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Accelerated Physics The Electroscope — 

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Name _____________________________________ Date __________________ Period ________


In this lab activity, we will be using an electroscope to continue learning about charges and how we charge
objects. In addition to an electroscope, you will need the following materials:
plastic rod
printer paper
acetate strip (clear)
vinyl strip (white)

An electroscope is a scientific instrument used to detect electric charge (which sign and how much). There are a
few different variations on the electroscope, but we will be using the gold-leaf electroscope, named for the two
gold leaves that hang from the metal stem.
metal sphere

metal stem

gold leaf gold leaf

You can always reset the electroscope to neutral by “ground”-ing it, i.e., touching it with your finger. This means
one of two things:
• If there is an excess of electrons on the electroscope, the extra electrons will flow through your finger to
the ground (earth), leaving the electroscope neutral.
• If there is a deficiency of electrons on the electroscope, electrons will flow from the ground (earth)
through your finger to the electroscope, leaving the electroscope neutral.

You can think of a “ground” as a giant reservoir that can transfer to or receive electrons from an object to
neutralize that object.

One more thing before you get started:

The most important thing to remember when performing this laboratory activity is that
Accelerated Physics The Electroscope — Page 2 of 4

1. Charge the balloon with the fur or with your hair. This is the first way we have learned to charge objects:
charging by friction. Charging in this manner gives the balloon a ______________ charge.

Another way to charge objects is charging by conduction (in other words, touching). Touch the balloon to
the metal sphere of the electroscope and then take it away. In doing so, ______________ from the
balloon are transferred to the sphere and distributed to the metal stem and gold leaves. Now, the metal
sphere, metal stem, and gold leaves all have a ______________ charge. Since both gold leaves have a
______________ charge, the two leaves ______________.

Charge the balloon again with the fur, and bring it closer to (but not touching!) the metal sphere. When
you do this, the electrons on the electroscope want to move _________ _________ (closer to/away from)
the balloon. What happens to the gold leaves? Why?

When you charge the balloon by rubbing it against the fur, the fur gets a ______________ charge
because electrical charge is ______________. Bring the fur closer to (but not touching!) the metal
sphere. When you do this, the electrons on the electroscope want to move _________ _________
(closer to/away from) the fur. What happens to the gold leaves? Why?
Accelerated Physics The Electroscope — Page 3 of 4

2. At this point you may need to recharge the balloon and give the electroscope an overall ______________
charge in case any funny business happened since part 1.

In part 2, you are going to use the electroscope to determine the charge of the acetate strip (clear) and vinyl
strip (white). In order to charge these strips, rub them (separately, of course!) with a clean piece of printer

In the space below, write your procedure for determining the charge of the strip and record your results.
Accelerated Physics The Electroscope — Page 4 of 4

3. Our final method of charging — charging by induction — deserves its own page. Unlike with conduction,
when we charge by induction, the objects do not touch.

Start off by making sure the electroscope is electrically neutral. Follow all of the instructions EXACTLY in the
order in which they are written. Charge the vinyl strip and bring it close to (but not touching!) the metal
sphere. When you do this, the electrons on the electroscope want to move _________ _________
(closer to/away from) the vinyl strip. Next, ground the electroscope by touching it. When you do this,
electrons are going to either flow from the ground into the electroscope or flow away from the electroscope
to the ground. Which one of these scenarios happens? Why?

While keeping the vinyl strip next to the metal sphere, take your finger off of the electroscope. Take the
vinyl strip away from the metal sphere, and you should find that the gold leaves have moved apart. If this is
not the case, jiggle the electroscope. Call me over if the totally scientific jiggle method does not work, and I
will try to help you. Now, the electroscope now has an overall ______________ charge. This is the
______________ (same/opposite) charge as the object used to induce the charge.

In the space below, write your procedure for confirming the charge of the electroscope and record your results.

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