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Choose the best answer:

d y dy
+3 −4 tan y=0
1, The differential equation dx
2 dx is
A. second order linear differential equation
B. second order non-linear differential equation
C. linear differential equation of 2nd order with constant coefficients
D. linear differential equation of 2nd order with independent variable x

2. The differential equation

A. linear D.E. of order one C. exact equation
B. eq. with homogeneous coefficient D. Bernoulli’s equation

3. The highest-ordered derivative appearing in the differential equation will determine the:
A. order C. degree
B. dependent variable D. independent variable
4. Variable that has nothing to do with the linearity property of a differential equation:
A. dependent variable C. x variable
B. independent variable D. y variable

For nos. 5.- 6. : Given: 8 y arctan x dx −( 1+x )

dy =0
5. Find the general solution of the given differential equation.
A. 4 ( tan −2 x ) −ln y=C C. 4 ( tan −1 x ) =2 ln y +C
( −1
B. 4 tan x −ln y =C D. 8 ( tan−2 x )+ln y=C
6. What is the value of C at y(1) = 1?
2 2 2 2
π π π π
− −
A. 4 B. 16 C. 4 D. 16

7. The equation 2x sin y dx = ( 1 –x2 cos y) dy is exact because .

A. 2x cos y C. 2x sin y
B. x cos y D. x2 cosy

8. The solution to can be expressed as:

A. C.

B. D.
9. The integrating factor for a differential equation linear in x is

A. B. C. D.

10. The general solution of is

A. B. y = 1 + ce -2x C. 4y = 2x – 1 + ce-2x x+y D. y = x – 1 + ce-2x

11. The general solution of y’ = sin (x + y) is

A. ln|1+sin ( x+ y )|=x+C C. tan ( x + y ) +sec ( x + y )=x +C

B. tan ( x + y )−sec ( x+ y ) =x+C D. y + cos (x+y) = C
12. For the decay problem governed by dt , where Q = amount present at any time t. which of the
following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. The species decays exponentially C. The half-life is independent of Q
B. The species will double at half-life D. The half-life is constant

13. The time at which 50% of a radioactive material had already disintegrated is called __
A. half-time C. half-decayed
B. half-life D. half-dead

14. The simplest growth model of a population depends on the following except
A. occurrence of birth C. current size of population
B. occurrence of death D. number of migration
15.For the decay problem governed by dt , where Q = amount present at any time t. which of the
following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. The species decays exponentially C. The half-life is independent of Q
B. The species will double at half-life D. The half-life is constant

16. The time at which 50% of a radioactive material had already disintegrated is called __
A. half-time C. half-decayed
B. half-life D. half-dead
For numbers 17 and 18,
Suppose that a colony of lice grows exponentially. After 1 day, 50 lice are counted. After 3 days, 200 were counted.
17. How many are there originally?
A. 5 C. 25
B. 15 D. 30
18. The number (x) of lice at any time, t is given by the expression _______________
t t
A. x=5⋅2 C. x=25⋅2
B. x=15⋅2t D. x=30⋅2
19. A radioactive substance decomposes at a rate proportional to the amount present. Suppose that in 25 years
approximately 1.2% of the substance will disintegrate, what percentage remains after 100 years?
A. 4.72% C. 95.28%
B. 98.8% D. 25%
20. A tank has pure water flowing into it at 12 L/min. The contents of the tank are kept thoroughly mixed, and the
contents flow out at 10 L/min. Initially, the tank contains 10 kg of salt in 100 L of water. How much salt is in the
tank after 30 minutes?
A. 0.95 kg C. 0.6 kg
B. 1.5 kg D. 1.25 kg
21. Blood plasma is stored at 40C. Before the plasma can be used, it must be at 90C. When the plasma is placed
in an oven at 120C it takes 45 minutes for the plasma to warm to 90C. Assume Newton’s Law of Cooling applies,
how long will it take the plasma to warm to 90C if the oven is set at 100C?
A. 24.64 min C. 50.40 min
B. 42.03 min D. 82.20 min
For numbers 22 and 23,
Two 9-volt batteries are connected to a series in which the conductance is ¼ henry and the resistance is 8 ohms. If
the initial current is zero,
22. Determine the steady-state current.
A. 1.25 A C. 3.25 A
B. 2.25 A D. 4.25 A
23. At what time will the current be 1 A?
A. 0.02 sec C. 0.06 sec
B. 0.04 sec D. 0.08 sec
24. Which of the following methods can be applied to find a particular solution yp of
2 4x
( D +1 ) y=x +e ?
A. undetermined coefficients only C. variation of parameters only
B. either A or B D. neither A nor B
25. Using the method of undetermined coefficients, what is the final form for a particular solution yp of the
2 −2 x −2x x
nonhomogeneous DE ( D+2) (D−3 ) y=5 x+5 e −3 xe +10e ?
−2 x −2x x
y p = A+Bx+Ce +Exe +Fe
2 −2 x x
y p = Ax e + Be +Cx cos x + Ex sin x
2 −2 x 3 −2 x x
y p = A+ Bx+Cx e + Ex e +Fe

y = Ae3 x +B cos2 x +C sin 2 x
For #s 26-27

Given the initial-value problem

y + y=10 e2 x ; y(0 )=0 '
, y ( 0)=0
26. What is the complementary solution?
y c =C1 cos x +C 2 sin x C.
y c =C1 +C 2 e

