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Unit 1. The Ancient Regime and the Enlightenment.

Worksheet 4º ESO.

 The Enlightenment Salon

“iterature! arts and "hiloso"h#
$ere regular to"ics o% discussions
at salons! in%ormal social
gatherings at $hich! artists!
$riters and "hiloso"hers! and
others e&change ideas. Salons
originated in the 1'th centur#
$hen a grou" o% no(le$oman in
)aris (egan in*iting %riends to their homes %or "oetr# readings. Onl# the
most $itt#! intelligent and $ell+read "eo"le $ere in*ited to the salons. ,#
the 1-th centur#! some middle+class $omen (egan holding salons! $here
the# could meet $ith the no(ilit# on eual conditions to discuss and s"read
enlightened ideas. /%rom World 0istor# 2onnections to toda# (# E.3. Ellis.

Acti*it# descri"tion
We are holding a salon in class. 5or this! #ou $ill assume the identit# o% an
Enlightenment thinker and con*erse $ith the class a(out #our ideas.

•  Three note cards regarding #our assigned thinker. Each note card
$ill ans$er the %ollo$ing uestions
1. Who are #ou and $hat im"ortant things ha*e #ou done.
7. What do #ou think is $rong $ith societ# toda# /mid 1-th 
8. What is #our solution to societ#9s "ro(lems:

• A%ter salon diar# entr# /descri"tions and (on mots a(out t$o
other "hiloso"hers.

6a# o% Salon
On the da# o% the Salon #ou must come to the class $ith the %ollo$ing

1. 2om"leted note cards. ;ou $ill use them as the (asis %or #our
comments during the salon discussion.
7. An item o% %ood to share $ith the class during the Salon /%ood doesn9t
need to (e 5rench.
8. ,e $earing at least t$o items o% clothing that distinguishes #ou as an
1-th centur# thinker /a hat! $alking cane! *est! sha$l! and scar%. ;ou

IES a 5lota. 3eogra"h# and 0istor# 6e"artment. <uana => 3on?@le?


Unit 1. The Ancient Regime and the Enlightenment.

Worksheet 4º ESO.

ma# ha*e to do a little research to Bnd out $hat "eo"le $ore during
this time.

 ;ou $ill (e assessed in the %ollo$ing manner

1. Cote cards. Are the# com"leted and o% high ualit#:

7. Are #ou a(le to e&"lain the ideas o% #our thinker $hen asked during
the salon:
8. Are #ou $earing an Enlightenment+a""ro"riate item o% clothing:
4. 6id #ou contri(ute to the salon (uDet:
. Is #our (usiness card creati*e! clear! organi?ed and "resenta(le:

 ;our card should

1. On one side 0a*e an a""ro"riate *isual aid re"resenting #our

thinker9s contri(ution to the Enlightenment:
7. On the other side contain a slogan that summari?es this "erson9s
achie*ements. Came! occu"ation! logo and slogan must a""ear in a
creati*e manner.

6iar# entr# a(out the salon should

1. At the end o% the salon! #ou $ill (e asked to summari?e the ideas o%
at least t$o other thinkers $ho "artici"ated in the salon in a diar#
entr#. To do this #ou $ill need to "a# attention to $hat #our
classmates sa# during the salon.
7. ;our summar# should include the name o% the other t$o thinkers!
their slogans! and their ideas /at least  sentences "er each.

 ;ou $ill (e assigned in the class %or one o% the %ollo$ing thinkers

Foltaire! =ontesuieu! Rousseau! ocke! 6iderot! 69Alem(ert! =ar#

Wollstonecra%t! Ol#m"e de 3ouges! 6iderot! 0o((es! <eDerson! 3.
Washington ,enGamin 5ranklin! Adam Smith! 5ranHois uesna#!
es"inasse! =arie+Therese 3eoDrin! 2atherine the 3reat o% Russia! <ose"h II
o% Austria! =aria+Theresa o% Austria! 2halrles III o% S"ain! 2ount o%
5lorida(lanca! 2am"omanes! <o*ellanos! Wol%gang Amadeus =o?art!
Eli?a(eth uise Figee e ,run! Willian 0ogarth! Emilie du 2hatelet! =ar#
Astell! <ose"h 0a#dn !<onathan S$i%t! 5rancisco de 3o#a.! Isaac Ce$ton!
6escartes! <acues ouis 6a*id ! =aruis de Sade.! <osJ de San =artin!
SimKn ,ol*ar.

IES a 5lota. 3eogra"h# and 0istor# 6e"artment. <uana => 3on?@le?


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