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VNX File-to-Unified
Upgrade Guide
P/N 300-013-332
REV 01

This guide describes how to upgrade an existing VNX File system to a VNX Unified
system. Use this guide to upgrade any VNX5300, VNX5500, VNX5700, or VNX7500
File system to a VNX Unified system. Major topics include:
◆ Upgrade overview .......................................................................................................... 2
◆ General information for installing I/O modules........................................................ 4
◆ Preparation Tasks ............................................................................................................ 6
◆ Upgrade tasks .................................................................................................................. 9

The VNX File to Unified upgrade requires you to install the VNX Block enabler to
enable Block storage capability. In addition, depending on your upgrade goals, you
may be adding I/O modules or enabling protocol license options.
This upgrade guide includes procedures for these tasks:
◆ Run the VNX Block enabler to enable VNX Block storage capability
◆ Add to the storage processor (SP):
• One fiber channel (FC) I/O module
• One or more Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) I/O modules
• One or more Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) I/O modules to the SP

Note: For more information about installing a 10-Gb/s FCoE I/O module, see the VNX
Storage Processor Enclosure Adding Fiber Channel over Ethernet I/O modules procedure.

◆ Enable protocol license options for Multipath File System (MPFS), iSCSI, and FC

MPFS does not support the FCoE I/O module.

To prevent errors, save time, and minimize downtime, read through the upgrade
procedure before beginning the upgrade process.

Do not use this procedure to replace a failed I/O module.

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide 1

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Upgrade overview
This guide describes the upgrade tasks that will help you upgrade your VNX File
system to a VNX Unified system. Upgrading the VNX File system requires that you
install the VNX Block enabler and may include adding I/O modules or software
license options, or both.
◆ “Adding I/O modules” on this page
◆ “Enabling protocol license options” on page 3

Adding I/O modules If your upgrade goals include adding additional hosts, new I/O modules may are
required if there are not enough existing ports. When adding I/O modules to the
VNX storage processor enclosure (SPE) in VNX5700 and VNX7500 systems or the
VNX disk processor enclosure (DPE) in VNX5300 and VNX5500 systems, observe the
I/O module guidelines that follow.

I/O module hardware Observe the following guidelines when installing SP I/O modules to provide
requirements connections to external hosts:
◆ Download and install the latest version of the EMC® Unisphere™ Service
Manager (USM) to perform this upgrade.
◆ Use the following slots, if available, to install I/O modules. In VNX systems with:
• A DPE, use slot 0 or 1, if available (Figure 1). (SP ports 4-5 are reserved for
blade connections to blade enclosure 0; SP port 3 is reserved for connections to
blade enclosure 1, if equipped.)
• An SPE, use slot 1 or 2, if available (Figure 2 on page 3). (SP slot 4 is usually
reserved for connections to blade enclosures 0 and 1; SP slot 3 is usually
reserved for connections to blade enclosures 2 and 3, if equipped.)
◆ Install SP I/O modules in pairs—one I/O module in SP A and one I/O module in
SP B. Both SPs must have the same types of I/O modules in the same slots.
Figure 1 shows an example of the VNX5300/VNX5500 DPE.

I/O module slots

SP B 0 1 SP A 0 1
8Gb 6Gb 8Gb 6Gb
fibre SAS 1 fibre SAS 1
2 3 4 5 X4 2 3 4 5 X4

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5


0 X4 0 X4

Figure 1 Example of VNX5300/VNX5500 DPE

2 VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Figure 2 shows an example of the VNX5700/VNX7500 SPE.

I/O module slots








0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Figure 2 Example of VNX5700/VNX7500 SPE

Figure 3 shows examples of the FC, iSCSI I/O, and FCoE I/O modules that can be
configured for the SP slots.

Figure 3 4-port FC I/O module (left), 2-port copper Ethernet iSCSI I/O module (middle), and
2-port FCoE I/O module (right)

Enabling protocol Depending on the I/O modules installed and the protocol options purchased, you
license options will use the nas_hw_upgrade command to enable protocol software license options
for MPFS, FC, and iSCSI connectivity.

