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AQA 2010 RE Examination

01. Give two reasons why some religious believers do not eat meat 2 Marks

Religious people may decide not to eat meat because it is cruel to animals – God created the
animals and they should be respected
Some people disagree with the method animals are killed – factory farming is particularly cruel as
the animals have little space and no sun light
Muslims are only allowed to eat Halal meat – meat from an animal that has be slaughtered
correctly with a pray of thanks said to Allah
Hindus are vegetarian because they regard animals as part of the cycle of rebirth
Buddhists believe that you should not harm any living creature


02. Explain why some religious believe that humans are more important than animals 3

Christians believe that God created Humans last and they were put in charge of all animals – they
are stewards and are responsible for all other life
The bible says that God created humans in his image and were made as the most important or
dominant species to rule over the rest
Humans can make moral judgments and give reasons for their opinions. Humans can communicate
in a more complex way so are higher beings
Animals live on instinct and survival alone .Many animals abandon their weaker members whereas
humans protect the sick and elderly
Humans can create art, literature, music and develop technology. Only humans can have religious

03. ‘Religious believers should try to prevent species of animals from becoming extinct’ what
do you think? Explain your opinion. 3 Marks

Christians believe that God created humans last and put them in charge of the animals – this means
that we have a duty to protect endangered animals.
God created humans as stewards – it is their responsibility to look after the animals that live on the
planet – allowing a species to become extinct is an insult to God
Muslims believe that Allah is the creator of all life so all animals should be treated with respect and
cared for
It is the responsibility of all people to protect the animals on this planet – not just religious people
Many people will donate money to charities who protect animals WWF or campaign against
deforestation which causes animals to lose their habitat
The government should provide funding for animal sanctuaries to help prevent the extinction of
04. Explain religious attitudes towards hunting animals 4 Marks

Some Christians believe that hunting for food is justified – God put animals here for humans to use
as part of our own survival
Some Christians believe that fox hunting to control pests or disease is part of our responsibility to
the planet
Other Christians such as Quakers campaigned to stop fox hunting. They believe that it is cruel and
Muslims believe that animals should not be hunted for sport. Allah (God) will hold people
responsible for hurting animals.
The teachings of the Qur’an make it quite clear that animals should not be treated as mere
entertainment for humans
All religions believe that hunting animals as part of the fur or ivory trade is wrong and goes against
God’s teaching.
Muslims believe that they will be judged on how they have treated the animals in our world

5) ‘It is wrong to experiment on animals’ 6 Marks

There are good reasons for animal testing such as medical research helps save millions of people
from diseases. Animal experiments have meant great advances in brain surgery
Laws are there to protect animals from any unnecessary suffering. Animal experiments do more
good than harm
However some people campaign against animal testing as it causes great pain and suffering to the
animals. Quakers (type of Christian) campaign to stop God’s creatures being used in this way
Christians do not agree with testing on animals for cosmetic purposes (make up) This is now
banned in the UK and Europe
Some Christians believe that experiments for medical purposes should be allowed as God said we
can use animals to help our own survival
Some Muslims believe that some animal testing is acceptable if suffering is kept to a minimum and
strict rules and regulations are kept to
The Qur’an teaches that animals should be respected and Muhammad said that animals should
not be kept in cages so some Muslims disagree with using animals in this way
Most people prefer it if computer simulation or stem cell research is used rather than animal
I think that animal testing is a necessary evil, although it does cause harm to animals great medical
progress has been made which makes the testing justified. I do not think that we should allow
animals to be tested on for cosmetic purposes

Planet Earth

6) Explain why some religious believers support conservation? 3 Marks

Conservation is looking after the environment and wildlife and therefore it is seen as a good thing
in religious teaching
Christians believe that God created the world and it should be respected as a gift – the awe and
wonder of the planet must remain
Islam teaches that Allah created the universe and the environment should be looked after by
humans – allow animals to become extinct is not acceptable in the Islam religion.
Christianity stated that humans are in charge of the planet and must act as stewards –
conservation protects the environment so it is seen as important
Muslims believe that humans are Allah’s stewards of the planet so they must protect and conserve
the environment and wildlife
Some religious people support conservation by donating money to charities that look after the
environment or by campaigning against the destruction of natural habitats

