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ing. The problem of gradient disappearance while backprop- IV.

agating many hidden layers has been considered a chronic This paper introduces the basic concepts of quantum neural
problem in deep neural network computation. Since quantum networks and their applications scenarios in various fields. Fur-
neural networks also use gradient descent method training thermore, this paper presents research challenges and potential
their parameters as classical ones, they have to solve the same solutions of quantum neural network computation.
problem. Classical deep learning models solve this problem by
utilizing an appropriate activation function, but quantum deep ACKNOWLEDGMENT
learning does not use an activation function, thus eventually, a This work was supported by the National Research Foun-
different solution is needed. A former research [41] called this dation of Korea (2019M3E4A1080391). Joongheon Kim is a
quantum gradient vanishing pheonomena as barren plateaus, corresponding author of this paper.
while proving that when the number of qubits increases, the
probability of occurring barren plateaus increases exponen- R EFERENCES
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