Upgrade overview 3
VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

General information for installing I/O modules

This section describes precautions you must take and general procedures you must
follow if you are installing new I/O modules.
The I/O modules are designed to be powered up at all times. This means you can
accomplish most hardware upgrades while the system is in operation. To maintain
proper airflow for cooling and to ensure electromagnetic interference (EMI)
compliance, make sure all front bezels, filler panels, and filler modules are reinstalled
after the hardware upgrade is completed.

Avoiding When you install I/O modules, you can inadvertently damage the sensitive electronic
electrostatic circuits in the equipment by simply touching them. Electrostatic charge that has
discharge (ESD) accumulated on your body discharges through the circuits. If the air in the work area
damage is very dry, running a humidifier in the work area helps decrease the risk of ESD
damage. You must use the following procedures to prevent damage to the
Read and understand the following instructions:
◆ Provide enough room to work on the equipment.
Clear the work site of any unnecessary materials or materials that naturally build
up electrostatic charge, such as foam packaging, foam cups, cellophane wrappers,
and similar items.
◆ Do not remove units from their antistatic packaging until you are ready to install
◆ Gather together the ESD kit and all other materials you will need before you
install any new hardware.
Once servicing begins, you should avoid moving away from the work site;
otherwise, you may build up an electrostatic charge.
◆ Use the ESD kit when handling any unit.
If an emergency arises and the ESD kit is not available, follow the procedures in
the next section, “Emergency procedures (without an ESD kit)”
◆ Use the ESD wristband that is supplied with your server.
To use it, attach the clip of the ESD wristband (strap) to any bare (unpainted)
metal on the server cabinet or enclosure. Then put the wristband around your
wrist with the metal button against your skin.

Emergency In an emergency, when an ESD kit is not available, use the following procedures to
procedures (without reduce the possibility of an electrostatic discharge by ensuring that your body and the
an ESD kit) subassembly are at the same electrostatic potential.
These procedures are not a substitute for the use of an ESD kit. You should follow
them only in the event of an emergency:
◆ Before touching any unit, touch a bare (unpainted) metal surface of the enclosure.
◆ Before removing any unit from its antistatic bag, place one hand firmly on a bare
metal surface of the enclosure, and at the same time, pick up the unit while it is
still sealed in the antistatic bag.
Once you have done this, do not move around the room or contact other
furnishings, personnel, or surfaces until you have installed the unit.

4 VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

◆ When you remove a unit from the antistatic bag, avoid touching any electronic
components and circuits on it.
◆ If you must move around the room or touch other surfaces before installing a
unit, first place the unit back in the antistatic bag.
When you are ready again to install the unit, repeat these procedures.

Installing or storing Use the following precautions when you handle or store components:
components ◆ Handle units only when wearing an ESD wristband:
• Attach the clip of the ESD wristband to the ESD bracket or bare metal on a
cabinet enclosure.
• Wrap the ESD wristband around your wrist with the metal button against
your skin.
◆ Handle components gently.

A sudden jar, drop, or even a moderate vibration can permanently damage some
sensitive units.

◆ Never use excessive force to install a component. Take time to read instructions
◆ Store components in an antistatic bag and the specially designed shipping
container in which you received it until you are ready to install it.
Use that container if you need to return the component for repair.

Some units have the majority of their weight in the rear of the component. Make
sure the back end of the unit is supported while installing it. Dropping a unit
could result in personal injury or damage to equipment.

General information for installing I/O modules 5

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Preparation Tasks
Before you start the actual upgrade, prepare your system by performing the tasks in
this section. Familiarize yourself with the following tasks. If you have any questions,
contact Customer Support before you begin the upgrade.
◆ “Task 1: Reading and understanding the procedure” on this page
◆ “Task 2: Obtaining hardware and miscellaneous items” on this page
◆ “Task 3: Verifying license information” on page 7
◆ “Task 4: Disable ConnectHome and Email notification” on page 7

Task 1: Reading and To prevent errors, save time, and minimize downtime, read through the entire
understanding the upgrade procedure before you begin.

Task 2: Obtaining The following sections describe the hardware and software requirements.
hardware and If you are adding new hardware, ensure that you have the appropriate parts for the
miscellaneous items type of hardware upgrade you are performing (Table 1).

Table 1 VNX upgrade parts

Description Requires SFP?

