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Developing State Health Improvement Plans: Exploring

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States’ Use of Healthy People

Catharine Q. Fromknecht, BS; Victoria A. Hallman, BSPH; Megan Heffernan, MPH
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Background: While Healthy People outlines a national framework for improving the health of the nation, many states
develop State Health Improvement Plans (SHIPs) to set priorities to improve the health of their residents. The purpose
of this study was to understand the processes that states use to develop their SHIPs, how states align their SHIPs with
Healthy People, and challenges that states face using Healthy People.
Methods: NORC conducted semistructured interviews with 9 state health department representatives who were respon-
sible for SHIPs. The responses were analyzed using qualitative thematic analysis.
Results: State health departments used similar approaches to develop their SHIPs. Generally, states began the SHIP devel-
opment process by performing community health assessments and then assembling diverse stakeholders to recommend
key priority areas that should be addressed in the SHIP. States used a similar framework for their SHIPs, outlining priority
areas, indicators, and targets. All respondents reported that they referenced Healthy People during the development of
their SHIPs. Some states reported aligning their state plans with the Healthy People Framework, while others focused
more on the specific Healthy People objectives or target setting guidance.
Conclusions: Both the federal government and state public health agencies rely on input from stakeholders and cross-
sector collaboration to ensure their initiatives reflect the diverse needs of their population. Stakeholder engagement is
increasingly important as public health professionals are shifting toward a health equity approach that considers social
determinants outside of the health care sector. Healthy People continues to strengthen this perspective by outlining national
priorities on well-being while incorporating language around health equity issues. Reinforcing relationships between the
federal government and state public health can help states better understand the role of Healthy People as well as encourage
further dissemination of creative strategies and best practices.

KEY WORDS: Healthy People 2030, State Health Improvement Plans

S ince 1979, the Healthy People initiative has

served as a national framework for improving
the health and well-being of the country.1 In Au-
gust 2020, the US Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) launched Healthy People 2030, the
of Healthy People 2030 are to achieve health equity,
create healthy environments, and engage cross-sector
stakeholders in designing strategies to improve health
and well-being.1 Healthy People 2030 also strives to
provide communities, states, and organizations with
fifth iteration of the initiative. The overarching goals tools to facilitate their use of Healthy People, such as
accessible data and evidence-based resources.
Author Affiliation: NORC at the University of Chicago, Bethesda, MD. While Healthy People outlines a national frame-
This research was conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago with work for improving health, many states develop State
funding and support from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Health Improvement Plans (SHIPs) to guide public
Promotion, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, US Department of
Health and Human Services.
health improvement within their states. SHIPs provide
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
opportunities for state health agencies to collabo-
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
rate with cross-sector stakeholders to identify public
Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 health gaps, assets, and strategies for improvement.2
(CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work In recent years, states have taken an increasing
provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used
commercially without permission from the journal.
interest in developing SHIPs to fulfill health depart-
Correspondence: Catharine Q. Fromknecht, BS, NORC at the University of
ment accreditation requirements set by the Public
Chicago, 4350 East West Hwy, Ste 800, Bethesda, MD 20814 Health Accreditation Board (PHAB).3 PHAB accredi-
( tation assesses the capabilities of health departments
Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. to function successfully and nationally recognizes
DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001421 health departments that uphold public health and

