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DOI: 10.1784/insi.2022.64.6.


Experimental analysis of the piezomagnetic

properties of ferromagnetic steels subjected to
cyclic tensile stress
Sheng Bao, Yan Li, Zhengye Zhao, Tao Jiang and Huangjie Lou

The objective of this research is to investigate the evolution of the piezomagnetic field of 30CrNiMo8 steel under cyclic
tensile stress with variable amplitudes and asymmetrical cyclic tensile stress. The piezomagnetic field signal of an initially
undemagnetised 30CrNiMo8 steel specimen was recorded simultaneously during the whole loading process. It was found
that the magnetic field variation is in contrast to the variation of the applied stress during the elastic stage. However, the
magnetic field variation started to be consistent with the variation of the applied stress when approaching and entering
the plastic stage. A reasonable explanation was given for understanding this phenomenon. The Villari reversal point and
the tail reversal point occurred during the plastic stage, which can be used to characterise the transition state from the
elastic to plastic stage. The variations of the Villari reversal point and the tail reversal point under cyclic tensile stress with
variable amplitudes were slightly different from those under asymmetrical cyclic tensile stress.
Keywords: piezomagnetic field, cyclic tensile stress, Villari reversal, tail reversal, 30CrNiMo8 steel.

1. Introduction of the previous law of approach equation to include terms that are
analogous to those in the Rayleigh Law.
It is well known that the magnetic properties of a ferromagnetic Previous work mostly focused on the effects of stress on magnetic
material will be altered due to the applied mechanical stress, which properties under an applied magnetic field, such as susceptibility,
is called the piezomagnetic effect. This was first investigated by permeability, remanence and coercivity, as well as the hysteresis
Villari[1] in 1865. Since then, many studies have been carried out loop[17-19]. However, the variations of spontaneous magnetic signals
to explore the relationship between the piezomagnetic field and of ferromagnetic materials without demagnetisation under a wide
mechanical stress with an external applied magnetic field. Brown[2] range of stress in the geomagnetic field have not been investigated
successfully predicted the magnetisation-stress curve by replacing thoroughly. Recently, the piezomagnetic effect has attracted
the applied stress with an equivalent field, which exerts the same increased attention as a supplement of magnetic measurements for
effect on the domain walls as the applied stress. Bozorth et al[3,4] the evaluation of the stress state in ferromagnetic materials[20-22].
indicated that the effect of unidirectional stress on magnetisation It has been demonstrated that measuring spontaneous magnetic
depends on the magneto-striction of the material. Craik and Wood[5] field signals provides a promising tool with which to estimate
investigated the magnetisation variations induced by uniaxial the stress state in ferromagnetic materials. However, the strong
elastic stress in a constant applied magnetic field and found that coupling of stress and microstructure with magnetic properties in
the magnetisation variations under tensile stress are asymmetrical ferromagnetic materials makes it difficult to completely understand
to those under compressive stress in various ferromagnetic the complex effects of stress on magnetisation behaviours.
materials. Jiles and Atherton[6] indicated that the application of This paper continues and supplements the research into the
stress, whether compressive or tensile, causes the magnetisation to evolution of the piezomagnetic field of Q345 and U75V steels
approach the anhysteretic curve at a given constant field strength. subjected to cyclic tensile stress with variable amplitudes[23]. It was
Later, a physical model was developed by Sablik and Jiles[7] for the found that the magnetic field reversal points vary drastically during
coupling between magnetic and magnetostrictive hysteresis and for the initial loading cycles, especially before and after entering the
the effect of mechanical stress on both types of hysteresis. Based yield stage, and then change gradually during the plastic stage.
on the law of approach, Jiles[8] proposed an improved model theory The initial drastic variations of the magnetic field reversal points
of the magnetomechanical effect considering the stress-dependent may be utilised to characterise the transition state from elastic to
magnetostriction and the anhysteretic magnetisation curve. plastic deformation. In this paper, cyclic tensile stress with variable
This model theory was successively verified by experimental amplitudes and asymmetrical cyclic tensile stress were exerted on
results[9-13]. Further work was carried out to modify and 30CrNiMo8 steel, respectively. The corresponding piezomagnetic
improve the model theory of the magnetomechanical effect.
Schneider et al[14] proposed a model based on the measured
l Submitted 01.03.22 / Accepted 13.04.22
differential susceptibility of the normal magnetisation curve and
the saturate hysteresis curve. The stress effective field from energy Sheng Bao, Yan Li, Zhengye Zhao, Tao Jiang* and Huangjie Lou are
considerations and stress demagnetisation derived from measured with the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang
data where stress demagnetisation is a major consideration. University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310058, China.
Li and Jiles[15,16] developed a new and improved equation for *Corresponding author. Email:
modelling the magnetomechanical effect based on an extension