4-port 8-Gb/s FC I/O module Yes

2-port 1-Gb/s iSCSI I/O module No

2-port 10-Gb/s iSCSI I/O module Yes

2-port 10-Gb/s FCoE I/O module Yes

Note: Refer to the VNX parts guides for I/O module and SFP part numbers.

If you are adding new hardware, you must install the latest version of Unisphere
Service Manager (USM) to perform the upgrade!

To download the latest USM version, go to the CLARiiON Tools web page on the
Powerlink® web site ( On the left-hand navigation
menu, select About Unisphere Service Manager. At the bottom of the web page,
download, run, and install the Unisphere Service Manager (click the Unisphere
Service Manager link to download). After downloading the USM software, install it
on a computer that is used for maintaining the VNX system.

6 VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Task 3: Verifying In this task, you will verify the license options that appear in the license
license information documentation.
1. Locate the license documentation that came with the delivery of the hardware.
2. Note the licenses that appear in the license documentation. In some cases, more
than one license will appear:
• Unisphere license for File to Unified upgrade and Block enabler
• Protocol license for iSCSI, FC, or FCoE depending on the I/O modules
installed in the SPs
3. Retain this information; you will use it later in the procedure (Table 2 on page 17).

Task 4: Disable In this task, you will open a HyperTerminal session and disable ConnectHome and
ConnectHome and email notification.
Email notification 1. At the rear of the cabinet, connect the null modem cable (P/N 038-003-458) from
the serial port on a client computer to the primary Control Station as shown in
Figure 4 on page 7.
2. Open the HyperTerminal session using the following settings:

Bits per second: 19200

Data bits: 8

Parity: None

Stop bits: 1

Flow control: None

Emulation: Auto Detect

Telnet terminal ID: ANSI

Note: If you cannot connect to the HyperTerminal session, press the Control Station reset
button, log in, and repeat this step.

Serial port


Figure 4 Control Station serial connection

3. Login as nasadmin.
4. Become the root user.
$ su root

Preparation Tasks 7
VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

5. As the root user, disable Connect Home:

# /nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -service stop

6. Disable the email notification service:

# /nas/bin/nas_emailuser -modify -enabled no

7. Verify that email notification is disabled:

# /nas/bin/nas_emailuser -info

Service Enabled = No
Recipient Address(es) =
Carbon copy Address(es) =
Email Server =
Subject Prefix = .... Notification -NDU through USM
Sender Address =

Connect Home and email notification are now disabled.

8 VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Upgrade tasks
Before you begin the upgrade procedure, make sure you have completed all of the
tasks described in “Preparation Tasks” on page 6.
Follow the next steps to upgrade the VNX File system to a VNX Unified system:
◆ “Task 1: Verify system health” on this page
◆ “Task 2: Install and configure new I/O modules” on this page
◆ “Task 3: Install VNX Block enabler” on page 13
◆ “Task 4: Enable Statistics Logging and restore trespassed LUNs” on page 14
◆ “Task 5: Verify port configuration” on page 15
◆ “Task 6: Enable protocol license options” on page 17
◆ “Task 7: Verify successful upgrade” on page 19
◆ “Task 8: Enable Connect Home and email notification” on page 21

Task 1: Verify system In this task, you will verify the current state of the VNX system.
health 1. From the HyperTerminal session, run the following command to verify that the
system is in a good state.
# /nas/bin/nas_checkup
Check Version: <NAS_version>
Check Command: /nas/bin/nas_checkup
Check Log : /nas/log/checkup-run.<time_stamp>.log

Control Station: Checking if file system usage is under limit.............. Pass
Control Station: Checking if NAS Storage API is installed correctly........ Pass
Control Station: Checking if NBS clients are started....................... Pass

2. If the nas_checkup command indicates any problems, correct those problems and
re-run the command before continuing the upgrade.

Upgrade tasks 9
VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Task 2: Install and In this task, you will install and configure the new I/O modules, if required. If you
configure new I/O are not installing new I/O modules, skip to “Task 3: Install VNX Block enabler” on
modules page 13.

Do not insert I/O modules into their SP slots until instructed by the USM and this
procedure. If you are not installing new I/O modules, skip to “Task 3: Install VNX
Block enabler” on page 13.