S274 November/December 2021 • Volume 27, Number 6 Supp

November/December 2021 • Volume 27, Number 6 Supp S275

evidence-based standards.4 Many health departments ducted between December 4, 2020, and January 28,
also associate PHAB accreditation with increased 2021. At the time of the interviews, 7 respondents
awareness of strengths and weaknesses and increased were from PHAB-accredited health departments, one
focus on quality improvement.5 By incorporating respondent’s health department was seeking PHAB
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SHIP development into the PHAB Standards and accreditation, and one respondent’s health depart-
Measures, PHAB reinforces SHIPs as a mechanism for ment was not PHAB accredited. The respondents’
public health collaboration, organizational account- responses were analyzed using qualitative thematic
ability, and continuous health improvement.3 With analysis. The NORC Institutional Review Board re-
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this requirement as a primary driver, the number of viewed the study and determined it to be not human
states with SHIPs nearly doubled between 2010 and subjects research.
2018, rising from 25 to 44.6
Healthy People can serve as a resource for state
public health agencies as they develop their SHIPs. Results
The Association of State and Territorial Health
Officials (ASTHO) and PHAB direct states toward
SHIP development processes
Healthy People materials for guidance on aligning State health departments used similar approaches
national priorities, comparing data, and developing to develop their health improvement plans. Gener-
evidenced-based strategies.7 For example, with 355 ally, states began the SHIP development process by
measurable objectives, Healthy People 2030 offers performing community health assessments and then
abundant objectives for states to consider when de- assembling diverse stakeholders to recommend key
veloping statewide plans.1 The Healthy People 2030 priority areas that should be addressed in the SHIP.
initiative also aims to improve usability of Healthy States used a similar framework for their SHIPs, out-
People information with its dynamic Web site, which lining priority areas, indicators, and targets. Typically,
allows users to easily search national objectives, re- the SHIP development process took approximately
view evidence-based resources related to topic areas, 12 to 24 months.
and track data throughout the decade.8
In 2020, the Office of Disease Prevention and
Community health assessment
Health Promotion (ODPHP) at HHS contracted with
NORC at the University of Chicago (NORC) to fur- Most respondents began their SHIP development pro-
ther explore how states and territories use Healthy cess by conducting a community health assessment
People to develop their SHIPs. The purpose of this to gather data on overall population health in their
study was to understand the processes that states use state. Respondents discussed collecting data on a va-
to develop their SHIPs, how states align their SHIPs riety of community health aspects, including health
with Healthy People, challenges that states face using status, health factors, health concerns, and strengths.
Healthy People, and how ODPHP might better sup- Some health departments collected data by acquir-
port states in using Healthy People when developing ing reports from local agencies and aggregating the
their SHIPs. data to provide a statewide perspective, whereas oth-
ers contracted with a partner organization to perform
Methods a statewide assessment.
Community engagement was a critical compo-
NORC conducted semistructured interviews with 9 nent of the preliminary assessment. In an effort to
state health department staff members who were support equity and social determinants of health,
responsible for SHIPs. To identify potential respon- all respondents sought input from diverse organiza-
dents, NORC conducted a review of the status of tions and populations. Feedback was gathered from
SHIPs and health department contacts across all states a wide variety of organizational sectors, including
and territories. This review identified 48 states that health care, economic development, social services,
have developed SHIPs. Respondents were selected and advocacy groups. Respondents also discussed
across the HHS designated geographic regions in attempts to get feedback directly from community
an attempt to capture diversity in state geography members, especially underrepresented and vulnerable
and population size, with priority given to states populations, through forums, surveys, and listen-
that had recently updated SHIPs. Alternate states ing sessions. Throughout this process, respondents
were also selected for each region in the instance mentioned that hundreds of stakeholders may pro-
that a respondent declined the interview. Respon- vide input. One respondent reported participation
dents were recruited via e-mail to participate in a from more than 25,000 individuals and 100 different
45-minute telephone interview. Interviews were con- organizations.
S276 Fromknecht, et al • 27(6 Supp), S274–S279 Developing State Health Improvement Plans

Selecting SHIP priorities (NACCHO), PHAB, the Community Guide, and the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for resources on
After completing a community health assessment,
best practices and recommendations. In particular,
health departments assessed the data, literature, and
respondents referenced the Collective Impact Model,9
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stakeholder input to develop the content of the SHIP.

the 10 Essential Public Health Services,10 the Mobi-
Most respondents described a similar format for the
lizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships
SHIP, which usually included a variable number of
(MAPP) strategic planning process,11 the National
health indicators grouped into a few health priority
Prevention Strategy,12 the Centers for Disease Con-
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topic areas. Drawing from 1 or more data sources,