334 Insight • Vol 64 • No 6 • June 2022


field variations during the whole loading process were analysed and springs to install the electronic extensometer. The magnetic signals
the differences from those of Q345 and U75V steels were discussed. (B-field) were detected using an APS 428D fluxgate magnetometer
with an accuracy of 0.1 nT. The selected range of the magnetometer
was ±10,000 nT. The installation of the test apparatus is shown
2. Experimental details in Figure 3. Each specimen was vertically mounted between the
The material used in this research is 30CrNiMo8 steel, which is upper and lower grips of the testing machine when being loaded.
a low-alloy quenched and tempered steel mainly used in high- The magnetic probe was installed on the upper grip of the testing
pressure vessels and characterised with high strength and excellent machine with a rigid non-magnetic support and aimed at the
fatigue resistance. The chemical composition and mechanical middle-upper part of a specimen with an angle of 45°. The distance
properties of the steel are listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The between the tip of the magnetic sensor and the surface of the
stress-strain curve of the 30CrNiMo8 steel is shown in Figure 1. It specimen was about 10 mm. A relatively large variation in both
can be observed that the 30CrNiMo8 steel exhibits an elastic stage, the horizontal and normal components of the magnetic field could
a plastic stage with a 0.2% offset yield strength of about 800 MPa be monitored by positioning the probe closely and at a slant with
and a necking stage. Tensile specimens were machined into smooth respect to the sample, which can be found in prior publications[24,25].
plates with a thickness of 4 mm according to the Chinese standard Shielded by a cylindrical Mu-metal tube, the magnetic probe only
GB/T228-2002. The dimensions of the specimen are shown in recorded the magnetic field component parallel to the cylindrical
Figure 2. axis of the probe. To determine the magnetic field interference
from the external environment, such as
the grips of the testing machine and the
Table 1. Chemical composition (wt%) of the 30CrNiMo8 steel
electronic control system, experiments on
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo non-magnetic specimens made of aluminium
0.26-0.34 ≤0.4 0.5-0.8 ≤0.025 ≤0.035 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 0.3-0.5 and copper have been carried out in prior
publications[20-22]. The results showed that the
background field does not significantly disturb the piezomagnetic
Table 2. Mechanical properties of the 30CrNiMo8 steel field originating from the specimen.

Elastic modulus E Yield strength σy Ultimate tensile strength σu

(GPa) (MPa) (MPa)
201 800 950

Figure 3. Installation of the test apparatus

In this research, a series of cyclic tensile tests were conducted

on identical specimens. The experimental procedures for
specimens 1 and 2 are as follows: the specimen was first loaded to
a predetermined stress and then unloaded to 0 MPa; the specimen
Figure 1. Stress-strain curve of the 30CrNiMo8 steel was further loaded to the next predetermined stress and once
again unloaded to 0 MPa. These procedures were repeated until
all cycles were completed. The B-field was
recorded throughout the loading process
with a sampling rate of 30 points per second.
The tensile tests were controlled by stress and
the loading speed was 10 MPa/s. The detailed
loading programmes of specimens 1 and 2 are
listed in Table 3. It can be observed that the
maximum stress of each cycle of specimen 1
gradually increases from 100 MPa to
Figure 2. Dimensions of the specimen (unit: mm)
900 MPa at increments of 100 MPa for
cycles 1-6 and 50 MPa for cycles 7-12.
The cyclic stress-controlled uniaxial tensile tests were conducted However, the maximum stress of each cycle of specimen 2 first
on a universal testing machine with a peak capacity of 200 kN at decreases from 880 MPa to 720 MPa and then increases to 980 MPa.
room temperature. A standard electronic extensometer with a It should be noted that the maximum stress of cycle 1 (ie 880 MPa)
50 mm gauge length was used to measure strain. To reduce the has already exceeded the yield strength and the maximum stress of
magnetic field interference, rubber bands were used instead of steel cycles 4-7 are less than the yield strength.

