Science Unit Plan

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Unit Assessment Plan

Subject: Science Topic: Electricity and

Magnetism, and
Mechanisms using

Grade: 5 Length: 6 Weeks

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Established Goals (GLOs):
Students will be able to…

5–5 Demonstrate safe methods for the study of magnetism and electricity, identify methods for
measurement and control, and apply techniques for evaluating magnetic and electrical
properties of materials.

5–6 Construct simple circuits, and apply an understanding of circuits to the construction and
control of motorized devices.

Constructs: Essential Questions:

● Electricity: Students will ● What is electricity and how

understand the basic principles does it work?
of static and current electricity, ● What are the properties of
including the concepts of conductors and insulators, and
voltage, current, and resistance, how do they affect the flow of
and the properties of electricity?
conductors and insulators. ● What is magnetism and how is
● Magnetism: Students will it related to electricity?
understand the principles of ● How do switches control the
magnetism, including the flow of electricity in a circuit?
relationship between magnetic ● How do motors convert
fields and electrical currents. electrical energy into
● Electrical Circuits: Students will mechanical energy, and what
understand the basic are some examples of
components of a simple mechanisms that use
electrical circuit, including electricity?
switches, wires, batteries, and ● What are some practical
light bulbs, and how they work applications of electricity and
together to create electrical magnetism in our daily lives?
energy. ● How can we use our
Unit Assessment Plan
● Mechanisms using Electricity: understanding of electricity
Students will understand the and magnetism to solve real-
principles of motors and how world problems?
they convert electrical energy ●
into mechanical energy, and
explore the different
mechanisms that use
Unit Assessment Plan
Specific Learning Goals (SLOs):
Students will be able to…

Topic A: Electricity and Magnetism

Recognize and appreciate the potential dangers involved in using sources of

electrical currents:

● understand that household electrical

currents are potentially dangerous and not
a suitable source for experimentation
● understand that small batteries are a
relatively safe source of electricity, for experimentation and study, but
that care should be taken to avoid short circuits
● understand that short circuits may cause wires to heat up, as well as
waste the limited amount of energy in batteries.

Describe and demonstrate example activities that show that electricity and
magnetism are related:

● demonstrate that electricity can be used

to create magnetism
● demonstrate that a moving magnet can be
used to generate electricity.

3. Demonstrate and interpret evidence of magnetic fields around magnets and around
current-carrying wires, by use of iron filings or by use of one or more compasses.

4. Demonstrate that a continuous loop of conducting material is needed for an

uninterrupted flow of current in a circuit.

5. Distinguish electrical conductors—materials that allow electricity to flow through

them— from insulators—materials that do not allow electricity to flow through them.

6. Recognize and demonstrate that some materials, including resistors, are partial
conductors of electricity.

7. Predict the effect of placing an electrical resistance in a simple circuit; e.g., in a

circuit with a light bulb or electric motor.

8. Recognize that the amount of electricity we use in our homes is measured in

kilowatt hours.

9. Interpret and explain:

• the reading on a household electrical meter

• efficiency labels on electrical appliances.

Unit Assessment Plan

10. Draw and interpret, with guidance, circuit diagrams that include symbols for
switches, power sources, resistors, lights and motors.

Topic B: Mechanisms Using Electricity

1. Identify example applications of electrical devices in the school and

home environment, and classify the kinds of uses. Categories of
electrical use may include such things as: heating, lighting,
communicating, moving, computing.
2. Design and construct circuits that operate lights and other electrical
3. Recognize the importance of switches and other control mechanisms to
the design and operation of electrical devices, and identify purposes of
switches in particular applications.
4. Construct and use a variety of switches.
5. Design and construct vehicles or other devices
that use a battery-powered electric motor to
produce motion; e.g., model cars, hoists, fans.
6. Design and construct a burglar alarm.
7. Demonstrate different ways of lighting two
lights from a single power source, and compare the results. Students
should recognize that wiring two bulbs in series makes both bulbs glow
less brightly than if the bulbs are wired in parallel. Students may
demonstrate this knowledge operationally and do not need to use the
terms series and parallel.
8. Demonstrate different ways of using two batteries to light a bulb, and
compare the results. Students should recognize that wiring the batteries
in series causes the bulb to glow brighter than it would if parallel wiring
were used.
9. Given a design task and appropriate materials, invent and construct an
electrical device that meets the task requirements.