1. Start the USM. The default location is Start > All Programs > EMC > Unisphere
> Unisphere Service Manager > Unisphere Service Manager.
2. Click the Login icon. On the Unisphere Connection window, enter the Public IP
address for SP A or SP B from step 1 on page 10. Click Connect.
3. After establishing connection with the SP, enter the username, password, and
scope (global or local) in the Unisphere Login window; then click Login.
4. After successfully logging in, select Hardware > Hardware Installation from the
USM navigation pane.
5. Click the Install I/O modules and/or SFPs icon. The I/O module and/or Port
Installation Wizard welcome window appears.
6. Click Next. The Storage System Credentials window appears.
7. Click Next. The Manual Check for Other Conditions window appears.
8. Click Next. The Server Readiness for Software Update window appears. Select
Override HA Status.
9. Click Next. The Diagnostic Information Step window appears with a message
stating that USM is gathering information.
10. After about 30 seconds, the Diagnostic Information Step window appears with
information about the system.
11. Select either of these checkboxes:
• Collect the diagnostic information again.
• Use the existing diagnostic information.
12. Click Next. The system collects the information and a window indicating that the
information was saved to the repository appears. This action can take several
minutes to complete.
13. Click Next. The system now does Rule Checks.

Note: This check will take several minutes.

14. When complete, the Rule Checks window appears with all the rules established.
15. The Rule Checks window validates the required rules before continuing. When
complete, the wizard displays the errors, warnings, and required actions or fixes.

Note: Click the Fix button next to the failed check to correct any error or condition, such as
to disable Statistics Logging. Some warnings can be skipped based on the system
configuration or settings. A dialog box prompts you to confirm; click Yes.

10 VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

16. Click Next. The Processor Utilization Check window appears. This window will
tell you whether is ok to continue with the installation.
17. If the Process Utilization Check is ok, click Next. The Non-Disruptive Upgrade
Delay window appears. This window shows the delay value (usually 360 seconds
as the default).
18. If the delay value is ok, click Next. The Select the Hardware to Install window
appears. Select the Small Form Factor (SFP) and/or Connectors checkbox.
19. Click Next. The I/O Module and SFP Configuration window appears. The I/O
modules and ports in your storage system are shown in a tree configuration.
20. Click OK. The Select I/O Module Slots window appears, verify that the slots you
want to fill are listed with a status of Empty, select the slots you want to add, then
click Next.
21. Select the checkboxes for the I/O Module slots you want to configure (Figure 5).

The I/O modules must be installed in designated slots for the devices to work

Figure 5 Example—Select I/O module slots

22. The wizard alerts you when it is time to install the I/O modules.
Insert the I/O modules into the required slots. Figure 5 shows an example of
four-port 4-Gb/s FC modules being added to SP A - A2 and SP B - B2. The
illustration shows A2 and B2 with filler panels before the FC module installation.
23. Click Next. The Install Hardware window appears.

Upgrade tasks 11
VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

24. After installing the I/O modules in the correct slot locations, select the I have
installed the hardware checkbox.
25. To verify the new installation, click Next. The Verify the I/O Module Installation
window appears.
26. The USM verifies that the correct type of hardware is installed in the slots. This
action may take several minutes.
27. If the installation is correct, click Next to reboot the storage system to initialize the
I/O modules. When complete, a dialog box appears indicating that the hardware
is installed. Click Yes, to continue.
28. Determine High Availability (HA) status.

Note: The HA option will ensure that at least one active path from the blade(s) to the SPs is
always available. If the blade(s) are attached to both SPs and are prepared to switch paths,
you may select the HA override. This action can take 30-50 minutes to complete.

a. To determine if HA is enabled in the VNX, run the following command from

the open HyperTerminal session:
# /nas/bin/nas_storage -check –all

Discovering storage (may take several minutes)


b. If the output shows that the storage discovery is Done, check the Override HA
check box on the Server Readiness for Software Update pane. Click Next.

Note: By default, HA is enabled for VNX systems. If the system displays error
messages, fix the errors before continuing.