7) Give two examples of how global warming is damaging the world 2 Marks

Global warming is causing climate change that will result in severe weather conditions
Scientists believe that droughts or floods could lead to the destruction of crops or a water
Global warming will damage forests, plants and animals – poorest people in the world will suffer
Ice caps are melting – this will lead to flooding and destruction of habitats and possibly the
extinction of the Polar Bears who live there

8) ‘God created life on earth.’ 3 Marks

Some Christians believe that God is responsible for all life – it is written in the bible that the
universe was created in 6 days and that God made all of the creation
Although there is not a specific story in Islam the Qur’an teaches that Allah is responsible for all life
and that he created the planet
I believe there is not enough evidence to prove that a God created the universe and believe in the
scientific account – the Big Bang theory. I believe that life evolved on the planet over billions of
years until it became as we know it today
It is possible to believe in the scientific theories of the big bang and evolution as well as religion.
Many people think that God caused the big bang to happen and it was his design
9) Explain the attitudes of religious people to pollution 4 Marks

Christians believe humans were put in charge of the planet (stewardship), therefore
responsible for the environment and need to stop pollution from damaging the planet
Christians believe that the world is a gift and they should preserve it not destroy it by pollution. Oli
spills can have devastating effects on plant and animal life in the area.
Muslims also believe in stewardship and this means they are responsible for looking after the
planet not destroying it – pollution therefore is frowned upon in the Islam religion
The Qur'an teaches that the balance of the universe should be maintained – pollution is adding to
global warming which will disrupt the balance of the planet
Muslims believe that humans will be judged on how we look after the planet on the Day of
Some religious believers understand the need for developing countries to use their resources to
help the economy so a balance needs to take place of pollution and development
Religious believers will try to avoid polluting the planet by recycling, reusing items and turning off
unnecessary electrical items.
Polluting the seas, rivers and atmosphere is not good stewardship as it can destroy wildlife and the
animals that exist there

e) ‘The world’s natural resources are for people to use as they wish.’ 6 Marks

Some people think that we are the dominant species so we control the world we have the power
to do what we want – this means that they can use all the resources such as coal, oil and gas
Some people believe that there is no higher being to instruct humans on our behaviour – this is
our planet and may be used as we see fit therefore we can use the world’s resources
A lot of people believe that we have a responsibility to look after the planet for future generations
rather than exploit and abuse the earth so we may use the resources but not to the point that
there is nothing left in years to come
Christians believe that the world belongs to God and we are here to help look after the planet –
deforestation destroys the environment and natural habitats.
Muslims believe in Khalifah that Allah created the universe and it is humanity's responsibility to
conserve the planet. We may use the resources as long as it is within reason
Religion teaches that we can use the resources of the planet as long as it is with respect. We can
use the natural minerals to help us but we must also maintain them for future generations
Most people accept that we can use the planet for our own existence however this does not mean
we have a right to strip the planet of all of its resources
There are things that can be done to protect some of the resources such as we can use alternative
methods of energy – wind wave and solar power. Some people now have solar panels on their
houses – these should become more efficient in time
Whether you believe in God / religion or not I think that the planet should be respected and
alternative resources should be used where possible. If we use the wood from rainforests we
should replace these with new trees to maintain the habitats for the future
Religion and Prejudice

11. Give two causes of racism? 1 Mark

Growing up with prejudice parents or guardians

A lack of understanding about a different race or culture
A bad experience (Victim) of prejudice by a group or race of people

12. Explain why some religious believers might support positive discrimination 3 Marks

Positive discrimination is treating people better because of who or what they are this can be seen
by religious people as the correct course of action
Positive discrimination can help the weak or vulnerable for example letting old people sit down on
a bus – this would follow Jesus’ teaching of “love thy neighbour”
Positive discrimination can help people with a disability for example allowing them to be first in a
Religion teaches that we should protect the vulnerable and help people out where possible

