier League went grown by 77% over the previous year. This growth happened
in the preceding year. This increase occured in the preceding calendar year.
Branded Finance reports that between the start of the 2020 Indian Premier League
season and the start of the 2021 season, the worth of the Mumbai Indians' brand
went grown by 13%. This money was earned between the two events. This
breakthrough occurred at an undefined point in one of the historical periods that
came before. Everything that might have occurred did happen in those two years.
Go to as soon as possible if you require this information.
Without a date, it will be hard to get the report out to the public. On September 16,
2022, it came out that the research findings were never even looked at, much alone
examined twice to make sure they were accurate. This was discovered out due of a
Brand Finance, a business that calculates out how much a brand is worth, says that
the Indian Premier League (IPL), a Twenty20 cricket event hosted in India every
year, is worth $4.7 billion. This was a decision taken by the company. The Indian
Premier League is where much of the information here comes from. Based on the
findings of its yearly brand analysis, Brand Finance creates a list of the top 5,000
most successful firms in the world. We analysed the numerous franchise brands
that will be competing in the Indian Premier League in 2021 utilising data given by
brand finance.
Due to a schedule problem, the Indian Premier League will stay dormant for the
duration of the 2019 season after the completion of the 2018-19 season. We aim to
adopt this strategy when the following season begins the year after.
Because so much is at risk, some investors may feel that they have to suffer a
financial blow to take advantage of the chance. Brand loyalty has deteriorated as a
consequence of a rise in the number of media consumption channels accessible to
clients, which has a detrimental influence on company profitability. This arose as a
consequence of the availability of private communication channels accessible to
them. This is owing to the fact that there are so many diverse options to seek for
enjoyment. Using email and social media networks like Facebook and Twitter has
made it simpler for staff to communicate to each other and helped the organisation
reach more individuals. Smart phones and smart TVs may communicate to one
other and exchange information and data. The talk might go in many different
ways at this point. Due to the huge interest in the event, the organisers of the
International Poker Tournament are looking at developing agreements with both a
purchasing group and a broadcasting firm. The International Poker Tournament has
been in the press a lot, which has made people reexamine the safety procedures
that are currently in place. I was the Director of Brand Finance for India at a firm I
used to work for for the previous fifteen months. Ajimon Francis feels that starting
afresh is the most efficient strategy to keep a winning streak continuing in its
present condition. Because the IPL committee was ready to put the ROI plan into
effect, the league was able to acquire more skilled players with a greater variety of
The Indian Premier League (IPL) brokers, consultants, and organisers have had a
lot of success enticing bitcoin-curious cricket fans to events and activities focusing
on the cryptocurrency. These things are occurring that have a connection with
bitcoin. During the season, organisations who specialise in financial technology
promoted the IPL platform. After utilising the IPL platforms for one month, they
will witness a return on their investment and a boost in the number of individuals
that follow them. Over the previous four months, people's interest in the playoff
event has increased a lot. At first, there weren't many other things to explore.
Each club in the English Premier League (EPL) and the Spanish La Liga
meticulously picks its players, therefore both leagues have a high quality of play.
Both leagues employ these criteria to determine the players who will play for them.
Air India, which was recently bought by the Tata Group, will be the league's
official airline in the future. Furthermore, future conferences are predicted to
generate a lot of media attention. The fact that all three of these firms will be
offering live coverage of the Indian Premier League (IPL) implies that they will
have a healthy degree of competition. Everyone is enthusiastic about the idea of a
partnership between Jio, Disney, and Sony.

In his 23rd Hindi column, which was published in India, Pabagh spoke about how
vital it is to have solid figures to back up the success of the Premier League. The
author of this essay is an American Indian. The success of the Indian Premier
League (IPL), on the other hand, has made it more difficult for other nations to
completely adopt Twenty20 cricket. principally because a Twenty20 cricket match
may be finished in less than 20 minutes. This has the potential to have beneficial

Ans 3

Deloitte's vice chair, Jana Arbanas, delivered an in-depth review of our company's
long-term strategic aims for the Telecommunications, Media, and Entertainment
Industry Outlook. This report's official title is "The Induction." In order to make
choices that are in the best interests of the firm, the department head must have a
strong awareness of the present political environment in the United States.
Because of the worldwide pandemic and the difference between generations, the
media and entertainment sectors will go through even greater changes in 2021 than
they did in 2020. Changes in 2019 are probably guaranteed to have a higher effect
than changes in 2020.