29. The Select Ports To Configure window appears and shows the unconfigured
ports in the system. Verify that the ports in the new I/O modules are
appropriately selected and designated. Click Next.
30. The Install Hardware wizard appears. Install the SFPs and cables in the correct
port locations.
31. After installing the new hardware, select the I have installed the SFPs checkbox.
Click Next.
32. The Verify the Port Configuration window appears. When the verification
process is complete, review the information provided. When the verification is
complete, click Next.
33. A pop-up dialog box appears (Confirm: I/O Module and Port Installation
Wizard). Click Yes to continue the installation.
34. The Initializing the Port Configuration window appears, and the SPs will
reboot. Installation of the new I/O modules can take about 50 minutes to
complete. When the installation is complete, click Finish to exit the installation

12 VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Task 3: Install VNX The VNX Block enabler is available on installation media that arrives with the
Block enabler equipment. You will copy the file to the nasadmin/home directory on the Control
Station. Then you will run the enabler to enable Block storage on your VNX Unified
1. Locate the installation media that contains the VNX Block enabler file.
2. Insert the installation media into the service laptop media drive.
3. Use secure FTP to transfer the Block enabler file to the /home/nasadmin
directory on the CS.
4. Install the UnisphereBlock enabler on your VNX system:
# /nasmcd/sbin/navicli -h <SP_IP_Address> ndu -messner -install

Note: Installing the UnisphereBlock enabler takes approximately 5 minutes and does not
require an SP reboot.

5. To monitor the installation of the Block enabler:

# watch "/nasmcd/sbin/navicli -h <SP_IP_Address> ndu -status"

Is Completed: YES
Status: Operation completed successfully
Operation: Install

6. To confirm that the UnisphereBlock software package has been successfully

#/nasmcd/sbin/navicli -h <SP_IP_Address> ndu -list

Example output Name of the software package: -Unisphere

Revision of the software package: -
Commit Required: NO
Revert Possible: NO
Active State: YES
Is installation completed: YES
Is this System Software: NO

Look for this ---> Name of the software package: -UnisphereBlock

Revision of the software package: -
Commit Required: NO
Revert Possible: NO
Active State: YES
Is installation completed: YES
Is this System Software: NO

Name of the software package: -UnisphereFile

Revision of the software package: -
Commit Required: NO
Revert Possible: NO
Active State: YES
Is installation completed: YES
Is this System Software: NO

Name of the software package: VNX-Block-Operating-Environment

Revision of the software package:
Commit Required: NO
Revert Possible: NO
Active State: YES
Is installation completed: YES
Is this System Software: NO

Upgrade tasks 13
VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Task 4: Enable In this task the Statistics Logging feature will be enabled and any trespassed LUNs
Statistics Logging will be restored to their original SP. If you did not add any I/O modules to the SPs,
and restore you may skip this task and go to “Task 6: Enable protocol license options” on page 17.
trespassed LUNs
Note: The Statistics Logging feature was disabled before installing the new I/O modules (see
the Rule Checks note for step 14 on page 10).

The following steps enable and verify Statistics Logging and restore any trespassed
1. From the open HyperTerminal session, run the following command for each SP to
enable Statistics Logging:
# /nasmcd/sbin/navicli -h <SP_IP_Address> setstats -on

Example for SP A: # /nasmcd/sbin/navicli -h setstats

Statistics logging is ENABLED

Example for SP B: # /nasmcd/sbin/navicli -h setstats

Statistics logging is ENABLED

Trespassed LUNs could have occurred as a result of the required storage processor
reboots in the previous task.

2. To ensure that no trespassed LUNs exist in your system:

# /nas/bin/nas_storage -failback id=1

This action restores trespassed LUNs.

14 VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Task 5: Verify port In this task, you will verify that the port configuration is correct.
configuration 1. From the HyperTerminal session, run the following command:
# /nasmcd/sbin/navicli -h <SPA_IP_Addess> ioportconfig -list -iomodule <slot_number>

Example—FC I/O module: # /nasmcd/sbin/navicli -h ioportconfig -list -iomodule 2

Information about each port on this I/O module:
Physical Port ID: 0
Port Role: FE
Logical Port ID: 2
Port Usage: Normal
Port Type: Fibre Channel
Port State: Enabled
Port Substate: Good
Is Persisted: Yes

