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Data Mining Methods


Prof. Dr. Christina Andersson

High Integrity Systems
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Booklet to sprint 1
1 Getting Started
In this first sprint, you should
• register for an EduScrum group in moodle,
• understand the first lecture about data mining,
• install R and learn basic R (at least until section 3 in the R exercises.
Don’t worry if you don’t understand the statistics in these R exercises
yet. The aim is that you play a bit with R).

2 Some Useful Resources

• A good book, not so much mathematics:
Data Mining Techniques, Gordon Linoff, Michael Berry, Wiley

3 R
3.1 Where can I download R?

This sprint is not really a sprint, since we’re just at the beginning of the course
and you have to create groups first. So, don’t worry.

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