Concept and application

Despite having access to a range of sources that gave knowledge on COVID-19, a
large percentage of the family did not complete the main tasks. Increased usage of
social networking sites throughout the summer of 2013 may have contributed, at
least in part, to their record spike in popularity during that season. Although it is
simply a theory, there is evidence suggesting it is probable. There might be a
multitude of other reasons. Since the virus was launched, members in the online
community have been responding in very similar ways.
Learn all you need to know for your next stage performance. obtains as much aid
as possible from this tutorial
As a consequence of the government's intolerance and prejudice, many companies
collapsed, as fewer people went out of their way to do anything other than watch
television. A research done in August 2021 indicated that 84% of these folks
would prefer remain at home than attend to a live event. I understood in an instant
that we had thrown away the possibility that had been provided to us. It is
conceivable for this to happen. People may not comprehend why we are comparing
our present outcomes to those from the past. People frequently discuss about
whether or not these services are equivalent to what a regular family would do. If
you move where you work, it may be much simpler to work with a bigger group.
This might be the situation if the person's surroundings is making it hard for them
to develop. Several adjustments have been recommended for the website in order
to increase the quality of services. Depending on what the event is, there may be a
lot more people present than at home watching the same thing on TV. To decrease
the competitive tension that frequently emerges during live events, a system for
managing the venue that is centred on what the crowd wants has to be established.
Vote yes if you believe that utilising social media and mobile applications would
help reach more people and make the event more meaningful. Businesses may gain
immensely from utilising social media for customer service and product marketing.
The preliminary findings of the VR/AR research demonstrate that it might be
utilised in many different ways.

Future performances will encourage fresh and different aesthetics. The researchers
obtained all of the data they required for their analysis utilising both historic film
photos and more current digital photographs. I would encourage you to carefully
evaluate the following considerations before making a decision:
How do you feel about the thought that large events in the future may be televised
in HD?
Is it feasible to have fun while simultaneously making the most of the technology
we find attractive and the resources we have access to through user interfaces that
allow for such connections?

Ans 3b
Businesses often utilise social media to educate their clients about special deals
and discounts as a means of expressing thank you for their continuous support. The
fall in conventional movie theatre attendance is mostly attributable to virtual reality
(VR), streaming services, and remote watching. This trend has been going on for a
long time.

Conpcet and application

Live broadcasts may be halted on a variety of websites, and some even allow you
create reminders. Because there are no established conventions in existence,
everyone behaves in line with their own needs. Artists, individuals who generate
content (both online and off), and those who watch may all attend to the same

The Metaverse was built with the purpose of offering a forum for individuals to
connect and speak through the internet; as a consequence, it is a welcome and
immersive 3D virtual environment. Beginning in 2022, the whole population will
have access to the Metaverse. If you wish to utilise the Metaverse, you must first
have the right equipment. People assumed that the patient's position was worse
than it truly was. One of the fundamental aspects of the metaverse is its flexibility
to user-specific wishes and preferences. Since there is so much information out
there, we need to narrow our study by generating predictions and assumptions that
are based on facts.

The Metaverse is a digital universe with three dimensions where individuals may
chat to one other and discuss about their ideas and views in a "world" setting. A
virtual reality (VR) system is also accessible in this "world." The major purpose of
this technology is to make internet communication and business more efficient. As
the usage of virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality expands, it is
feasible that information transfer between the digital and physical worlds may
become simpler in the near future. A "digital twin" idea was created to increase the
accuracy of long-distance communication and three-dimensional simulations. It
also helps link the physical world to the virtual world. Digital and analogue
computer systems could operate together in the future to construct "metaverses."

Bringing the Virtual and the Real Together

Since AR/VR technology has been employed in schools, education has grown a lot
better. Why? Because they provide kids the opportunity to study in areas that are
unusual and exciting. In the last several years, there has been an increase in
demand for ready-to-wear and ready-to-use consumer items that can be utilised
with augmented reality. Camera filters on social media networks are one example
of this sort of technology. Here are just a handful of the various ways that this
phenomena might present itself. We can't anticipate that the promised advantages
or standards will be widely utilised and enjoyed unless the criteria are made clearer
and easy to grasp. Until then, getting a lot of people to agree with the standards and
reaping the advertised advantages is not achievable.

There has been a lot of speculation about where (if anywhere) virtual reality may
reside in the metaverse. Could these technologies be utilised better in a future
where everything is virtual? What's nice about utilising virtual reality (VR)? By the
end of the year, 16 million phones and headsets will have been obtained.

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