Insight • Vol 64 • No 6 • June 2022 335


corresponding stress is 656 MPa, which is close to σmax of cycle 8

Table 3. Loading programmes of specimens 1 and 2 (700 MPa). It is very interesting that the B-field variations during
the elastic stage of 30CrNiMo8 steel are significantly different
Maximum stress (MPa) of each cycle from those of Q345 and U75V steels. Experimental results in[23]
showed that the B-fields of Q345 and U75V steels first increase in
100 → 200 → 300 → 400 → 500 → the loading process and then decrease in the unloading process
1 Cycles 1-12 600 → 650 → 700 → 750 → 800 →
during the elastic stage. The maximum B-field roughly corresponds
850 → 900
to the maximum applied stress and the minimum B-field exactly
880 → 880 → 840 → 800 → 760 → corresponds to the minimum stress. By contrast, the B-field of
2 Cycles 1-13 720 → 780 → 840 → 900 → 920 →
30CrNiMo8 steel seems to be of antisymmetrical variation with
940 → 960 → 980
respect to the applied stress. The most striking phenomenon is that
An asymmetrical cyclic stress was applied to specimen 3. The a transition of the variation trend of the B-field occurs between
detailed loading programmes of specimen 3 are shown in Table 4. cycles 8 and 9. Interestingly, when approaching and entering the
The loading speed of the asymmetrical cyclic stress-controlled plastic stage, the B-field variations of 30CrNiMo8 steel start to be
tensile tests was 30 MPa/s and a sampling rate of 30 points per consistent with those of the Q345 and U75V steels described in[23].
second was used. The stress waveform was triangular and the fixed It can be seen from cycles 9-12 that the B-field first increases and
stress amplitude of each step was 300 MPa. The mean stress of each then decreases as the applied stress increases during the loading
step first increases from 400 MPa to 550 MPa and decreases to process, while the B-field also first increases and then decreases as
475 MPa at step 7. Then, the mean stress of steps 8 and 9 increases the applied stress decreases during the unloading process. Hence,
to 500 MPa and 550 MPa, respectively. It should be noted that the there are two extreme points of the B-field during the loading and
maximum stress of steps 5, 6 and 9 is larger than the yield strength unloading processes, respectively. The extreme point of the B-field
and the maximum stress of rest steps is less than the yield strength. during the loading process is referred to as Villari reversal[1] and
Additionally, each step contains ten cycles and the total cyclic the extreme point of the B-field during the unloading process is
number is 90. denoted as tail reversal[25]. When approaching the plastic stage,
the B-field of the Villari reversal point (denoted as BV) in cycle 9
is 2818 nT, which is slightly less than that of the tail reversal point
Table 4. Loading programmes of specimen 3
(denoted as BT) of 2855 nT. When entering the plastic stage, it can
Specimen be observed from cycles 10-12 that the B-field of the Villari reversal
Mean stress and stress amplitude (MPa) of each step
number point is larger than that of the tail reversal point.
400 ± 300 → 450 ± 300 → 475 ± 300 →
3 Steps 1-9 500 ± 300 → 525 ± 300 → 550 ± 300 →
475 ± 300 → 500 ± 300 → 550 ± 300