trol and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Winnable Battles,13 and
health indicators were used to measure and track
the County Health Rankings.14 Respondents reported
progress toward specific targets. For example, the rate
that these resources helped structure their SHIPs, of-
of individuals without health insurance is a common
fered insights into how to engage stakeholders, and
health indicator, with the target reflecting a percent-
provided documentation for PHAB’s accreditation
age improvement that is attainable by the end of the
process. One respondent indicated that there are op-
SHIP time period.
portunities for Healthy People to collaborate with
Cross-sector stakeholders played a key role in
other similar public health organizations to help states
shaping the content of the SHIPs. Respondents dis-
develop robust and actionable strategic plans.
cussed the involvement of professional stakeholders
from traditional health sectors (eg, hospital associa-
tions, medical organizations, and advocacy groups) Challenges
as well as partners from adjacent sectors (eg, eco- Despite attempts to encourage diverse perspectives,
nomic development and transportation). Stakeholders inclusive participation and collaboration were often
were brought into the development process at differ- a challenge. On a community level, one of the re-
ent times depending on the health department. Some spondents mentioned that despite heavily advertising
respondents reported that the health department de- community listening sessions across the state, they
cided on the health priorities and then recruited were not able to get the desired representation across
external stakeholders to topic area work groups to the state. On a professional level, respondents dis-
offer expertise on particular topic areas. One of the cussed challenges related to engaging members during
respondents noted that their health department in- meetings. One respondent mentioned that meeting at-
tentionally created broad health priorities to increase tendance decreased over the 9-month planning period.
the number of stakeholders that were involved in To help address these issues, one health department
the process. Conversely, some respondents engaged considered hiring an external meeting facilitator to
stakeholders earlier in the process to serve on steer- manage the development process and ensure active
ing committees that made recommendations for the participation from all. Another health department fo-
health priorities in the SHIP as well as the subsequent cused stakeholder engagement by organizing special
topic area indicators and strategies. sessions related to specific topic areas and strategic
Prioritizing items for inclusion was a critical as- implementation. However, one respondent suggested
pect of SHIP development. Respondents suggested that creating definitive topic areas reinforced silos
that limiting the number of priorities and indicators between sectors and made it harder to have cross-
helped keep the plan manageable and facilitated im- sector conversations about how topics and activities
plementation. The prioritization process was largely are related.
influenced by stakeholder feedback, using methods The COVID-19 pandemic hindered some states’
such as dot voting or electronic ranking based on a SHIP development, but health departments learned
selection criteria. Many respondents mentioned that new skills as they adapted to the pandemic. The
stakeholders were often vocal about which items most commonly cited challenge was staff capacity
they believed should be included in the SHIP, which and ability to prioritize SHIP activities. Several re-
could lead to spirited discussions. One respondent spondents mentioned that SHIP-related activities for
described passionate “floor fights” where topic area 2020 were disrupted when many staff members were
work group members debated their recommendations deployed to respond to the pandemic, which may de-
for the group to vote on, which ultimately helped lay the implementation of new state plans. Although
narrow down hundreds of indicators to less than 25. some respondents had previous midyear processes
Additional literature and resources offered guid- in place, others highlighted that the pandemic led
ance on organization, language, and strategies that their departments to reinforce the flexibility of SHIP
could be incorporated into the SHIP. Respondents planning and implementation. For example, some re-
commonly reported looking to ASTHO, the National spondents are incorporating COVID-19 recovery and
Association of County and City Health Officials resiliency strategies into their SHIPs. In addition, one
November/December 2021 • Volume 27, Number 6 Supp S277

