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Daniel Benito Moreno Guerrero

ID 841272

Computer science is a science that handles a lot of power and has been developing in recent years, in an
interesting and unimaginable way, since the human race is developing developments of a
transcendental level in the technological field.

One of these developments is focused on the automation of operations using artificial intelligence.

And due to the pandemic, the use of this increased, now we put it in the following way; What would
happen if an engineer created an artificial intelligence and it is becoming aware?

It would be a complete feat but at the same time crazy because if it is connected to a network
technically you would be more intelligent because of its processes and because of its speed, in addition
to the fact that they have many databases at their disposal but hypothetically speaking the development
of an autonomous artificial intelligence what does it take of decisions by himself and that he learns day
by day is crazy

The case would come in which the machine would begin to make decisions for the good of the planet,
for the good of the environment, reaching conclusions such as "if we want a healthy environment we
must destroy human beings" we can imagine one of those machines with access to so many networks to
so many high-level electronic devices against us simple humans who have been victims of their own
inventions such as telephones, televisions, computers, which despite how useful they are, gave us
dependent and weak lazy slaves

At some point in the existence of the human race…

There was a group of friends who were passionate about technology, and not just any kind of
technology; we’re talking about cutting-edge technology…

The *exes* were observing how to switch from a human consciousness to that of a machine, but one of
them was not having these plans.

Artur didn’t have these plans, he had in mind to run an artificial intelligence project, and he was thinking
about how to activate the right algorithm for a machine to have consciousness…

After many studies together Artur and his team were on the verge of achieving the great feat of passing
a human conscience to a supercomputer.

But just in that moment Artur decides to betray them and to steal the algorithm that had the machine of
the exes, with him he took all the investigation…. Of his colleagues.

That same night in his laboratory Artur this ingenious man tried with everything he had in his mind and
his studies, to reach the artificial intelligence but it was impossible…

The next morning he took Valentia and summoned his old team to a meeting, the meeting arrived…

And they were all worried about how Artur was…

They asked him why he wanted to create an artificial consciousness…

Loneliness, he answered…

Hearing this, the boys burst into tears because their research had taken them away from human life and
they themselves were turning into machines….

How ironic, humans turned into machines by projects of machines turned into humans…

By: Dm



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