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Final Exam Multiple Choice

Specific areas to study:

 Anatomical position
 Anatomical terminology: dorsiflexion, circumduction,
adduction, etc…
 Functions of the skeleton
 3 Types of muscle (skeletal, smooth, and cardiac)
 Ligament and tendons
 Planes and axis
 Sliding Filament theory- the role of calcium and Ach.
 Types of joints and examples of each
 3 energy systems and then entire chart of how long they last,
where they take place, limitations, byproducts…)
 Jobs of muscles (contractility, excitability…)
 Agonists and antagonists and examples
 Functions of the cardiovascular system
 Correct pathway of blood flow through the heart
 Jobs of RBC’s, WBC’s and platelets
 How to calculate cardiac output and what happens to HR,
SV and CO during exercise
 All about CHO, Fat and Protein
 Blood pressure- normal and high
 5 training principles
 Dynamic vs static stretching
 Newton’s 3 Laws of motion
 7 Biomechanical Principles and examples

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