Physical Port ID: 1

Port Role: FE
Logical Port ID: 2
Port Usage: Normal
Port Type: Fibre Channel
Port State: Enabled
Port Substate: Good
Is Persisted: Yes

Physical Port ID: 2

Port Role: FE
Logical Port ID: 2
Port Usage: Normal
Port Type: Fibre Channel
Port State: Enabled
Port Substate: Good
Is Persisted: Yes

Physical Port ID: 3

Port Role: FE
Logical Port ID: 2
Port Usage: Normal
Port Type: Fibre Channel
Port State: Enabled
Port Substate: Good
Is Persisted: Yes

Example—FCoE I/O # /nasmcd/sbin/navicli -h <SP_IP_Address> ioportconfig -list

module: -iomodule 2

Information about each I/O module(s) on SPA:

I/O Module Slot: 2
I/O Module Type: FCoE
I/O Module State: Faulted
I/O Module Substate: Powered Off
I/O Module Power state: Off
I/O Carrier: No

Information about each port on this I/O module:

Physical Port ID: 0
Port Role: FE
Logical Port ID: 4
Port Usage: Normal
Port Type: FCoE
Port State: Unknown
Port Substate: I/O module powered off

Upgrade tasks 15
VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Is Persisted: Yes

Physical Port ID: 1

Port Role: FE
Logical Port ID: 5
Port Usage: Normal
Port Type: FCoE
Port State: Unknown
Port Substate: I/O module powered off
Is Persisted: Yes

Information about each I/O module(s) on SPB:

I/O Module Slot: 2
I/O Module Type: FCoE
I/O Module State: Present
I/O Module Substate: Good
I/O Module Power state: On
I/O Carrier: No

Information about each port on this I/O module:

Physical Port ID: 0
Port Role: FE
Logical Port ID: 4
Port Usage: Normal
Port Type: FCoE
Port State: Enabled
Port Substate: Good
Is Persisted: Yes

Physical Port ID: 1

Port Role: FE
Logical Port ID: 5
Port Usage: Normal
Port Type: FCoE
Port State: Enabled
Port Substate: Good
Is Persisted: Yes

2. Verify that the port information is correct. The value for Is Persisted must be Yes
(see example in step 1 .)

16 VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Task 6: Enable In this task, you will enable one or more protocol license options. If you did not install
protocol license I/O modules as part of the upgrade, you do not need to perform this task.
options The license options and the commands to enable or disable them are listed in Table 2.
The following procedure provides examples.

MPFS does not support the FCoE I/O module.

Table 2 nas_hw_upgrade command options

Option to
enable/disable Valid for I/O modules nas_hw_upgrade command options

MPFS over iSCSI 1-Gb/s iSCSI I/O module -option -enable -mpfsis
10-Gb/s iSCSI I/O module or
-option -disable -mpfsis

MPFS over FC 4-Gb/s iSCSI I/O module -option -enable -mpfsfc

8-Gb/s iSCSI I/O module or
-option -disable -mpfsfc

iSCSI 1-Gb/s iSCSI I/O module -option -enable -clariionis

10 Gb/s iSCSI I/O module or
-option -disable -clariionis

FC 8-Gb/s FC I/O module -option -enable -clariionfc

or 10-Gb/s FCoE I/O module or
FCoE -option -disable -clariionfc

Note: You may enable multiple options on one command line. For example:
/nas/sbin/nas_hw_upgrade -option -enable -mpfsis -mpfsfc

Follow these steps to enable the protocol license options on your system:
1. Determine the currently enabled options:
# /nas/sbin/model -option -list

2. If you want to disable a license option, use the -disable option (see Table 2 on
page 17). For example, to disable FC:
# /nas/sbin/nas_hw_upgrade -option -disable -clariionfc

Options disabled:

Model: VNX<model_number>
Command succeeded

Note: You can disable multiple options on one command line.

Upgrade tasks 17
VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

3. If you want to enable a license option, use the -enable command option (Table 2
on page 17). For example, to enable MPFS over FC:
# /nas/sbin/nas_hw_upgrade -option -enable -mpfsfc

Options enabled:

Model: VNX<model_number>
Command succeeded

Note: You can enable multiple options on one command line.