3. Results and discussions

Figure 4 shows the variations of the applied stress and the
corresponding magnetic field response during the whole loading
process of specimen 1. During the elastic stage, the B-field increases
drastically from cycle 1 to cycle 6 and then increases gradually from
cycle 7 to cycle 9. The maximum B-field (denoted as Bmax) increases
significantly from 99 nT in cycle 1 to 2850 nT in cycle 9 as the
Figure 4. Variations of stress and the B-field during the whole
maximum applied stress (denoted as σmax) increases from 100 MPa
loading process of specimen 1
in cycle 1 to 750 MPa in cycle 9. However, the B-field amplitude
decreases slowly from 833 nT in cycle 2 to 278 nT in cycle 8.
During the plastic stage, Bmax increases continually from 3163 nT in Figure 5 shows the variations of the applied stress and the
cycle 10 to 3654 nT in cycle 12 as σmax increases from 800 MPa in corresponding magnetic field response during the entire loading
cycle 10 to 900 MPa in cycle 12. When approaching and entering process of specimen 2. Due to the fact that the maximum applied
the plastic stage, the B-field amplitude reverses the variation trend, stress of cycle 1 has already exceeded the yield strength, the Villari
which increases from 406 nT in cycle 9 to 1604 nT in cycle 12. It reversal point and the tail reversal point occur conspicuously
can be seen from cycles 1-8 that the B-field first decreases as the during the loading and unloading processes, respectively. As the
applied stress increases and the minimum B-field (denoted as Bmin) number of loading cycles increases, the maximum applied stress
occurs during the loading process. Subsequently, the B-field starts first gradually decreases from cycle 1 to cycle 6 and then increases
to increase during the rest of the loading and unloading process from cycle 7 to cycle 13. It can be observed from cycles 1-3 that
and reaches a maximum when the applied stress is unloaded to the difference between the B-field of the Villari reversal point and
0 MPa. The increasing rate of the B-field during the rest of the the tail reversal point gradually reduces as the maximum applied
loading process is larger than during the unloading process, which stress decreases. In the first loading cycle, the B-field of the Villari
changes at the dividing point between the loading and unloading reversal point is 1227 nT, which is significantly larger than that of
processes. As the number of the loading cycle increases, the point the tail reversal point by 239 nT. In the second loading cycle, BV is
where Bmin occurs gradually approaches the point where the applied 1129 nT, which is slightly larger than BT by 49 nT, while the difference
stress is the largest. For example, Bmin is 36 nT in cycle 2 and the between BV and BT decreases to 10 nT in the third loading cycle. It
corresponding stress is 87 MPa, which is much smaller than σmax is interesting that once the maximum applied stress is less than the
of cycle 2 (ie 200 MPa), while Bmin is 2444 nT in cycle 8 and the yield strength, the Villari reversal point and the tail reversal point

336 Insight • Vol 64 • No 6 • June 2022


disappear immediately in cycle 4. Identically, as the maximum the maximum B-field starts to appear during the unloading process.
applied stresses in cycles 5-7 are all less than the yield strength, the During the unloading process, the B-field first increases and then
Villari reversal point and the tail reversal point do not occur during decreases leading to the occurrence of Bmax. The point where Bmax
the loading and unloading processes. It can be seen from cycle 8 occurs is slightly away from the point where the applied stress is the
that the Villari reversal point and the tail reversal point appear smallest as the number of the loading cycle increases. For example,
again due to the maximum applied stress of cycle 8 (840 MPa) being Bmax is 1475 nT in cycle 24 and the corresponding stress is 190 MPa,
larger than the yield strength. The difference between the B-field which is quite close to the minimum stress (175 MPa), while Bmax
of the Villari reversal point and the tail reversal point is 8 nT in is 1481 nT in cycle 30 and the corresponding stress is 262 MPa,
cycle 8, which greatly increases to 115 nT in cycle 10 as the maximum which is greatly larger than the minimum stress. During the loading
applied stress increases from 840 MPa in cycle 8 to 920 MPa in process, there is a change in the decreasing rate of the B-field and
cycle 10. Then, the difference between BV and BT reduces to a the minimum B-field occurs at the point where the applied stress is
relatively steady level of about 80 nT in cycles 11-13, though the the largest. Though the variation of the B-field of step 3 is slightly
maximum applied stress continually increases from 940 MPa in different from that of steps 1 and 2, it is still in contrast to the
cycle 11 to 980 MPa in cycle 13. It can be observed that the B-field variation of the applied stress.
amplitude has a dramatic increase in the second plastic stage,
increasing from 800 nT in cycle 8 to 1760 nT in cycle 13.