Prior understanding… Where does this lead? (Future outcomes

- Grade 4 does not have to much of a led up in the same course, following grade-
it these units level classes, etc.)
- In grade 2 though they have a unit that - May lead a little into evidence and
focus on magnetism and fins things that are investigations as they will be exploring a
magnetic lot and testing things within this unit for
-Not much else let's into this newer type unit grade 6 as we will being doing within this
for students unit
Unit Assessment Plan
-Other than that there is not much

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Formative Assessments
- Exit slips
- Reflections
Summative Assessment(s)
- Burglar Alarm
- Worksheets

Learning Outcomes Stage 3: Content Validity of Assessments and Evaluations

(Specific Outcomes)
Title Reflections Exit slips Worksheets Burglar Alarm

Type F F S S

Weighting N/A N/A


● ● ● ●
● Recognize and appreciate
the potential dangers
involved in using sources
of electrical currents:

understand that household

currents are potentially dangerous
Learning Outcomes Stage 3: Content Validity of Assessments and Evaluations
(Specific Outcomes)
Title Reflections Exit slips Worksheets Burglar Alarm

Type F F S S

Weighting N/A N/A


and not
a suitable source for

understand that small batteries

are a
relatively safe source of electricity,
for experimentation and study, but
that care should be taken to avoid
short circuits

understand that short circuits may

cause wires to heat up, as well as
waste the limited amount of
energy in batteries.

● ● ●
Describe and demonstrate
example activities that
show that electricity and
magnetism are related:

demonstrate that electricity can be

to create magnetism

demonstrate that a moving

magnet can be
used to generate electricity.

● ● ●
3. Demonstrate and interpret
evidence of magnetic fields
around magnets and around
current-carrying wires, by use of
iron filings or by use of one or
Learning Outcomes Stage 3: Content Validity of Assessments and Evaluations
(Specific Outcomes)
Title Reflections Exit slips Worksheets Burglar Alarm

Type F F S S

Weighting N/A N/A


more compasses.

● ● ●
4. Demonstrate that a continuous
loop of conducting material is
needed for an uninterrupted flow
of current in a circuit.

● ● ●
5. Distinguish electrical
conductors—materials that allow
electricity to flow through them—
from insulators—materials that do
not allow electricity to flow through

● ● ●
6. Recognize and demonstrate
that some materials, including
resistors, are partial conductors of

7. Predict the effect of placing an
electrical resistance in a simple
circuit; e.g., in a circuit with a light
bulb or electric motor.

● ● ●
8. Recognize that the amount of
electricity we use in our homes is
measured in kilowatt hours.
Learning Outcomes Stage 3: Content Validity of Assessments and Evaluations
(Specific Outcomes)
Title Reflections Exit slips Worksheets Burglar Alarm

Type F F S S

Weighting N/A N/A


● ●
10. Identify example
applications of electrical
devices in the school
and home environment,
and classify the kinds of
uses. Categories of
electrical use may
include such things as:
heating, lighting,
communicating, moving,

● ● ●
11. Design and construct
circuits that operate
lights and other
electrical devices.

● ●
12. Recognize the
importance of switches
and other control
mechanisms to the
design and operation of
electrical devices, and
identify purposes of
switches in particular

Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday


Week 1 March 6, No class No class No class No class

Focus of class:
- Safety for
electricity and the
different things to
be aware of to
keep students as
safe as possible
- With slideshow
and then an
activity to have
students move
around and have
to make judgment
calls on different

Formal with the
worksheet about
safety as
something for
them to refer back
to as the unit

1. Recognize and
appreciate the
potential dangers
involved in using
sources of electrical
-understand that
household electrical
currents are
potentially dangerous
and not
a suitable source for

-understand that small

batteries are a
relatively safe source
of electricity, for
experimentation and
study, but that care
should be taken to
avoid short circuits

-understand that short

circuits may cause
wires to heat up, as
well as waste the
limited amount of
energy in batteries.

1. (b) Identify example

applications of
electrical devices in
the school and home
environment, and
classify the kinds of
uses. Categories of
electrical use may
include such things
as: heating, lighting,
moving, computing.

Week 2 March 13, March 14, No class No class No class

Focus of class: Focus of Class:
- will be on -Today's focus will
magnets and how be on
the function and electromagnetics
can be created where we will go
and electricity and through a slide
what it comes show and watch
down to (Atoms) videos to get a firm
- we will go idea of what
through a electromagnetics
slideshow and is.
watch videos to -Then as an
get students activity to get
thinking hands-on
-Then at the end experience
have an exit slip students will make
for reflection their own
Assessment: with nail, copper
-Exit slip wire, and batteries.

