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This year’s artwork follows the form of last year’s artwork. The reason is to show
the continuity between the two themes.

The Background

The background design is very similar to last year’s background. It is based on

John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in
him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

The design is of the vine and the fruits it bears. So you will see the vine with its
branches and fruits spread all over the background. This is done to show that
our Fruitfulness begins with us abiding in Christ. That is when we can bear

Green Hills and plains. This is done to show a flourishing environment.

Everything there is green and lively.

The cross. All our theme design has a place for the cross. This reminds us of
our salvation.

The white dove. All our theme designs have a place for a dove, representing the
Holy Spirit and His work in our lives.

The Centerpiece – hand holding tree with a lot of fruits

This is the central concept for this year. It reflects Fruitfulness and is based on
Psalm 1:1-3 and Psalm 92: 12-14

The hand. The hand represents the hand of the Lord. He holds the tree in His
hands. This further shows that to be fruitful, we must be planted in the Lord.

The Tree. The tree is in the hands of the Lord. Though it is in the hand of the
Lord, it also has roots in the earth. It shows the relationship between trusting
the Lord and still working on the ground to grow what is planted in the Lord.

The river. The tree is planted by the waters.

The tree has one stem and two main branches. That shows the two expressions
of the natural and the spiritual all coming from one source.
The tree has a lot of leaves. The leaves represent all of our activities or the work
we do to produce fruits.

The fruits on the tree. The fruits on the tree are many and of different kinds. It
shows the different types of fruits we can produce for the Lord – fruits of the
spirit, fruits of creativity, and the work of our hands.

Stars in the trees. Usually, stars should be in the sky, but the stars for this
design are on the tree. It shows that our fruits must glorify God. Our works
must shine as lights to give glory to God.

Figures under the tree. There are images of people working. A woman is working
from home on her laptop; two engineers (male and female) reading a blueprint;
a carpenter and a potter. All of these show us how to be fruitful with our work.

As usual, we leave everyone to see what else they can learn from the artwork
regarding Fruitfulness.

Note: Please note that this picture's quality is very low and should not be used
outside this format. It is simply to help you relate the explanation to the

Usage for Backdrops and social media will be provided separately.

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