Figure 5. Variations of stress and the B-field during the whole

loading process of specimen 2

Figure 6 displays the variations of the applied stress and the

corresponding magnetic field response during the elastic stage
of specimen 3. In the first loading cycle, the B-field is 271 nT at
the beginning of the loading process, which drastically increases
to 1303 nT at the end of the unloading process. The B-field first
increases and then decreases as the applied stress increases during
the loading process. A minimal value of the B-field appears at
the dividing point between the loading and unloading processes. Figure 6. Variations of stress and the B-field during the elastic
Subsequently, the B-field starts to vary steadily and regularly with stage of specimen 3: (a) step 1; and (b) step 2
the applied stress from cycle 2 to cycle 20. The B-field decreases as
the applied stress increases during the loading process and increases
as the applied stress decreases during the unloading process. The
maximum B-field corresponds to the minimum applied stress and
the minimum B-field corresponds to the maximum applied stress.
Although the loading programmes of specimen 3 are different
from that of specimen 1, the B-field of specimen 3 is also of
antisymmetrical variation with the applied stress during the elastic
stage. Except for cycle 1, the B-field amplitude is almost constant
with the number of the loading cycle increasing in steps 1 and 2.
The average B-field amplitude of step 1 (276 MPa) is larger than that
of step 2 (198 MPa), despite the maximum stress of step 1 being less
than that of step 2.
Figure 7. Variations of stress and the B-field of specimen 3 at step 3
The variations of the applied stress and the corresponding
magnetic field response at step 3 of specimen 3 are exhibited in
Figure 7. The maximum stress of step 3 is 775 MPa, which is close Figure 8 shows the variations of the applied stress and the
to the yield strength of 800 MPa. It can be seen from cycles 21-23 corresponding magnetic field response at step 4 of specimen 3. As
that the B-field decreases as the stress increases during the loading the maximum stress of step 4 is 800 MPa, which is equal to the
process and increases as the stress decreases during the unloading yield strength, it can be observed that the variation of the B-field
process. The maximum B-field corresponds to the minimum applied is extremely volatile and intricate. It can be seen from cycles 31-40
stress and the minimum B-field corresponds to the maximum that the B-field first increases and then decreases as the applied
applied stress. However, it can be observed from cycles 24-30 that stress increases during the loading process, while the B-field also