4. Verify that the upgrade was successful by checking that SP A and SP B are
# ping <SPA_IP>

# ping <SPB_IP>

Where <SPA_IP> and <SPB_IP> are the public IP addresses (discovered in step 1
on page 10) assigned to the SPs.
If the both ping commands are successful, the upgrade is successful. Press Ctrl + c
to stop the ping command.
5. Verify the model number:
# /nas/sbin/model


6. Verify the enabled options:

# /nas/sbin/model -option -list


Note: If no options are enabled, the command returns NOT AVAILABLE.

18 VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Task 7: Verify In this task, you will run the nas_checkup command to verify system health.
successful upgrade 1. Run the nas_checkup command to verify system health.
# /nas/bin/nas_checkup

Check Version: <NAS_version>
Check Command: /nas/bin/nas_checkup
Check Log : /nas/log/checkup-run.<time_stamp>.log

Control Station: Checking if file system usage is under limit.............. Pass
Control Station: Checking if NAS Storage API is installed correctly........ Pass
Control Station: Checking if NBS clients are started....................... Pass
Control Station: Checking if NBS configuration exists...................... Pass
Control Station: Checking if NBS devices are accessible.................... Pass
Control Station: Checking if NBS service is started........................ Pass
Control Station: Checking if PXE service is stopped........................ Pass
Control Station: Checking if standby is up................................. N/A
Control Station: Checking if NAS Storage APIs match........................ N/A
Control Station: Checking if Symapi data is present........................ Pass
Control Station: Checking if Symapi is synced with Storage System.......... Pass
Control Station: Checking integrity of NASDB............................... Pass
Control Station: Checking if primary is active............................. Pass
Control Station: Checking all callhome files delivered..................... Pass
Control Station: Checking resolv conf...................................... Pass
Control Station: Checking if NAS partitions are mounted.................... Pass
Control Station: Checking ipmi connection.................................. Pass
Control Station: Checking nas site eventlog configuration.................. Pass
Control Station: Checking nas sys mcd configuration........................ Pass
Control Station: Checking nas sys eventlog configuration................... Pass
Control Station: Checking logical volume status............................ Pass
Control Station: Checking valid nasdb backup files......................... Pass
Control Station: Checking root disk reserved region........................ Pass
Control Station: Checking if RDF configuration is valid.................... N/A
Control Station: Checking if fstab contains duplicate entries.............. Pass
Control Station: Checking if sufficient swap memory available.............. Pass
Control Station: Checking if media in drive................................ Pass
Control Station: Checking for IP and subnet configuration.................. Pass
Control Station: Checking for invalid entries in etc hosts................. Pass
Control Station: Checking auto transfer status............................. Pass
Data Movers : Checking boot files....................................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking if primary is active............................. Pass
Data Movers : Checking if root filesystem is too large.................. Pass
Data Movers : Checking if root filesystem has enough free space......... Pass
Data Movers : Checking if using standard DART image..................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking network connectivity............................. Pass
Data Movers : Checking status........................................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking server name...................................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking unique id........................................ Pass
Data Movers : Checking CIFS file server configuration................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking domain controller connectivity and configuration. Pass
Data Movers : Checking DNS connectivity and configuration............... Pass
Data Movers : Checking connectivity to WINS servers..................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking I18N mode and unicode translation tables......... Pass
Data Movers : Checking connectivity to NTP servers...................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking connectivity to NIS servers...................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking virus checker server configuration............... Pass
Data Movers : Checking if workpart is OK................................ Pass
Data Movers : Checking if free full dump is available................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking if each primary data mover has standby........... Pass
Data Movers : Checking if Data Mover parameters use EMC default values.. Pass
Data Movers : Checking VDM root filesystem space usage.................. N/A
Data Movers : Checking if file system usage is under limit.............. Pass