13. ‘Religious believers should help victims of prejudice.’ 3 Marks

Christianity teaches that God created all people equally and that they should help ensure that
humanity also treats people with equality
The teachings of Jesus state that you "should love your neighbour" which encourages believes to
care for others
In the story of the Good Samaritan Jesus taught that we should help people even if they are our
Islam promotes tolerance and harmony. They believe that people should be treated with respect
and will help people who have not been treated with equality
14. Explain the work of one religious leader on prejudice 4 Marks

Martin Luther King is a famous Christian who fought against prejudice during the 1960s in the USA.
During this time black people were treated differently to white people, they could not use the
same cafes or toilets. School children were taught in different schools depending on the colour of
their skin. Martin Luther King made one of the most well known speeches called "I have a dream"
in which he spoke out against racism and called for black equal rights. His work led to the civil
rights movement and the bus boycott where thousands of black and white people took up the
protest that people were not being treated fairly.

Other - Desmond Tutu / Anthony Walker's mother

15. ‘Religion is the worst form of prejudice.’ 6 Marks

One of the most horrific events of human history occurred because of religious prejudice - during
WWII over 6 million Jews were killed in the death camps run by the Nazi party
More recently troubles in Northern Ireland has cause many conflicts between the protestant and
catholic people
There has been a lot of prejudice against Muslims across the world after the events of 9 /11 and
the London bombings with many peaceful Muslims being called terrorists
However there are many other forms of prejudice that affect our society today. Racism caused the
death of Anthony Walker when he was violently struck with an ice pick and killed because he was
Discrimination due to ageism and sexism is still a problem in many work places for example
women may be paid less doing the same job as a man
People with a disability are often targeted as a source of abuse and violence
Prejudice as a whole needs to be tackle not just religious prejudice. Education and stronger laws
will help achieve this
Religion promotes peace and tolerance of others and states that any kind of prejudice or
discrimination is wrong
In the bible it states “there is no difference between Jew Non-Jew Male or Female” So Christians
would disagree with not only religious prejudice but other types of prejudice such as sexism
Abortion and Early life

16. Give two reasons why a woman might have an abortion? 2 Marks

If she has been a victim of rape

If she is mentally unfit to have a child for example if she is too young
If the foetus is severely disabled and would have a poor quality of life
If the mother's life is in danger if she continues with the pregnancy

17. Why do religious people see a child as a blessing 2 Marks

Christians believe in the sanctity of life - meaning that all life is sacred and a gift from god
Muslims believe that Allah is responsible for all life and that they are blessed to have children
Many couples are unable to have children so it is seen as a special occasion
It is amazing that a tiny sperm and egg can combine to make a unique human being – DNA is set at
this point

18. ‘Religious believers should protect the rights of the unborn child.’ 3 Marks

Catholics believe in the sanctity of life - life is a gift from God and should be treated as such. They
therefore think that all abortion is murder and that the foetus should have the same rights as a
human being
Muslims believe that all life is given by Allah and should be seen as a blessing, therefore they
disagree with abortion unless there are extreme circumstances
Protestants also believe in the sanctity of life so they agree with protecting the rights of the
unborn child in most situations however they find that it is understandable in certain situations to
have an abortion - for example if the mother's life is in danger
Muslims believe that the rights of the mother are more important than the foetus' until 120 days
when the soul is implanted after this the foetus should be give full human rights including the basic
“right to life”
Some religious people may argue that if the baby was going to have a very poor quality of life it
would be more caring to have an abortion than have the “right to life”
19. Explain the religious attitudes to when life begins 4 Marks

Catholics believe that life begins at conception – from the moment the sperm meets the egg then
it should have the same rights as a human being
Muslims believe that there is potential life from conception but that a foetus gets a soul at 120
days – this is when human life really begins
Protestant Christians are less clear about when life begins although they do believe in the sanctity
of life and that there is potential life right from conception
Other views on when life begins includes when the heart starts beating, viability (when the foetus
can survive outside the womb) and birth

20. ‘The law should be changed to make it harder to have an abortion'