Insight • Vol 64 • No 6 • June 2022 337


first increases and then decreases as the applied stress decreases U75V steels. On the other hand, as well as the matrix phase, there
during the unloading process. Thus, there are two extreme points may be a second phase existing in 30CrNiMo8 steel with the Cr
of the B-field in the loading and unloading processes. It should addition. As reported in[27-28], the second-phase particle-like Cr
be noted that the minimum B-field occurs at the point where the atom will redissolve in the matrix phase under severe plastic
applied stress is the largest in cycles 31-38. Therefore, the extreme deformation. That is, the second phase in 30CrNiMo8 steel may
point of the B-field in the loading process may not be defined as the disappear during the plastic stage, thereby eliminating the magnetic
Villari reversal point and the extreme point in the unloading process property difference between 30CrNiMo8 steel and the Q345 and
may not be denoted as the tail reversal point. With the number of U75V steels.
the loading cycle increasing, the difference
between the minimum B-field and the B-field
at the end of the unloading process gradually Table 5. Chemical composition (wt%) of Q345 and U75V steels
decreases. In cycle 31, the minimum B-field
Material C Si Mn P S V
is 1410 nT, which is less than the B-field
Q345 0.12-0.20 0.20-0.60 1.20-1.60 ≤0.035 ≤0.035 0.02-0.15
at the end of the unloading process by
53 nT. In cycle 38, the difference between the U75V 0.70-0.78 0.50-0.80 0.70-1.05 ≤0.030 ≤0.030 0.04-0.12
minimum B-field and the B-field at the end
of the unloading process decreases to 3 nT. It is interesting that the Figure 9 displays the variations of the applied stress and the
minimum B-field starts to occur at the end of the unloading process corresponding magnetic field response during the plastic stage
from cycle 39. In cycle 39, the B-field at the end of the unloading of specimen 3. Compared with the B-field variation at step 4, the
process is 1441 nT. This is less than the B-field corresponding to the B-field variation becomes more stable and regular when entering
maximum stress, which is 1444 nT. The extreme point of the B-field the plastic stage. It can be seen from cycles 41-60 that the Villari
in the loading process can be referred to as the Villari reversal point reversal point and the tail reversal point occur in the loading and
and the extreme point in the unloading process can be denoted unloading processes, respectively. The B-field of the tail reversal
as the tail reversal point in cycles 39 and 40. In other words, a point is always larger than that of the Villari reversal point.
transition of the variation trend of the B-field occurs between However, the Villari reversal points are not as conspicuous as those
cycle 38 and cycle 39. Before cycle 39, the variation of the B-field in Figure 4, which shows the experimental results of specimen 1.
is in contrast to the variation of the applied stress; however, the It can be observed that the Villari reversal point is quite close to
variation of the B-field starts to be consistent with the variation of the point where the applied stress is the largest. The difference
the applied stress from cycle 39. between the B-field of the Villari reversal point and the B-field
corresponding to the maximum stress is rather small. For example,
BV is 1520 nT in cycle 45 and the corresponding stress is 800 MPa,
which is quite close to the maximum stress (825 MPa). The B-field
corresponding to the maximum stress is 1517 nT, which is slightly
less than BV by 3 nT.

Figure 8. Variations of stress and the B-field of specimen 3 at step 4

The phenomenon that the magnetic field variation of

30CrNiMo8 steel is in contrast to the variation of the applied
stress during the elastic stage and starts to be consistent with the
variation of the applied stress during the plastic stage has never
been investigated. Table 5 shows the chemical composition of
Q345 and U75V steels. Compared with the chemical composition
of Q345 and U75V steels, 30CrNiMo8 steel has an amount of
chromium (Cr) that does not exist in Q345 and U75V steels.
According to[24-26], the Cr addition will increase the volume fraction
of the hard magnetic phase in the Cr-containing alloys. Thus, the
volume fraction of the hard magnetic phase in 30CrNiMo8 steel is
significantly larger than that in the Q345 and U75V steels, leading
to the exchange coupling interaction between the soft and hard
magnetic phase in 30CrNiMo8 steel being stronger than that in the
Q345 and U75V steels. The irreversible displacement of domain
walls from the soft magnetic phase region to the hard magnetic
phase region needs to overcome a more powerful exchange Figure 9. Variations of stress and the B-field during the plastic
coupling pinning field in 30CrNiMo8 steel, inducing the magnetic stage of specimen 3: (a) step 5; and (b) step 6
property difference between 30CrNiMo8 steel and the Q345 and