B. c
y =C +C e x
1 2 D.
y c =C1 e x +C2 e−x
27. What is the particular solution?

A. y=−2cos x−4sin x−2e 2 x C. y=−2e x−4e−x +2e2 x

B. y=−2−4 e x +2 e 2 x D. y=−2cos x−4sin x+2e2 x
For #s 29 - 31
2 −x
Given the nonhomogeneous linear DE ( D +2 D+2) y=e csc x , the general solution takes the form is
−x −x
y= y c + Ae cos x +Be sin x , where A and B are functions to be determined
29. What is A?
A. x B. −x C. −csc x D. −sin x
30. What is B?
1 1
A. ln|sin x| B. ln|csc x| C.
y= 2 cot2 x D. 2
sin2 x
31. What is the general solution?
−x −x −x
y=e (C 1 cos x+C 2 sin x )+ xe cos x+ e sin x⋅ln|csc x|
−x −x −x
y=e (C 1 cos x+C 2 sin x )− xe cos x +e sin x⋅ln|sin x|
y=e− x (C 1 cos x+C 2 sin x )−e−x cot x + 2 e−x sin x cot 2 x
y=e− x (C 1 cos x+C 2 sin x )−e−x sin x cos x+ 2 e−x sin3 x

32. The L
{ 2 2}
( 5t
−sin ( ) 2

s s −5 s 4
2 2 2 2
A. s +25 B. s +5 C. s +5 D. s +25

33. The L {2 t 4 e−7 t } is

48 12 12 12
A. ( s+7 )5 B. ( s+7 )5 C. ( s−7 )5 D. ( s−7 ) 4

34. The Laplace transform of F(t) = 2 t sin (2 t) cos (2 t) is

4s 8s 4s 8s
A. s2 ( s2+ 4 ) B. ( s 2 + 4 )2 C.
s 2 ( s 2 +16 ) D. ( s 2 +16 ) 2

35. The L
{2 , 0<t<3¿} ¿{} is
−3 s −3 s
2 e 2 e 2 e−3s
− 3 − 2 + 2
A. s s B. s s C. s s D. none of these

36. The L-1

{ 2
s −4 s +13 is }
A. e-2tcos 3t B. e3t sin 2t C. e2tcos 3t D. e2tsin 3t

37. The L -1
{( 54
s2 + 9 )
} is
A. 54 t cost B. sin 3t – 3t cos 3t C. 9 sin2 t D. none of these

{ }
s −4 s
38. The L -1 ( s − 4 s +8 )
A. e-2t t cos t B. t e2t cos 2t C. t2 et cos 2t D. none of these

39. For F (t) = L-1

2 α
3 4 e−3 s
+ 3
, s
what is F(t) ?
A. F(t) = 3 + 2 (t-3) (t-3) C. F(t) = 3 + 4(t-3)2 α (t-3)
B. F(t) = 3 + 2 t2 α (t-3) D. F(t) = 3 + t2 α (t-3)
40. The Laplace transform of e is
6 2 6 3
A. (s +2) 4 B. (s−2 )3 C. (s−2 )4 D. (s +2)3
41. The Laplace transform of e-3t α (t-2) is
e−2( s+3 ) e2( s+3) e−2( s−3) e
−2( s+2)

A. (s+3) B. ( s+3) C. ( s−3) D. (s+2)

For nos. 42-44. Given:

42. L{G(t)} =?

A. C.

B. D.
43. What is X(s) ?

A. C.

B. D.
44. What is X(t) ?

A. C.

B. D.

For nos. 48-50: Given: X’(t) + 2 Y(t) = - 1 where, x(0) = y(0) = 0

X(t) – Y’(t) = 2t x ' ( t )+ y ' ( t )−x ( t )=−1x ' ( t )+ y ' ( t )−x ( t )=−1

48. What is Y(s) ?

A. B. C. D.
2(s +1) 2(s +1)
2 2
s (s −2 s +2) s (s −2 s +2)

49. Y(t) is _____

( 1−cos √2 t )
A. B. 2 C. D.

50. Evaluate
A. – 3 B. 0 C. 3 D. 2

(17-18): At sea level, a small, heated coin set at an initial temperature of 20◦C is dropped into a container of
boiling water. Note: The water is boiling!
17. What constant of proportionality for the resulting differential equation that describes the metal-coin-problem
described above. Assume that the coin temperature increases 2C◦mevery second that elapses.
A. – 0.0153 B. -0.0253 C. -0.0335 D. -0.0533
18. In how many seconds will the coin temperature reach 90◦C?
A. 72.5 B. 78.6 C. 85 D. 82.2
19-20. The population of Planet X has been estimated at 700 million in the year 1800 and 1800 million in the year

19. Using centuries as the unit of time, what constant of proportionality describes the situation?
A. 0.0055 B. 0.00671 C. 0.00772 D. 0.00472
20. Assuming again that no deaths happen, in what year will the population reach 1913 million?
A. 2005 B. 1998 C. 2013 D. 2030

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