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The greatest difficulty in speaking English.

One of the most fun aspects of learning a language is speaking with others, but it can also

be one of the most difficult and frustrating. When communicating in English, Spanish speakers

tend to make a particular set of mistakes. Being aware of them and learning how to avoid them

will allow us to communicate more effectively. Sometimes fear prevents us from wanting to

learn another language, but there are many solutions to overcome this problem and achieve it.

One of the main obstacles to learning English is fear. It is normal to feel fear when we do

not control a language and begin to express ourselves. One of the ways in which fear or

insecurities express themselves is an embarrassment, (“The biggest difficulties when it comes to

speaking English”, 2018, párr. 1). It is fear of making mistakes, of not being understood, of being

made fun of. The fear of not being understood arises because you are aware of the lack of

fluency in your speech. The effort of speaking in a language you have not mastered makes it

difficult for you to focus on what you want to say. You focus instead on how to say it

(European’s idioms, 2022, párr. 4).

Another reason why you experience dread when you open your mouth in public to speak

in English is that you feel the same fear as in your own language. The fear of speaking in public

is not only related to a problem of shyness but also to the way we are educated. In our country

perhaps we have a small lack of public speaking culture in the classroom. We are not used to

speaking in public and, if we add stage fright to speaking in a language that is not our own, it is

understandable that we are left blank (European Idioms, 2022, párr. 8).

Since Spanish is our native language and a way of life for us, it is illogical for us to quit

thinking in that language. To avoid mentally "translating" every statement or word, we should try
to express ourselves as directly as possible when speaking English. First and mainly because we

will become more fluent, but also because English and Spanish have different grammatical and

syntactic structures and this "mental translation" might be problematic.

Another cause that does not allow us to learn English efficiently is grammar and

vocabulary, there are particularities in English that do not exist or whose use is different in

Spanish. If we do not know them or do not control how to use these grammatical resources, it

will be impossible for us to express ourselves correctly in English. You've probably realized by

now that the most annoying thing is not that you fail at conjugations or phrasal verbs, but that

you're missing vocabulary. You don't realize how many different words you use when talking

about a subject until you must talk about it in a foreign language (European Idioms,2022, párr.


Speaking English is very important nowadays. You've probably noticed that stations,

airports, roads highways, or gas stations all use English as a second language in most countries

of the world. If you don't speak English, you run the risk of getting lost, and therefore, the trip

will be much longer (and more difficult) than you had anticipated (“English Learning Guide”,

2016, párr.1). So not knowing even a little bit of the English language generates confusion

among tourists and confusion yourself by not knowing what you want to say or how to express

where you want to go.

English is an asset that must be in your portfolio to do many things. No matter what your

job is, especially if you need to develop in your position, find your field more deeply, or even if

you want to implement projects or encourage adventure and work abroad. If you don't speak

English, you may miss out on opportunities (“English Learning Guide”, 2016, párr. 2).
You will pass up numerous possibilities to encounter fascinating people and cultures if

you don't speak English. There is so much to learn about these people whose cultures are distinct

from ours, whether they be English, Irish, Canadian, American, Welsh, or Scottish, for instance.

Without forgetting that taking English lessons will enable you to watch, listen to, and appreciate

their films, music, performances, and festivals, you will find it simpler to converse with them.

With around 1.8 billion individuals, you could theoretically communicate in English (“English

Learning Guide”, 2016, párr. 5).

In conclusion, English is an excellent utility that helps a lot to have more competitive

advantages and to be better prepared than others, a good way to improve our education and of

course, it will open many doors in our lives and will help us in many aspects such as

communication with foreign people and in business. Every time we have access to the Internet

we see phrases, books, texts, web pages, and many of them are mostly written in English

sometimes it is essential to read and know them to obtain a wealth of information.

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