338 Insight • Vol 64 • No 6 • June 2022


Figure 10 shows the variations of the applied stress and 4. Conclusions

the corresponding magnetic field response at steps 7 and 8 of
specimen 3. The maximum stress of step 7 is 775 MPa, which is The objective of this research is to investigate the variations of the
less than the yield strength, and the maximum stress of step 8 is piezomagnetic field of 30CrNiMo8 steel through a series of cyclic
800 MPa, which is equal to the yield strength. It can be seen from tensile tests. Experimental results indicated that the magnetic field
cycles 61-80 that the B-field increases as the applied stress increases is of antisymmetrical variation with the applied stress during the
during the loading process. During the unloading process, the elastic stage under cyclic tensile stress with variable amplitudes. It
B-field first increases and then decreases as the applied stress is interesting that a transition of the variation trend of the magnetic
decreases. Thus, the Villari reversal point disappears in the loading field occurs when approaching the plastic stage. Then, the variation
process and the tail reversal point occurs in the unloading process. of the magnetic field is consistent with the variation of the applied
This phenomenon is different from the result of specimen 2, stress during the plastic stage. The reasonable explanation is that
in which the Villari reversal point and the tail reversal point with the addition of Cr the magnetic property of 30CrNiMo8 steel
disappear simultaneously once the maximum applied stress is is different from the Q345 and U75V steels during the elastic stage.
less than the yield strength. The variations of the applied stress This variation can be used to characterise the transition state from
and the corresponding magnetic field response at step 9 of the elastic to the plastic stage. The Villari reversal point and the
specimen 3 are exhibited in Figure 11. It can be seen from cycles tail reversal point occur during the plastic stage, which disappear
81-90 that the Villari reversal point and the tail reversal point once the applied stress is less than the yield strength. Although the
appear simultaneously due to the maximum applied stress of Villari reversal point is not significantly obvious, the variation of
step 9 (850 MPa) being larger than the yield strength. This result is the magnetic field under asymmetrical cyclic tensile stress is almost
identical to that of specimen 2, although the Villari reversal point is in agreement with that under cyclic tensile stress with variable
not significantly obvious. amplitudes. The only difference is that the tail reversal point does
not disappear when the applied stress is less than the yield strength.
Compliance with ethical standards
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
This work was supported by Public Welfare Technology Research
Projects of Zhejiang Province (LGF21E090007).
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23. L Zhong, L Li and X Chen, ‘Simulation of magnetic field
abnormalities caused by stress concentrations’, IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics, Vol 49, No 32, pp 1128-1134, 2013.
24. S A Guralnick, S Bao and T Erber, ‘Piezomagnetism and
fatigue: II’, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol 41,
No 11, 115006, 2008.
25. S Bao, T Erber, S A Guralnick and W L Jin, ‘Fatigue, magnetic
and mechanical hysteresis’, Strain, Vol 47, No 4, pp 372-381,
26. S Bao, M Fu, Y Gu and S Hu, ‘Evolution of the piezomagnetic
field of ferromagnetic steels subjected to cyclic tensile stress
with variable amplitudes’, Experimental Mechanics, Vol 56,
Ultrasonic Flaw Detection No 6, pp 1017-1028, 2016.
for Technicians – 3rd Edition 27. C Y You, D H Pingand and K Hono, ‘Magnetic properties
by J C Drury and microstructures of Fe3B/Pr2Fe14B-type nanocomposite
magnets with Co and Cr additions’, Journal of Magnetism
In the 25 years since the first edition of and Magnetic Materials, Vol 299, No 1, pp 136-144,
‘Ultrasonic Flaw Detection for Technicians’ 2005.
was published, there have been a number 28. G B Han, H Su, R W Gao, S Y Yu, S H Kang, M G Zhu,
of advances in transducer technology and W Li and X B Liu, ‘Magnetic reversal and magnetic
flaw detection instruments. The gradual memory effect in melt-spun Pr2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposite
acceptance by industry that the sizing of ribbons’, Journal of Rare Earths, Vol 33, No 12, pp 1303-1309,
weld defects by intensity drop was not as accurate as had been 2015.
claimed led to the development of the TOFD technique. Modern 29. D P Bulte, ‘The pursuit of hysteresis in polycrystalline
digital flaw detectors and computer technology allow far more ferromagnetic materials under stress’, IEEE Transactions on
information to be stored by the operator. The author thus felt that Magnetics, Vol 45, No 1, pp 83-87, 2009.
it was time to give the book a thorough review and to try to address
30. A D Barra-Barrera, A M Pizzo and V Villas-Boas,
some of the advances. The result is this third edition.
‘Nanocrystalline magnetic PrFeCrB alloys’, Journal
of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol 302,
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pp 68-73, 2006.
31. X C Xu, Z Y Liu, P Dang, W B Yu, M L Tan and C Wu, ‘Current
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situation and development of the research on re-dissolution
of second phases during severe plastic deformation’, Heat
Treatment of Metals, Vol 30, No 4, pp 1-6, 2005.
32. F L Meng, C Q Sun, H M Zhang and L F Qiao, ‘Effect of heating
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340 Insight • Vol 64 • No 6 • June 2022

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