respondent acknowledged opportunities to apply portation and economic development. One of the
lessons learned from the pandemic response to future respondents mentioned that their health department
SHIP activities, such as using data visualization tools worked closely with more than 30 sister agencies and
such as Microsoft Power BI15 and Tableau.16 One of conducted an environmental scan to determine what
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the respondents reported that their health department types of strategies were being implemented across
had great success using data visualization tools during the state. Moving forward, this health department
their COVID-19 response, and they anticipated that planned to implement a new approach that engaged
similar visualization techniques will be important to nongovernmental representatives from each sector
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future iterations of their SHIP as they plan to shift (eg, transportation, housing, income, medical care)
toward a primarily Web-facing document. as strategic partners. Health equity was also a cen-
tral theme shared across Healthy People and state
health departments. Several respondents mentioned
Alignment with Healthy People that their SHIP data collection processes considered
All respondents reported that they referenced Healthy demographics of underserved populations to iden-
People during the development of their SHIPs. Several tify disparities that may lie beyond statewide health
respondents described their strategies for incorporat- averages. One respondent stated, “We are not just in-
ing Healthy People resources into the SHIP devel- terested in the overall indicators, but we are really
opment process. Respondents led several activities interested in digging down to see how [this is] impact-
to bring awareness of Healthy People during SHIP ing communities most affected by health inequities.”
development meetings, including sharing status up- When addressing equity and social determinants in
dates about Healthy People and providing Healthy their SHIPs, respondents reported that Healthy People
People materials for reference. Using these resources, was a useful guide for specific language. For example,
stakeholders were able to utilize Healthy People for one of the respondents noted that their health depart-
guidance on national health priorities, objectives, ment had already started to incorporate elements of
target setting methods, and best practices. Some re- racial equity into their SHIP but was glad to see that
spondents discussed exercises that helped steering language appear in Healthy People for an additional
committees align certain components of the SHIP, reference.
such as drawing connections from state priority issues
to Healthy People priority topic areas. Healthy People objectives and data
States varied in the degree to which they used
Healthy People as a resource or aligned their state Some respondents found that Healthy People objec-
plans with Healthy People. States also differed in tives were useful references when selecting state health
terms of the aspects of Healthy People they found indicators for a SHIP. Several respondents reported
most useful when developing their SHIPs. Some states that the reduced number of objectives in Healthy
reported aligning their state plans with the Healthy People 2030 was more manageable for stakeholders
People Framework, while others focused more on the to review and discuss during the SHIP development
specific Healthy People objectives or target setting process. During planning meetings, some respondents
guidance. Respondents reflected that the comprehen- directly engaged with Healthy People objectives to
sive nature of the Healthy People lends itself to facilitate conversations about state-level indicators.
selecting components that are most applicable to their For example, one of the respondents mentioned that
state. their department would bring printouts of the Healthy
People objectives to use as a menu of options when
selecting its state health indicators. In some cases,
Healthy People Framework
states’ SHIP development process coincided with the
Most respondents stated that they aligned their SHIPs development of Healthy People 2030. One of the re-
with Healthy People’s overall mission of improving spondents shared that due to the timing of their SHIP,
health and well-being while promoting health eq- they were unable to reference the most updated fed-
uity. One respondent shared, “Part of the mission eral guidance, as Healthy People 2030 was not yet
of Healthy People is to increase public awareness released during their SHIP development.
and understanding of the determinants of health, dis- State-level data were a primary driver in the SHIP
ease, and disability and the opportunities for progress, indicator selection process. Although states referenced
which is really what [our SHIP’s] strategic approach Healthy People objectives for guidance, health depart-
has been.” Like Healthy People, many health de- ments were ultimately limited in the indicators they
partments were shifting toward a broader approach could select on the basis of the data that were available
to health and attempting to address social factors for their state. Furthermore, many Healthy People ob-
that contribute to public health issues, such as trans- jectives are tracked using national data sources, which
S278 Fromknecht, et al • 27(6 Supp), S274–S279 Developing State Health Improvement Plans

may not lend itself to state-level application. One of Suggestions for improvement
the respondents noted that they were not intention-
ally diverging from Healthy People but rather the data ODPHP may be able to provide additional guidance
in their state did not support the federal objectives. to assist states as they develop their SHIPs. Six re-
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Instead, respondents often organized their indicators spondents conveyed that more guidance, either from
around the data available in their state and honed in ODPHP or peer learning from other states, would
on health disparities identified in the data. When using be helpful when developing SHIPs. Respondents sug-
this methodology, some respondents still referenced gested developing more opportunities for discussion
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Healthy People objectives afterwards for comparison. on best practices, such as forums or webinars. One
respondent mentioned that it would be beneficial for
webinars to discuss strategies for implementation in
Target setting low-resource settings in addition to featuring exam-
Some respondents found that Healthy People offered ples from health departments that are well resourced.
valuable guidance on target setting and monitoring The respondent stated, “I want to see examples and
indicators. While Healthy People provides targets stories from states that struggle to do the work and
for national objectives, state objective targets may do their best to do their job anyway.” Some re-
differ on the basis of individual state health char- spondents thought it would be useful to reestablish
acteristics. In instances where a national target was meetings with an ODPHP liaison to help determine
reasonable for a state goal, some respondents dis- which Healthy People strategies best fit their state’s
cussed using the same target that was used in Healthy needs. One respondent found previous meetings with
People (ie, 10% improvement from the baseline over ODPHP very helpful, saying, “I feel more comfort-
10 years, or 5% improvement from the baseline over able contacting someone who is designated to help me
5 years), especially when using an indicator that was answer questions or give me some direction.”
similar to Healthy People. However, 3 respondents Additional funding can help states translate the
noted that their state had reached or surpassed at Healthy People initiative into actionable public health
least some of the objective targets set by Healthy improvement efforts. Respondents conveyed that it
People. In that instance, one respondent was in- was challenging to integrate SHIP activities into the
stead able to apply Healthy People target setting state budget, especially when an investment was
methodology alongside state-level trends, saying, “We needed from stakeholders not directly involved in
didn’t use the actual data from the national plan as SHIP processes. Some respondents noted that their
much as the behind-the-scenes methodology that was health departments previously had funding that sup-
available.” Some respondents also reported that steer- ported Healthy People 2020 implementation, but
ing committees deferred to Healthy People targets that funding was no longer available. For exam-
when state stakeholders had difficulty agreeing on a ple, respondents mentioned using CDC funding from
target. the National Public Health Improvement Initiative
(NPHII)18 toward SHIP development and other CDC
funding toward the IBIS-PH data system, but both
Tracking progress funding streams have since stalled. To fill this finan-
Healthy People objectives and targets can be inte- cial gap, some respondents suggested reinstating ways
grated into data visualization tools to help states track to link funding to Healthy People implementation
their progress. Two respondents discussed the ap- activities, such as through CDC block grants.
plication of the Indicator Based Information System
for Public Health (IBIS-PH), which is a dashboard Discussion and Conclusion
that allows states to house and share health indicator
data. One respondent noted that the software had the The SHIP development process provides opportu-
Healthy People 2020 objectives built in for a profile nities for state health departments to assess their
comparison and anticipated a similar feature for the population’s health needs, engage with a wide range of
Healthy People 2030 objectives. Fifteen states and 2 multidisciplinary stakeholders, and prioritize strate-
tribal groups are currently using or exploring the IBIS- gies for health improvement. Public health accredita-
PH system.17 Similarly, some respondents discussed tion is likely a significant contributor to the increased
the use of scorecards to track indicators. For instance, focus on SHIP development among state health de-
some health departments had state scorecards that partments, as Standard 5.2 of the PHAB Standards
aligned with the Healthy People objectives, which was and Measures is “Conduct a Comprehensive Plan-
filled in with data compiled from the scorecards of ning Process Resulting in a Tribal/State/Community
county health departments and health systems. Health Improvement Plan.”3 Given that most of the
November/December 2021 • Volume 27, Number 6 Supp S279