6 Marks

The UK law states that you can have an abortion if your life is in danger - most people would agree
with this as the mother should have a right to save her own life
You can also have an abortion if the foetus is severely disabled some people would argue that
having a poor quality of life is reason to have an abortion.
You can have an abortion if existing children would suffer some people might disagree with this as
you could give the child up for adoption
The final reason that you can have an abortion is if your mental or physical health is in danger.
Sometimes this law is used well such as if you have been raped you should be entitled to have an
However other people use this reason too much and have an abortion if they want a better career
or if they have had a one night stand - this is where the law can be too weak
With 160 000 abortions per year in England and Wales it must be quite easy to get an abortion
If the law did not allow women to have an abortion they may revert to back street clinics with
terrible consequences of infertility and even death
Catholics would like a change in the law as they believe all abortion is murder and should be
Protestants generally agree with the UK law and find abortion understandable in these extreme
Religion, War and peace

21. Give two ways in which organisations might help victims of war 2 Marks

The red cross helps many victims of war by providing medical care to injured soldiers
The red cross supports refugees across the world who may have been displaced by war
The red crescent searches for missing people and protects civilians

22. Describe the work of one religious leader who campaigned for peace 3 Marks

Irena Sendler was a Roman Catholic (Christian) who was born in Poland. During the Nazi attack in
WWII she was a member of the Polish resistance who offered Jews food and shelter. They helped
created over 3000 false documents so Jewish families could avoid arrest. She also organised the
smuggling of Jewish children from the Ghettos and placing them with Polish families so they would
be safe. In 1943 Irena was arrested by the Nazi secret police, she was tortured and sentence to
death. The resistance bribed the German guards to release her, she was found in the woods
unconscious with her legs broken. After the war she attempted to unite the Jewish children with
their families, although many had died in the concentration camps.
Ghandi was born in India but trained to be a lawyer in England. He practised a non violent way of
living and encouraged people to treat others with equality. In 1915 he used peaceful methods to
fight against the British who ruled India. After the British massacred unarmed civilians he led a
campaign that included boycotting British goods and refusing to pay tax.
He also tried to make peace between the Muslims and Hindus over the role of Pakistan. He was
assassinated in 1948

23. ‘No war should be called a holy war.’ 3 Marks

Most people today find a holy war a contradiction. Religion states that you should not kill people
In ancient times the crusades were seen as holy wars by Christians as they were fighting for God
Holy wars do have a religious aim and leader and a reason could be to defend their faith or people
being persecuted
A war with a religious aspect can be called a holy war as people believe that they are fighting for
their religion
Religion should not be causing any wars – they teach tolerance and peace so it is a contradiction
24. Explain why some religious believers might NOT fight in a war 4 Marks

One of the 10 commandments in Christianity it “do not kill” some Christians believe that this
applies to a war or conflict
Jesus taught that “blessed are the peace makers” encouraging people to talk about their
arguments rather than fight in a war
Jesus taught “love your neighbour” implying that we should not kill one another and we should
focus on peace rather than war.
Islam teaches that peace is better than violence. They believe that Allah is responsible for all life
and only he should take it away. So SOME Muslims might not fight in wars
Christianity teaches that you should only fight in a “Just war” if the war does not meet these
conditions they may chose not to fight
Christianity teaches the “Sanctity of life” All life is sacred and a gift from God – therefore some
Christians do not agree with war

25. ‘It is wrong to have nuclear weapons’ 6 Marks

Some people believe that you need to have nuclear weapons as a deterrent – having them will
prevent countries from attacking us
Some people believe that the use of nuclear weapons is acceptable if it saves your country from
being invaded
Other people state that the consequences of Hiroshima and the loss of innocent lives should be
enough reason to destroy all the nuclear weapons. Mass attack on civilians should not be allowed
If we have nuclear weapons terrorists may get hold of them and use them to target other
All religions oppose the use of nuclear weapons as it targets innocent people
Nuclear weapons go against the Christian just war theory – “innocent people should be protected
in times of war” and ways of fighting should be proportional – military targets should take place
rather than the bombing of cities.
I believe that it may be acceptable to possess nuclear weapons as a deterrent it is not acceptable
to use them as innocent people suffer rather than military targets
There is a strong campaign for all countries to reduce the number of nuclear weapons that they
own so that more stability can grow in areas of conflict. Countries may also start to trust each
other more
Jesus said that “blessed are the peacemakers” this implies that people should be focused on peace
not war. Removing nuclear weapons from our world would help achieve this

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