SLO’s Assessment:
3. Demonstrate and -Hypothesis
interpret evidence of worksheet
magnetic fields
around magnets and
around current- SLO’s:
carrying wires, by use A: (2) Describe and
of iron filings or by demonstrate example
use of one or more activities that show that
compasses. electricity and
magnetism are related:
-demonstrate that
electricity can be used
to create magnetism
-demonstrate that a
moving magnet can be
used to generate

Week 3 March 20, March 21, No class No class No class

Focus of Class Focus of class:

-The main idea for -This lesson will
class will be static focus on being
electricity. able to draw
-We will have an circuits and how
interactive activity planning would
at the beginning proceed from the
with a balloon to drawing and what
show static different symbols
electricity, then can mean.
we will go through -Aftering doing real
a slideshow which hands-on activities
has video and with switches and
some interactive simple circuits it
slides the explain gives the
static electricity opportunity to be
able to put it down
Assessment: on paper.
F: exit slips - We will have a
S: worksheet/ quick slideshow on
experiment the different
symbols and how
SLO’s: to bring to draw
A, 2. Describe and one
demonstrate example -Then they will
activities that show move onto drawing
that electricity and their own.
magnetism are
- demonstrate that Assessment:
electricity can be used
to create magnetism SLO’s:
-demonstrate that a
moving magnet can
A:Draw and interpret,
with guidance, circuit
diagrams that include
used to generate
symbols for switches,
power sources,
resistors, lights and

Week 4 March 27, March 28, No class No class No class

Focus of class: Focus of class:

-Focusing on - Conductors and
simple circuits insulators and how
within this class some things will
about how they conduct electricity
function and how and some will not
they can short -Through a quick
circuit. slideshow of
- using a information
slideshow to -Then there will be
slowly introduced an experiment
simple circuits were students will
- Then we will guess if something
have an activity is a conductor or
were we will not and then test it
create our own
simple circuits Assessment:
S: -worksheet/
Assessment: experiment
F: getting familiar F: exit slip
and confident with
the circuits as we SLO’s
move into the A: 5.Distinguish
different lessons. electrical conductors—
materials that allow
electricity to flow
SLO’s: through them— from
A: 4. Demonstrate insulators—materials
that a continuous loop that do not allow
of conducting material electricity to flow
is needed for an through them.
uninterrupted flow of 6. Recognize and
current in a circuit. demonstrate that some
B:2. Design and materials, including
construct circuits that resistors, are partial
operate lights and conductors of
other electrical electricity.
devices. 7. Predict the effect of
7.Demonstrate placing an electrical
different ways of resistance in a simple
lighting two circuit; e.g., in a circuit
lights from a single with a light bulb or
power source, and electric motor.
compare the results. 2. Design and
Students should construct circuits that
recognize that wiring operate lights and
two bulbs in series other electrical
makes both bulbs devices.
glow less brightly than 4. Demonstrate that a
if the bulbs are wired
continuous loop of
in parallel. Students
conducting material is
may demonstrate this
needed for an
uninterrupted flow of
operationally and do
current in a circuit.
not need to use the
terms series and
8. Demonstrate
different ways of using
two batteries to light a
bulb, and compare the
results. Students
should recognize that
wiring the batteries in
series causes the bulb
to glow brighter than it
would if parallel wiring
were used.


Monday Tuesday Wednesd Thursday Friday


Week 5 April 3, April 4, No class No class No class

Focus of class: focus of

Switches will be class:
the topic today -Will focus on
and how they the creation of
function with a burglar
simple circuits alarm of sorts
- We will have a (wandering
quick student)
explanation of - we will give
what switch are the materials
and how they and describe
work the purpose
and see if
-Then to get a students can
hands on create their
experience own without
students will assistants
create their own
switches Assessment:
-S: Working
Assessment: alarm
S: worksheet
F: exit slip
SLO’s B: 6. Design and
B: 3. Recognize construct a
the importance of burglar alarm.
switches and other
control mechanisms
to the design and
operation of
electrical devices,
and identify
purposes of
switches in
4. Construct and
use a variety of


Week 6 No Class April 18, No class No class No class

focus of
-Will focus on
measuring and
reading the
attached to

-We will go
through the
purpose of
these meters,
where they are
located, and
how they can
read them
slideshow and
- then on their
own they will
work on
worksheet to
test their
and reinforce

S: Worksheet
F: exit slip

A: Recognize
that the amount of
electricity we use
in our homes is
measured in
kilowatt hours.
9. Interpret and
• the reading on a

• efficiency labels
on electrical

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