Implications for Policy & Practice public health professionals are shifting toward a
health equity approach that considers social determi-
■ SHIPs help states identify public health priorities and outline nants outside of the health care sector. Healthy People
strategies to improve the health of their state. continues to strengthen this perspective by outlining
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national priorities on well-being while incorporating

■ Healthy People provides a national framework for states to
language around health equity issues. As this field con-
reference and fosters alignment in health improvement plans
tinues to grow, Healthy People has an opportunity to
across the nation.
provide additional guidance on how to operationalize
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■ Engaging a diverse set of stakeholders is critical to the equity-focused strategies.

development of public health improvement initiatives.
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responding health departments were PHAB accred- 2030-framework. Accessed December 23, 2020.
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Assessment and
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often based on resources recommended in the PHAB 6, 2019. Accessed December 23, 2020.
3. Public Health Accreditation Board. Public Health Accredita-
Standards and Measures. The PHAB Standards and tion Board Standards & Measures.
Measures also encourage state health departments content/uploads/SM-Version-1.5-Board-adopted-FINAL-01-24-
to reference Healthy People during their SHIP de- 2014.docx.pdf. Published 2013. Accessed July 9, 2021.
4. Public Health Accreditation Board. What is public health depart-
velopment. PHAB cites Healthy People as “national ment accreditation?
state-of-the-art guidance” for several requirements, department-accreditation. Accessed July 13, 2021.
including development of measurable outcomes or 5. Heffernan M, Kennedy M, Siegfried A, Meit M. Benefits and per-
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community health improvement planning processes, S102-S108.
and alignment with national priorities.3 As more 6. Coffman J, Sandhu A. Using state health improvement planning to
guide the way: the future of identifying national trends in public
states seek PHAB accreditation and progress to- health priorities and emerging public health issues. J Public Health
ward reaccreditation, there are more opportunities for Manag Pract. 2018;24(5):495-498.
Healthy People to be used as a national model for 7. Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, Illinois Public
Health Institute. Developing a state health improvement plan:
strategic planning and public health improvement. guidance and resources.
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8. Tools for action. Healthy People 2030. https://health.
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People, some struggled to apply the national frame- 9. Kania J, Kramer M. Collective Impact. Stanf Soc Innov. 2011:9(1):
work to their specific state populations. As Healthy 36-41.
10. de Beaumont Foundation, Public Health National Center for Inno-
People enters a new decade, it includes several changes vations. The 10 Essential Public Health Services.
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stakeholders. For example, the number of objectives 2020. Accessed July 13, 2021.
11. NACCHO. Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partner-
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the role of Healthy People as well as encourage 14. County Health Rankings. How healthy is your county? County
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and cross-sector collaboration to ensure their initia- 18. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Public
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