Upgrade tasks 19
VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Data Movers : Checking the integrity of Data Mover XLT files............ Pass
Data Movers : Checking for excessive memory utilization................. Pass
Data Movers : Checking standby data mover HBA ports..................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking for REPV2 component configuration................ Pass
Storage System : Checking disk emulation type.............................. Pass
Storage System : Checking disk high availability access.................... Pass
Storage System : Checking disks read cache enabled......................... Pass
Storage System : Checking disks and storage processors write cache enabled. Pass
Storage System : Checking if access logix is enabled....................... Pass
Storage System : Checking if FLARE is committed............................ Pass
Storage System : Checking if FLARE is supported............................ Pass
Storage System : Checking array model...................................... Pass
Storage System : Checking no disks or storage processors are failed over... Pass
Storage System : Checking that no disks or storage processors are faulted.. Pass
Storage System : Checking that no hot spares are in use.................... Pass
Storage System : Checking that no hot spares are rebuilding................ Pass
Storage System : Checking minimum control lun size......................... Pass
Storage System : Checking maximum control lun size......................... Pass
Storage System : Checking system lun configuration......................... Pass
Storage System : Checking if storage processors are read cache enabled..... Pass
Storage System : Checking if auto assign are disabled for all luns......... Pass
Storage System : Checking if auto trespass are disabled for all luns....... Pass
Storage System : Checking storage processor connectivity................... Pass
Storage System : Checking control lun ownership............................ Pass
Storage System : Checking for unsupported storage profile.................. Pass
Storage System : Checking if Fibre Channel zone checker is set up.......... Info
Storage System : Checking if Fibre Channel zoning is OK.................... N/A
Storage System : Checking SPA SPB communication............................ N/A

2. If the nas_checkup command indicates any problems, correct those problems and
re-run the command before continuing.

20 VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Task 8: Enable After performing a File to Unified upgrade on a VNX system, you must enable the
Connect Home and Connect Home and email notification features.
email notification 1. From root, clear any existing Callhome files and enable Connect Home:
# /nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -service start -clear

2. From the Connect Home configuration, determine the connections that are
# /nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -i

Example output: ConnectHome Configuration:

Encryption Enabled = yes

Dial In:
Enabled = yes
Modem phone number =
Site ID =
Serial number = APM00064200854

Priority = 1
Sender Address =
Recipient Address(es) =
Subject = CallHome Alert
Email Server =
Email Server =

Priority = Disabled
FTP Server =
FTP Port = 21
FTP User Name = onalert
FTP Password = **********
FTP Remote Folder = incoming
FTP Transfer Mode = active
FTP Server =
FTP Port = 21
FTP User Name = onalert
FTP Password = **********
FTP Remote Folder = incoming
FTP Transfer Mode = active

Priority = Disabled
Phone Number = 918005270941
Phone Number = 918006262452

3. Verify that Connect Home works for each configured connection:

# /nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -test -email_1

Example output: -----------------------------------------------------

ConnectEMC 2.0.27-bl18 Wed Aug 22 10:24:32 EDT 2007
RSC API Version: 2.0.27-bl18
Copyright (C) EMC Corporation 2003-2007, all rights

Upgrade tasks 21
VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

Reading configuration file: ConnectEMC.ini.

Run Service begin...

Test succeeded for primary email.

Sample returns for disabled connections:

# /nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -test -email_2

Error 14504231218: Secondary Email is not currently enabled.

# /nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -test -modem_1

Error 14504231218: Primary Modem is not currently enabled.

# /nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -test -modem_2

Error 14504231218: Secondary Modem is not currently enabled

4. Verify email notifications are configured:

# /nas/bin/nas_emailuser -info

Service Enabled = No
Recipient Address(es) =
Carbon Copy Address(es) =
Email Server =
Subject Prefix = ... Notification
Sender Address =

If the Recipient Address(es) field is empty, email notification has not been
configured and does not need to be enabled. If you would like to configure email
notifications, use the /nas/bin/nas_emailuser command or Unisphere to
configure it.
If the Recipient Address(es) field is populated, email notifications were enabled.
Do the following to re-enable email notifications:
a. Enable email notification:
# /nas/bin/nas_emailuser -modify -enabled yes


b. Verify that email notification works:

# /nas/bin/nas_emailuser -info

Service Enabled = Yes

Recipient Address(es) =
Carbon Copy Address(es) =
Email Server =
Subject Prefix = .... Notification
Sender Address =

c. Test the configuration by typing and verifying that the configured Recipient
Address(es) received the test email:
# /nas/bin/nas_emailuser -test

5. Terminate the HyperTerminal session.

6. Disconnect the computer from the Control Station.

22 VNX File-to-Unified Upgrade Guide

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